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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49

As soon as she finished speaking, the whole room went dead silent.

Jacob couldn’t help but lower his brows and burst into laughter, “Secretary Tesdal has a good point.”

“What do you mean? Don’t want to negotiate with us, huh?” The leading villager suddenly stood up and

slammed the table.

Sawyer hurriedly tried to smooth things over, “Calm down! Calm down!”

He looked at Rosalynn, “Secretary Tesdal, We really should discuss this properly. Being stubborn won’t

help. Delaying the project will only result in losses for the company.”

Rosalynn looked at Sawyer inexplicably, “Stubborn? Mr. Galen, I’m talking about the facts. Where did I

say wrong?”

Sawyer’s smile nearly crumbled off his face.

He was furious to be suppressed by a woman.

Sawyer looked at Jacob.


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Logically speaking, this Mr. Jacob should have a higher rank, so why was he allowing a woman to

cause trouble here?

“President Strand, look, both of you came all the way here to solve the problem. You can’t let Secretary

Tesdal mess around like this, can you?”

Jacob glanced at him and shrugged helplessly, “Secretary Tesdal represents the president. Her opinion

is the president’s opinion.”

Sawyer was speechless, and Rosalynn remained calm, as if waiting to see how they would continue.

He gritted his teeth and turned to the villagers.

“Everyone, you’ve heard her. Unlike me, Ms. Tesdal represents the president and she can make all the

decisions here. You don’t need to hold back, if you have any demands, just


Everyone looked at each other.

They had discussed this before, and when Sawyer said this, it meant they could start talking about


“We understand your situation, and relocation is tough and costly. So here’s the deal: give us 200

million, and we’ll relocate the graves,” the leading man held up two fingers.

“200 million?” Jacob was shocked.

“If you change the location of the site, the loss will be way more than 200 million,” the man crossed his

arms, acting like they’ve compromised a lot already. “There are so many people in our village, they all

will be affected by the relocation of their graves!”

“That’s right! 200 million is not much at all!”

“We’ve been very kind, using the tolerance of the entire village to save you tens of billions in losses.

You better not be ungrateful!”

As the crowd got rowdy, Rosalynn remained calm, letting them carry on.

Jacob had a feeling Rosalynn might have a solution already, remembering Wayne’s call last night, he

decided to stand by and sat down next to her.

The crowd kept making noise, but no response came, so they gradually quieted down.

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Sawyer got anxious.

“President Strand, Secretary Tesdal, what do you mean by this? They’ve all agreed to settle things.

Even if you two are not satisfied with this, you have to give us some response. Why don’t you say


“Wait a second,” Rosalynn smiled and glanced at Sawyer.

When Sawyer first met Rosalynn, he felt restless inside.

He had never seen such a beautiful girl with a sexy body in all his life.

But, he didn’t dare do anything to her since she was the president’s woman.

Before her arrival this time, word had spread from H City that Wayne had dumped her.

Having lost her backup, how could she still act so cocky?

Sawyer stared at her. Once the issue was resolved, he’d definitely have to get a taste of this

president’s secretary!

As Sawyer was about to drool, he said, “Fine, I’ll let you think about it again.”

But unexpectedly, just as his words fell, his phone rang.

He took a glance, it was a call from his family.

He was going to hang up at first.