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Talent Swallowing System

Chapter 288 Changes in the talent [The World Traveller]
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“Who’s that?”

“When did such a powerful Goliath appear in our world?”

“Do you know about him?”

The three Devil Goliath Kings were completely shocked at how easily the newly arrived Goliath killed three Colossal Devil Beasts.

Each Colossal Devil Beast has a strength of level 9 supreme rank; however, they have strong bodies that even a level 9 supreme-ranked Goliath King might have trouble dealing with.

However, the newly arrived Goliath stomped three of such powerful Colossal Devil Beast into mincemeat.

Therefore, the three Devil Goliath Kings were shocked because only a Legend grade Goliath might be able to achieve such a feat.

“He is definitely a Legend-Grade Devil or a Legend-Grade Devil Cultivator from the Legends we heard when we were young.”

The intelligent one among the three Devil Goliath Kings, the Abyss Goliath King, guessed the strength of the newly arrived Goliath and informed the other two.

“Legend-Grade Devil or a Legend-Grade Devil Cultivator?”

Some of the worlds follow the “Path of Heroes,” whereas the Devil Goliaths in the Devil Goliath World follow the “Path of Devils” along with the Devil Cultivation.

‘Path of Devils’ is similar to the ‘Path of Heroes’; however, the talents awakened by them would be more violent in nature compared to those worlds that follow the ‘Path of Heroes’.

Of course, in the end, the talents from both paths can be used to do both Good and Bad, and it entirely depends on the user.

“Shall we go and pay him our respects?”.

If the newly arrived Goliath was a Legend-Grade Devil and a Legend-Grade Devil Cultivator, they must show respect. With his help, their world’s chances of surviving the upcoming world assessments would greatly increase.

“So, you are the present kings of this world.”

As they were thinking of meeting the newly arrived Goliath that killed the three Colossal Devil Beasts, they heard a cold voice beside them.

‘When did he appear?’

Turning their heads, they saw that powerful Goliath was standing beside him and asked them a question.

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“Yes, Sir.”

The Abyss Goliath King was the first to recover from his shock as he respectfully nodded.


Gredor coldly nodded and said, “I want to challenge you three. Do you dare to accept my challenge?”

From the information he received, Gredor challenged the three Goliath Kings like old times.

“We don’t dare.”

“We admit defeat.”

However, the three Goliath Kings shuddered just from standing before Gredor. They didn’t hesitate to admit defeat even before the challenge started.

“From this moment onwards, I am the King of this Devil Goliath World, right?”

Gredor intentionally killed the three Colossal Devil Beast to show his battle strength as he didn’t want to waste any time with small talk.

Therefore, the three Goliath Kings swore their loyalty to the strongest Devil Goliath they had ever seen.

“Master, are you satisfied?”

Once the three Goliath Kings swore their loyalty to Gredor, he turned his head to Leo and asked with a slight smile which was his first time after becoming Leo’s summon.

“Very much.”

Leo thought Gredor might need some help taking over the Devil Goliath World with less bloodshed.

Hence, when he saw Gredor take over the Devil Goliath World just by killing three Colossal Devil Beasts, Leo was very much satisfied.

‘If this was achieved by Arlo or even Sutin, my dumbest beast follower, I would have not been surprised but Gredor was an Undead Summon until a few hours back.’

Whatever the reason was, Leo was satisfied with Gredor’s way of dealing with things.


The three Goliath Kings looked at Leo and were shocked at how respectful the Legend-Grade Goliath to whom they swore their loyalty.


Congratulations to the host for leaving a significant impression on the three Ex-kings of the Devil Goliath King.


The host has gained enough reputation for the talent [World Traveler] to unlock a new effect.

Suddenly, Leo received the system notifications; however, it was not a reward from the system.


Talent Name: The World Traveller.

Grade: Mortal Grade.

Effect: The host can open a portal to a random grade 1 or gradeless world once every year, which lets him stay for seven days.

Permitted Worlds:

1) Devil Goliath world: The host can enter the Devil Goliath World once every month and can stay for one week in it.

Note: The host has gained the highest possible reputation so that he could enter once every month regardless of the main effect’s cooldown.

‘So, this is how the Slave Marker was able to enter the Beastnet again and again.’

Leo was not surprised at the changes in the [World Traveller] because he already knew about it.

‘Is it because of the three Goliath Kings that I gained the highest possible reputation?’

Since the three Goliath Kings were the most powerful goliaths in this world after Gredor, Leo could tell that he gained so much reputation from them.

‘Since I can open a portal to this world, I can call for help during the world assessment of the human world.’

Leo silently thought as he became more confident in passing the world assessment.

‘I wonder what kind of benefits I will get from passing the world assessment.’

According to the Flaming Lion King, passing the world assessment and those who contributed significantly during that assessment would be heavily rewarded with an unknown entity from the sky.

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However, Leo could not wait to know about them. So, he flew towards the three Devil Goliath Kings and gave them 100 Devil Cores each before asking,

“What rewards did you receive from passing the grade 1 world assessment.”

Since the Devil Goliath world had successfully passed the grade 1 world assessment and the three Devil Goliath Kings became the world’s rulers, they would have received some benefits.

Therefore, Leo felt they would know about it.

“During the world assessment, we three contributed more or less the same and after passing the assessment, our devil rank increased from level 4 to 7 supreme rank.”

“Not only that, we even awakened a special devil talent each along with a God Stone each.”

Even though Leo was only a level 2 supreme hero, the three Goliath Kings were respectful to him and answered his question.

‘A God stone, A special talent and three ranks increase in strength…interesting.’

Leo smiled slightly and thought, ‘Looks like the Flaming Lion King was right. I have another reason to protect the human world now.’

Previously, he just wanted to protect his family, friends, and followers and didn’t want them to turn into monsters in some unknown world.

Second, he had a powerful city, and he doubted he could take it with him to the other world if they failed the world assessment.

And thirdly, he would receive great rewards if they passed the world assessment. Of course, the rewards depend on an individual’s contribution to the world.

“Gredor, why don’t we exchange some useful treasures for some devil cores?”

Leo didn’t waste time and checked the useful treasures of the three Goliath Kings; however, he only found five Fragments of the God Stones that were useful to him.


The host’s stay in the Devil Goliath World is about to end. Please get ready to leave in a minute.


Reminder: The system detected the host’s summon became a Legend-Grade being, and it can’t enter a gradeless world.


Next Bonus Chapter’s target:

ɴ[0ᴠᴇ]ʟ 1) An Inspiration Capsule, (or)

2) 700 Golden Tickets (664 / 700).