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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 137: A better way than drilling loopholes is...
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I can't understand it at all!

Isobel had just taken the parchment from Albert's hand, and just glanced at the contents, and found that he couldn't understand it at all.

Even if Isobel had already been exposed to ancient magic texts, he was far ahead of other students in the same class. However, this genius witch reluctantly discovered that she couldn't even gnaw on the content on the parchment without using the magic dictionary, let alone understand it.

Can the guy in front of me really understand?

Isabel is skeptical.

After all, Albert's age is there, even if it is exaggerated, there is a limit to me!

It’s just that Albert’s appearance doesn’t seem to be pretending at all. Even Professor Broad agrees with him. The previous remarks show that Albert’s accomplishments in ancient magic texts are very high, so high that they completely exceed hers. Imagined.

Right now, that guy actually took a quill pen and began to make changes on Uncle Mogg’s parchment, adding his own views and opinions in certain aspects, and occasionally discussing a certain issue with Professor Brod, speaking from his mouth The words that came out were also in ancient magic words, and there was no need for "Magic Words Sound Table" or "Magic Dictionary".

"What's the matter with this guy?" Isabel is really confused. She can't understand how Albert has mastered the ancient magic in a short time. It is really strange.

The silent genius girl was sinking into deep self-doubt, a flame suddenly rose from the fireplace in the office, attracting the attention of several people.

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"Sorry, I'm late, I never thought that something happened on Wesengamao." Mogg McDoug walked out of the fire, and he raised his hand to wipe the ashes from his robe, and said to Professor Broad : "Bad, you are absent, haven't you been notified?"

"Suddenly received it in the morning. However, it came very suddenly, so I pretended that I didn't receive it. It's not a big deal anyway." Professor Brod curled his lips, "They didn't notify in advance, and I couldn't spare time to participate. ."

"That's a good excuse." McDoug nodded, as if considering whether he could use this excuse in the future.

"What's the final result?" Professor Broad asked.

"What else, fined a large sum of money, and went to jail again." McDoug said disapprovingly. "They broke her wand again and went to jail for ten years."

"Ten years? I thought it would be a prison for life. This is not the first time Carlota Pinkston uses magic at will in front of Muggles in public." Professor Brod reminded: "I remember Last time, her wand was broken."

"Carota Pinkston found someone to get another wand. Now, the Ministry of Magic has announced that Carlotta is deprived of the right to use the wand." McDouger explained: "Everyone has unanimously decided if Carlotta is in If she continues to violate the confidentiality law, she will be given a permanent Azkaban bed."

When Albert heard this, he couldn't help but curled his lips and asked: "Does the Ministry of Magic often break other people's wands? I mean when the secrecy laws are violated."

Professor Browd and McDough looked at each other and fell into a brief silence. Finally, Mogg answered Albert's question: "Normally, no, at most a fine."

"What about the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards"?" Albert asked again.

"The third paragraph of the "Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act" states that it is a crime to deliberately and knowingly use magic in front of Muggles in Muggle settlements." McDouger shrugged towards Albert. Shrugging his shoulders: "In fact, "deliberately and knowingly committed" here means that you have been warned by a letter once. If it is not too serious, the offender usually only needs to go to the director of the Office for Prohibition of Abuse of Magic for an interview. Usually Under the circumstances, it will not be too serious, and you will be fined at most. Of course, if you have a criminal record and you are still in bad condition, you may be out of luck."

"What about Muggle wizards?" Albert asked again: "If I violate the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act" twice in a row, is it possible to be expelled from school?"

"Why do you ask?" McDoug raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's just prevention. Someday I really break the law, so I can find a loophole. After all, my family is a lawyer. Oh, you may not know what a lawyer is, it's someone who defends people in court." Albert didn't say indifferently why he wanted to understand this.

"You don't seem to have a good feeling for the Ministry of Magic?" Isobel was speechless for a while. She realized that the person in front of him would not be a safe fellow, and he was about to start drilling the loopholes in the Ministry of Magic's laws?

"Before school started, I encountered some bad things." Albert didn't say Truman's incident.

"It has something to do with this?"


"May be expelled." Professor Broad answered Albert's question. "To some extent, the person who made the decision is the director of the Office of Prohibition of Abuse of Magic. If they do, they need to go. Process to ensure..."

"If you really have some small trouble someday, I will help you settle it, provided that you help me complete this book." McDoug raised his hand to interrupt Professor Broad, and said with a smile: "Ministry of Magic The situation is indeed as you think, but the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act" is actually more aimed at wizards living in Muggle residential areas. You also know that young children are often not well restrained. I, especially after possessing magic, can’t help but want to try, so I need the "Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards"."

"When you are an adult and enter the magic world, you will find that wizards rarely deal with Muggles, even Weasley who likes Muggles." McDoug thought for a while and said.

"So, it's still a matter of connections and power?" Albert said meaningfully.

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"Yes, if you encounter some small things, if you have enough connections and power, there will be no trouble at all, and you will be fined at most." Mogg talked about this kind of thing in front of Albert without shy.

"Uncle Mog!" Isobel frowned and reminded aloud.

"This is indeed true. It is important to have power in the magic world." Mogg blinked and said, "Of course, if you know the Minister of Magic and have a good relationship with him, as long as it is not a serious illegal act, He will open one eye and close one eye!"

"Do you want to..."

"Actually ~www.mtl.com~ I am very interested in Apparition." Albert said without evasiveness, "If you can learn, you won't have to worry about where to go."

"I suggest you write to the Cavalier Bus and let it drop by to pick you up." McDouger said with a smile: "The way to board the Cavalier Bus is to stretch your magic wand in the air.

"No, no, Mogg, I think Albert just wanted... to save trouble." Professor Broad saw through Albert's intentions at a glance and reminded: "Apparition is too difficult for you now. It's a bit."

"Okay, I think we should bring the topic back again!" McDoug waved his wand, and a stack of parchment appeared out of thin air and landed on the table in front of the two.

"This is the second manuscript."


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