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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 347 Realm Travelers
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Elder Wen slowly floated back to the ground, his eyes flashing as his feet touched the floor.

He explained to them, "As I said, you two will give the Divine Mortals Sect Masters direct ring symbol. If we can do this, everything will naturally fall into place. But doing this will be massively challenging. You will be dealing with foes who many have better starting points than even you two. Thus, I will be overseeing your training until the Sea Realm opens."

Fen Su and Yao Hai were briefly stunned. Their eyes widened as excitement coursed through them.

The mission before them was the most pressure-filled they had ever received. But because of it, the drive to succeed raged within their Martial Hearts like a fiery tornado!

And now that they were going to receive direct guidance from an unfathomable Holy King master, Fen Su, and Yao Hai felt their determination shoot up through the clouds.

"We will follow Supreme Elder's guidance!" The leading disciples passionately shouted.

They knew they couldn't fail this event, only succeed! It's for the future of their Holy Land and for their own Martial Road.

Elder Wen approvingly nodded at the leading disciples fighting spirit. "Good. Remember, don't even think about underestimating a single foe or even the Divine Mortal. Among the Divine Origin Realm, these will be your strongest foe yet. Thus, I will personally guide you two, so you can quickly reach the 5th level of the Grand Luster Art."

Another wave of excitement shot through the leading disciples at this prospect.

'With Supreme Elder's guidance, I can reach peak 4th stage Luster Grand Arts! Maybe-maybe I can even reach the 5th stage! At that time...hehehe...maybe even First Senior Brother will be inferior to me.' Fen Su had wild imaginations running through her mind.

'At my rate of improvement, I can definitely reach the 5th stage. Once then, I can perhaps make small success progress within the 5th stage. Succeeding with this...even high realm genius would need to treat me seriously.' Yao Hai determinedly thought.

The Luster Grand Art truly was enough to make the leading disciples lose their cools.

After all, a 2nd Grade Divine Ranking art is something highly valued even in peak-tier high realm holy lands!

A 2nd Grade Divine Ranking art is fantastic for both low and high cultivation levels. Even if a genius reaches the Holy King realm, a 2nd Grade Divine Ranking art would be their greatest trump card.

The art even has major uses while in the Primal Sovereign realm.

Fen Su and Yao Hai knew a massive opportunity was ahead of them. Their reverence towards Elder Wen increased tenfold as they pondered about the specialty of the Grand Luster Art,

The Grand Luster Art has a total of eight levels one needs to comprehend to control its full power.

At the 5th level, Fen Su and Yao Hai would be able to utilize 60% of the Art full power!

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By then, they both would have the confidence to even face middle-tier 7thfall geniuses for numerous blows!

'This really is to great....' At the same time they felt excitement, a great sense of unease permeated through Fen Su and Yao Hai.

The future on the horizon looks to be dangerously unpredictable.

Geniuses arising, Heavens connecting, and possibly other races are all great potential threats to everyone's well-being.

To counteract such an uncertain future, Fen Su and Yao Hai were incredibly determined to go into the Sea Realm with their absolute all.


Hundreds of thousands of miles south of the Thunderous Collision World.

This was the very edge of the World's southern area. Being at the edge of the World, the area held a particularly unique scenery.

There simply wasn't any sign of life or any kind of geographical terrain. The ground was just a completely barren wasteland.

The Divine Essence of the Heaven and Earth ran extremely thin here. And the World Source Laws were incredibly weak to the point that even an upper-tier Divine Origin expert could break a small portion of space.

Entering here was akin to entering a different dimension than the rest of the World.

It was completely unlike the rest of the lively, vibrant Thunderous Collision World.

But despite everything, there was one incredibly striking sight in this barren wasteland.

High in the skies and tearing across space for around 100 miles was a luminously shiny blue light.

The blue light appeared to be like a wormhole separating the Heaven and Earth. Particles of light occasionally sparkled from within the blue light wormhole.

These light particles were actually Space Law essence gradually converging together.

Once the light particles are all fused together, a world-shaking change will occur, causing all in the Thunderous Collision World to become alerted.

If any average Great Divine Sea expert were to sweep their Divine Senses through this area, they would only perceive the blue light wormhole.

However, just 100 miles away from the blue light wormhole, a person was hiding in invisible space distortion.

This person's mastery of Space Laws was enough to hide in plain sight and weaker Great Divine Sea senses.

The person hiding wore an oversized, ominous-looking hoodie that completely covered his whole identity. From within the hoodie, one would only be able to spot two faint silver dots.

A sense of mysterious dread naturally exuded out of this hooded person's presence. It was as if he held untold powers, one utterly terrifying, buried deep within his Soul's Core.

This was the same hooded person who had previously exchanged dealings with Wisdom Sui!

Only moments before did the hooded person arrive 100 miles away from the blue light wormhole.

The very instance he arrived, the hooded person cautiously spread his Divine Sense. He hoped what he sensed last time coming here was only a fluke.

But within only moments of searching, the hooded person completely froze up.

The hooded person immediately retracted his Divine Sense, feeling a bead of cold sweat drip down his forehead.

'This-these powers! So they really came!' The hooded person cursed inwardly.

Just moments ago, he detected several other powerful auras that made his blood run ice-cold.

His time was mainly spent venturing into the Thunderous Collision World. And with his experience, the hooded person was confident in believing that no Divine auras here can frighten him.

The Thunderous Collision World, in the end, is only a Middle-God Galaxy realm. Its foundation was simply unable to compare to the likes of High tier or Heavenly Great Worlds.

So it was a tremendous shock to the hooded person to perceive auras that are distinctly superior to the Thunderous Collision World residents!

Numerous analyses ran through the hooded person's mind within a moment.

His thoughts quickly reached a critical conclusion. 'These people are all hiding from one another, and their Divine auras are only in the Great Divine Sea realm. But even so, their foundations are far too potent! Only some of them have High Divine auras. While others...I can't believe it's people from those places!'

The higher the God Galaxy realm, the more potent and purer their Divine environment becomes.

Both the Divine Essence of the Heaven and Earth, along with the Divine Source Laws, are at least tens of thousands of times greater the higher one goes.

Traversing across higher God Galaxies realms is a fairly straightforward process. There are numerous ways to achieve this task.

From traveling on a Heavenly Rank Spirit Ship, using Space Dao Disk, utilizing cultivators proficient with Space Laws or World Spirit Masters proficient with their Space Parth.

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The most common way would be traveling networks in which it's their organization's specific purpose to carry people out to a higher realm. Their prices could be affordable to sky-high depending on the realm they're traveling to.

Compared to higher realm traveling, wanting to traverse down lower realms is a far more complicated process.

This would require very special methods that have astronomical amounts of costs.

Not even a high realm Holy Land would so casually spend their means to traverse down into lower realms.

From traveling higher to lower, it would be seen as an act of heretic by the Heavenly Dao itself.

The potent and purity absorbed from the higher realms makes it incredibly different to travel down to lower realms. It was akin to a stone trying to travel against the currents of a rising upstream river.

The only time where lower realm traveling wasn't such a complex process was when one wanted to reach the Mortal realms and the Divine Plane of the universe.

These places have weak World Source Laws and Heaven and Earth Origin energy.

Any Divine Origin cultivator would be able to freely manipulate the Laws of the Mortal realms at their leisure.

It's precisely why many Holy Lands have the means to directly teleport to the Mortal Realm and even have an abundance of information on them.

But, unless it's for very special treasures, why would high realms or Heavenly Great World waste their time going to mortal realms?

And the same question can be applied to the current situation.

Why are high realms and Heavenly Great Worlds spending great means to traverse into a Middle God Galaxy realm?

The hooded person thought long and hard about this. His mind continually replayed all that he had managed to learn these past months.

These news, along with Wisdom Su's words, repeatedly ranged in his mind.

'A threat to me....the Huang Dragons' Divine Mortals....are they really are here for that?! No...of course, they're here for that. Those higher demons just can't wait to control everything.'

The hooded person violently clenched his fists. Within his hidden space distortion, the sound of flesh tearing could be heard.

The hooded person's dread and anger rose like an erupting volcano.

Before him are people who can absolutely ruin everything he had planned for!

All of his decades of work could be potentially flushed right down the drain.

But even when knowing this, the hooded person never thought of backing down.

Cold sensations of ruthlessness pulsated from his soul and coursed throughout his entire being.

As the hooded person turned around to leave,  his one last thought was, 'No matter, no matter if they all come! I still can't just give up! And whether I succeed or not, this weakly pathetic Divine Boundless Heaven will lose all of its rule...'