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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 315
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Chapter 315

Shareholders were standing and making their way towards the exit. Their stakes in the company might

not have been massive, but if they started selling off, it would cause a complete panic amongst the

small–time investors. Once the capital chain broke, it would be the end of Andersen Corporation.

Lucius had only wanted to vent a little, he hadn’t expected the shareholders to actually start leaving In

a fit of panic, he flipped the table in front of him. “You greedy bastards, instead of helping the company,

you’re kicking it while it’s down Despicable!”

The table hit the floor with a deafening crash The shareholders looked at Lucius with disdain. They

thought he was beyond saving.

“Lucius, instead of reflecting on your own mistakes, you’re blaming everyone else It’s pathetic!”

“The reason Andersen Corporation is in this state is all because of your lack of foresight, and you have

the audacity to blame others? You’re a failure as a CEO‘

“Hmph! Why waste words on this man? If we don’t liquidate our assets soon, he’ll devalue them all.

Let’s go!” The shareholders declared and headed for the door

Shaking with rage. Lucius punched the shareholder, who had been the most outspoken.

“Did I say you could leave? You useless bunch!” The shareholder hadn’t expected the punch and fell to

the floor The conference room descended into chaos as the other shareholders started arguing, some

even started fighting back. With the advantage of numbers, they soon had Lucius pinned to the floor.

Just then the door to the conference room swung open, and in walked Magnus, looking as sharp as

ever. His commanding presence instantly subdued the room. The shareholders hadn’t expected

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Magnus to show up, especially not looking so hale and hearty They turned to look at him

Magnus surveyed the room, his disdain for the shareholders clear. “This is a company, not a boxing

ring. If you want to fight, take it outside

Seeing Magnus standing there so confidently, the shareholders suddenly felt embarrassed. They

approached him.

“Mr. Andersen, what brings you here?”

“We heard you were ill. Are you feeling better now?”

“We need you back, Mr Andersen. The company’s stock has been tanking. If this continues, we’re all


Mr. Andersen, now that you’re well, please take control again We need you to save the company!”

There were no real friends when it came to business. These shareholders had lost all faith in Andersen

Corporation but weren’t about to let their investments sink

Now that Magnus was here, they turned to him for help, completely forgetting about Lucius. Lucius was

a mess, his face swollen and bloody

Lucius stumbled to his feet, glaring at Magnus with pure hatred. He had no idea why Magnus had come

to the company Wasn’t he supposed to be on death’s door from poisoning? How was he looking so well

so soon?

“Magnus, what are you doing here? I’m the CEO of this company, and you’re not welcome here Get

out!” Lucius marched towards Magnus

Before he could say anything else, Magnus‘ fist connected with his face. Lucius nose broke with a

crack, and blood gushed out. He wiped the blood from his nose, furious “Magnus, you bastard, how

dare you hit me?! Security, get him out of here!”

No one responded to Lucius‘ cries. He looked around. “Where is everyone? I’m the CEO and I order

you to get Magnus out of here!”

Magnus looked at Lucius, contempt clear in his eyes “Lucius, you spread rumors and slandered me

while I was sick, causing the company’s stock. to plummet That, I can forgive But you killed our

grandfather, so this punch was for him, you ungrateful brat

it was clear from Magnus‘ gaunt figure that he had been through a lot

Magnus continued. Also, the police will be here soon to take you away As CEO of this company. I

hereby strip you of all your positions and reserve the right to press charges Enjoy the rest of your life in


“No Magnus, you’re the one who got high and lost your mind I had to clean up your mess! You killed

Grandpal And now you’re trying! me? You’re more cunning than I thought I swear I’ll make you pay

Lucius threw a punch at Magnus

Magnus easily caught Lucius punch and pushed him aside “Enough of your nonsense Security take

him away. Take ham to the police?”

At Magnus command, the security guards who had been standing by the door rushed forward and

estrused i ucius

“You can’t do this! I’m the CEO of Andersen Corporation, not Magnus! Let me go, or i’ll have you all

fired‘ Lucius struggled against the security guards

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No one paid any attention to Lucius They all looked at him with scom

“Magnus, you’ll pay for this I swear, I’ll make you regret this!”

Lucius was still bellowing when Magnus waved his hand, a clear signal for the security guards to escort

him away. Ye is forbidden from setting foot in the company ever again, Magnus declared

“Understood, Mr. Andersen, the guards responded, pulling Lucius out of the office. The elevator doors

slid open at that moment, revealing several police officers. They were here to address the situation

Magnus had reported. After confirming that the quands had apprehended Ludus, they took over his


Chapter 315

The leading officer approached Magnus, saying respectfully. “Mr Andersen, we will ensure that Lucius

case is handled impartially. You have our

word ”

Magnus responded with a polite nod, watching as the police led Lucius away. He then returned to the


Standing on the platform, he looked down at the shareholders, their faces a picture of unease I’ve been

away in Britain, recovering from an

he began calmly. “During my absence, I was surprised to leam that Lucus had been spreading rumors

within the company, causing significant damage and even contributing to the death of our grandfather

For that, I owe all of you an apology Now, I am back and want to make one thing clear if you are willing

to stick with the company through thick and thin, stay If not, we won’t force you. Andersen Corporation

has stood strong for many years and will not be easily broken by crisis↑