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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 112 - Unending Luck
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The black robe man didn't hesitate, blasting straight towards the ground in a black beam of light. His feet made zero noise touching the ground, showcasing his supreme sense of control.

He landed merely several feet away from Tata. Like a demon of death, the black robe man swept his gaze through each and everyone one of them. 

Clear as days, he could see the horror contorting each of their faces.

However, the black robe man cared little. His tasks were of the utmost importance. And sometimes, improvisation is necessary when things turn impossibly unpredictable. 

All Tan and his team could do were watch as the black robe man slowly raised his hand, pointing it to Sun Ahi, Lan Kun, and Yao Yang. 

The slowness of everything was excruciating. The mental torture of facing death in the face and yet it just not coming was mentally collapsing. 

And at this moment, the black robe man spoke, his tone dripping with amusement. "Since I might not be able to get them and I'm short on time, you'll have to excuse me for being a bit rough." 

With that, the black robe man clenched his raised palm, causing his Aura to intensify! 

The black robe man's injected a sliver of energy into his Natural Aura, strengthening it to a horrifying degree. And in that instance, his Aura completely engulfed Sun Ahi, Lan Kun, and Yao Yang!

These three young elites simply felt like time itself froze as power like no other drilled into their bodies, instantly shredding all of their defenses. 


Three horrifying wet popping sounds echoed out in the area.

Blood burst recklessly in the wind as Sun Ahi, Lan Kun, and Yao Yang exploded into blood mist under the black robe man's slightly intense Aura! 

None even had a chance to utter out a last scream. In an instant, promising young talents whose lives would've been filled with luxurious riches were abruptly stopped short. 

This was the utterly chilling cold reality of their universe. The absolute disparity between cultivation realms is what makes up the true laws of society. 

Tan and Chen Ai were fraught with utter horror over this terrifying fact. Just the sound of blood splattering right next to them was enough to tell what had just transpired. 

Tan and Chen Ai wanted to shout; their bodies wanted to tremble and leak out a foul liquid from utter fear.

But, under the suppression of the black robe man, they couldn't do anything. All that was left for them was to simply wait for death. 

Although, after the black robe man killed the others, he didn't immediately turn to Tan and Chen Ai.

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He instead took out a small empty vial and waved his hand. An invisible force released from the black robe man as the three blood mist soared right into the vial, quickly filling it up.

"Hmmm… .it's better than nothing." The black robe man remarked as he inspected the vail. 

He wasn't expecting much in the first place. Even with the addition of a firm cultivation foundation, those young elites' vitality blood wasn't anything special.

The black robe man could only suppress his slight disappointment. 

Putting the vial back into his spatial ring, the black robe man then turned over to Tan and Chen Ai, both of who had already lost all hope.

Uncaring about their mental state, the black robe man indifferently stated, "Surprisingly enough, you two have decent enough blood when compared to others. You'll be staying here, and I'll be back in a bit. Whether you live or die depends entirely if I can catch at least one from that trio."


Dozens of miles away from Tan's spot, in this area of the Demonic Woods, there was a noticeable lack of trees or bushes. And surprisingly enough, there was an actual dirt road trail leading towards a specific destination.

At this time, a sudden green flash engulfed the entire area for hundreds of meters. 

A pulsate of Chaos Energy cut through the area's space, releasing three presences.

Of course, these three were Cain, Kali, and Amber. 

As the blinding green flash dispersed, the trio took this moment to gather their surroundings. Their eyes swiftly shuffled around, promptly noticing the changes within the environment. 

A moment later, their attention snapped to the ground, analyzing that they were currently on a dirt road leading to somewhere. 

The trio didn't make any sudden movements, making sure they were alone out here.

Once believing they were safe, Amber tiredly sighed, "Huu~. It was that man, wasn't it Cain? Just how are you sensing him before us? Is it related to that ability you have that can teleport us?"

She really couldn't believe they were having strokes of unending terrible luck. Even when something seemed like it was turning around, it immediately went right back to dogshit luck. Now she was dreading to see how many more things could go terribly.

As of now, Cain felt only a slight fuzziness pulsate his consciousness. The drain of his Soul's Core Energy was far less significant compared to just mere seconds ago.

Moreover, he could also feel that his Soul's Core was still gradually strengthening even though he's not in that pure dimension.

Cain was thankful he wasn't on the verge of falling into some kind of Soul comma. However, he knows they're still nowhere near out of danger yet. 

Right as Cain was about to speak, Kali urgently cut in, saying,

"Hey, let's do this while we walk. This dirt path leads to somewhere. Maybe we can get lucky and stumble upon that legacy spot." The last thing she would want is to get unluckily ambushed again.

No disagreement was raised by either Cain and Amber, and Cain promptly took the lead. 

The girls followed right next to him, and Cain began explaining as he walked, "It indeed is related to my soul that I can sense out that man. Don't know how he found us so quickly, and I don't really want to stay around to find out. But, the problem is now whether or not we should run or not. There's the risk of alerting the beats around here with too much noise."

"Ah! Before that, Cain, are you ok? Did that Soul Peach put you back to hundred percent?" 

Amber suddenly asked. Her gaze was as focused as Kali over this answer.

"Don't worry, I'm not on the verge of passing out anymore. Just a little bit dizzy. Otherwise, I'm all good to go." Cain put the girl's worries at ease. 

With his direct confirmation, Amber and Kali visibly relaxed.

But, before the trio could get too comfortable, they suddenly froze, eyes widening in gradual horror and disbelief. 

At this moment, their Spirit Senses detected several Peak-Stage Profound Soul Beasts barreling straight them!

These Vicious Beasts rapidly approached from hundreds of meters away and converged on each of their sides. This was basically a pincer trap! 

"Haaah~. I knew I shouldn't have cursed our luck…."

Amber seemingly resigned herself to experiencing constant struggle. Although, subconsciously, she moved closer to Cain, hoping he could perform another outstanding miracle.

At this moment, Cain was wracking his mind at millions of miles per second. 'No matter what direction we go in, a beast is waiting for us. We'll die no matter what. So our option is….that.'

The Dragon Roar seemingly was their best course of action. 

But Cain wasn't quick on the draw. He didn't want any more unfortunate accidents to happen. The last time was far too close for comfort.

In this brief moment, Cain linked to his Chaos Enhanced Sense, spreading it out to his maximum range. 

Cain was entirely focused on detecting even the slightest of oddity. And luckily for him, everything was fine, barring the Vicious Beasts. 

His decision was slowly forming, but before he fully arrived, something unexpected happened. 

In the brief moment Cain probed his senses out; a look of pure rage contorted Kali's face.

'Dammit, dammit!! Once again, Cain is going to save our asses again! For both of us, he's going so hard to protect. Even she is doing all she can for us. And yet I….I can't, I can't! I'm not helpless, nor am I weak. If Cain can do that….so can I!'

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Initially, Kali was about to fall back on relying on Cain again. However, she felt a powerful jolt from her very bloodstreams, completely shocking her entire mental state.

A true Dragon always protects their people! 

Cain was, of course, a given. But now, after experiencing numerous life or death situations, Kali felt a genuine sense to similarly protect Amber.

She's annoying and lazy but, she does genuinely care for them. All of these past situations made Kali finally realize this. 

In this instance, Kali recalled every single sensation she felt from Cain's Dragon Roar in very vivid detail.

Cain's Dragon Aura at that time stimulated Kali's innate reverence and for her own Draconic Might to rise to the surface. 

And she was going to use this to unleash her Dragon Roar!

Unlike Cain, Kali wasn't proficient in controlling Soul Energy at all. She was around the average standard, only knowing how to use the basis of it for cultivation.

Never before had she tried to go far with Soul Energy control. But now, Kali threw all caution right out the window. 

As her subconscious recalled every sensation, Kali instantly fell into a trance.

She began to move on pure instincts, forcefully stimulating her Soul's Core, bringing out uncontrollable waves of Soul Energy. 

With her Soul Energy forcefully grasped, Kali felt an instinctual call from her bloodstreams, coercing her over. 

Kali put her entire trust into her instincts and poured her wild Soul Energy straight into her bloodstreams! 

Immediately, Kali felt an earth-shattering change run through her entire body.

On the outside, only two seconds passed. 

And before another second pass, before either Cain or Amber could think of anything before the Vicious Beast got extremely close, a gray Aura frantically billowed out of Kali!

Kali's pupil shifted into bone-chilling Draconinc slits, gaining the gaze of a death god that could pierce through souls. 

As her gray Aura gushed into the air, Kali's prowess didn't grow at all. But the incomparable might of a Dragon God recklessly spewed out of her! 

"Wha-what?!" Cain and Amber were utterly stunned. 

Kali's Draconic Might wasn't as domineering as Cain's. But it was still enough to make both of their Soul's Core slightly quiver!

And at this moment, the Vicious Beast barreling towards them paused.. All rumbling roars and tremors vanished, turning the area deathly silent.