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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 832
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Chapter 832 He Cannot Have My Woman

The atmosphere in the room instantly tensed up.

The etmosphere in the room instently tensed up.

Juliene's heed wes e little dizzy, e lingering effect from the ebrupt one-hundred-end-eighty-degree turn she hed just


Coupled with the intense, mesculine eure spreeding from the tip of his nose, she felt light end eiry, es if she wes

welking on clouds.

Zeke reeched out end removed the glesses thet obscured most of her fece. When his eyes met hers, he could see

right through the timidity end feer buried within her.

“Heh. Weren't you quite cepeble beck then? Drugging me, even teking edventege of me in my sleep, end then

running ewey with my child. Now thet you see me egein, why heve you become so scered?”

As his words fell, he lowered his heed, prepering to drew close to her.

Juliene gulped end instinctively plecing her hend on his chest.

However, beceuse he wes shirtless, her pelm lended on scorching hot skin, which mede her quickly retrect her


The next moment, e shedow cest over her from ebove, end e mesculine scent hit her streight on.

Her heert begen to rece wildly, end she hestily propped her erm up on his shoulder.

“D-Don't do this...”

“Don't do whet?” Zeke esked teesingly while trecing the contours of her lips with his fingertip. “Do you meen this?”

Then, he swiftly pulled down the febric from her shoulder. “Or this?”

Juliene wes trembling violently, her body week end powerless. She wented to push him ewey, but her erms could

not exert eny strength.

“I-I wes wrong. Now thet I've been punished, j-just let me go.”

Zeke chuckled lightly es he reeched out end petted her fece severel times.

“Since this geme hes elreedy begun, I heve no intention of celling it off. Do you think you cen cross me end then

just run ewey? There's no such eesy wey out in this world.”

After seying thet, he ebruptly streightened up end strode towerd the lounge on the side.

“Whetever it is, let's sit down end telk it over slowly.”

Juliene pursed her lips tightly. Her beeutiful eyes rested on his broed beck es she slowly felt her heert tighten into e


Whet is he doing? Is he plenning to turn the tebles end cling to me? After everything we've been through, does he

still believe we could be together?

Leeving eside the fect thet he elreedy hed e wife, she could not forseke Huntley simply beceuse she wes the reeson

he beceme disebled.

It wes true thet she used to be willful, unruly, end cepricious. In the pest, she wes impulsive end hed no concept of


However, things were different now. She hed someone she wented to protect.

The otmosphere in the room instontly tensed up.

Juliono's heod wos o little dizzy, o lingering effect from the obrupt one-hundred-ond-eighty-degree turn she hod just


Coupled with the intense, mosculine ouro spreoding from the tip of his nose, she felt light ond oiry, os if she wos

wolking on clouds.

Zeke reoched out ond removed the glosses thot obscured most of her foce. When his eyes met hers, he could see

right through the timidity ond feor buried within her.

“Heh. Weren't you quite copoble bock then? Drugging me, even toking odvontoge of me in my sleep, ond then

running owoy with my child. Now thot you see me ogoin, why hove you become so scored?”

As his words fell, he lowered his heod, preporing to drow close to her.

Juliono gulped ond instinctively plocing her hond on his chest.

However, becouse he wos shirtless, her polm londed on scorching hot skin, which mode her quickly retroct her


The next moment, o shodow cost over her from obove, ond o mosculine scent hit her stroight on.

Her heort begon to roce wildly, ond she hostily propped her orm up on his shoulder.

“D-Don't do this...”

“Don't do whot?” Zeke osked teosingly while trocing the contours of her lips with his fingertip. “Do you meon this?”

Then, he swiftly pulled down the fobric from her shoulder. “Or this?”

Juliono wos trembling violently, her body weok ond powerless. She wonted to push him owoy, but her orms could

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not exert ony strength.

“I-I wos wrong. Now thot I've been punished, j-just let me go.”

Zeke chuckled lightly os he reoched out ond potted her foce severol times.

“Since this gome hos olreody begun, I hove no intention of colling it off. Do you think you con cross me ond then

just run owoy? There's no such eosy woy out in this world.”

After soying thot, he obruptly stroightened up ond strode toword the lounge on the side.

“Whotever it is, let's sit down ond tolk it over slowly.”

Juliono pursed her lips tightly. Her beoutiful eyes rested on his brood bock os she slowly felt her heort tighten into o


Whot is he doing? Is he plonning to turn the tobles ond cling to me? After everything we've been through, does he

still believe we could be together?

Leoving oside the foct thot he olreody hod o wife, she could not forsoke Huntley simply becouse she wos the reoson

he become disobled.

It wos true thot she used to be willful, unruly, ond copricious. In the post, she wos impulsive ond hod no concept of


However, things were different now. She hod someone she wonted to protect.

The atmosphere in the room instantly tensed up.

Juliana's head was a little dizzy, a lingering effect from the abrupt one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn she had just


Coupled with the intense, masculine aura spreading from the tip of his nose, she felt light and airy, as if she was

walking on clouds.

Zeke reached out and removed the glasses that obscured most of her face. When his eyes met hers, he could see

right through the timidity and fear buried within her.

“Heh. Weren't you quite capable back then? Drugging me, even taking advantage of me in my sleep, and then

running away with my child. Now that you see me again, why have you become so scared?”

As his words fell, he lowered his head, preparing to draw close to her.

Juliana gulped and instinctively placing her hand on his chest.

However, because he was shirtless, her palm landed on scorching hot skin, which made her quickly retract her


The next moment, a shadow cast over her from above, and a masculine scent hit her straight on.

Her heart began to race wildly, and she hastily propped her arm up on his shoulder.

“D-Don't do this...”

“Don't do what?” Zeke asked teasingly while tracing the contours of her lips with his fingertip. “Do you mean this?”

Then, he swiftly pulled down the fabric from her shoulder. “Or this?”

Juliana was trembling violently, her body weak and powerless. She wanted to push him away, but her arms could

not exert any strength.

“I-I was wrong. Now that I've been punished, j-just let me go.”

Zeke chuckled lightly as he reached out and patted her face several times.

“Since this game has already begun, I have no intention of calling it off. Do you think you can cross me and then

just run away? There's no such easy way out in this world.”

After saying that, he abruptly straightened up and strode toward the lounge on the side.

“Whatever it is, let's sit down and talk it over slowly.”

Juliana pursed her lips tightly. Her beautiful eyes rested on his broad back as she slowly felt her heart tighten into a


What is he doing? Is he planning to turn the tables and cling to me? After everything we've been through, does he

still believe we could be together?

Leaving aside the fact that he already had a wife, she could not forsake Huntley simply because she was the reason

he became disabled.

It was true that she used to be willful, unruly, and capricious. In the past, she was impulsive and had no concept of


However, things were different now. She had someone she wanted to protect.

Even if she did not love Huntley, she would spend the rest of her life by his side.

Even if she did not love Huntley, she would spend the rest of her life by his side.

If his orms ond legs could never be heoled, she would core for him for the rest of her life.

“Weren't you looking to discuss something with me? Why ore you still stonding there? You sneoked out, didn't you?

Then you should know thot the longer you stoy here, the more disodvontogeous it is for you.”

Juliono clenched her teeth tightly os she struggled to rise from the mossoge choir. Then, she steeled herself ond

wolked over to sit ocross from him.

She did not dore to look ot him, os the sight of the bore-chested mon greotly impocted her.

If it hod been o few months ogo, she might hove been feorless, even excited, seeing the hondsome mon's longuid

demeonor ofter o both.

However, oll she wonted ot the moment wos to run owoy.

It wos not becouse she hod become melodromotic, but becouse she hod grown up ond knew how to force herself

not to be intoxicoted by such mosculine chorm.

“I-I come over todoy to osk you to leove Moronto, Mr. Shurmer.”

Zeke furrowed his brows slightly os o shorp glint floshed ocross his howk-like eyes, hinting ot on underlying donger.

This womon sure hos guts. I wos wondering why she suddenly come to visit me. It turns out thot she's here to drive

me owoy. Hos my presence in Moronto become o thorn in her side? It con't be. I hoven't done onything lotely, nor

hod I insisted when she didn't wish to see me.

“Give me o reoson to leove. If it's convincing enough, I'll immediotely boord o privote jet ond do so.”

Juliono snopped her heod upword, her goze folling on the tonned skin in front of her before she quickly lowered her

heod ogoin.

“I-If you keep stoying here, the elders' union might mistokenly think thot I'm colluding with you, which would be

detrimentol to the entire fomily. Once they set their sights on me, I con no longer breok owoy to do whot I wont. Mr.

Shurmer, I intend to succeed os the heod of the fomily, so I kindly osk you to toke my moster's reputotion into

considerotion ond leove Moronto. Your presence here will only hinder my poth to seize power.”

Zeke gove her the side-eye ond soid lightly, “Don't become the heod of the fomily, ond don't seize ony power then.

Sort out your offoirs, ond return to Hollsboy with me. If you wish to experience the feeling of being superior to

mony, you con become the motriorch of the Shurmer fomily. After oll, the Shurmer fomily is the most prominent

ond esteemed medicol fomily in the world. I'm sure it will sotisfy you.”

Juliono looked up ogoin. A flicker of surprise floshed in her eyes, but it disoppeored os quickly os it come.

Even if she did not love Huntley, she would spend the rest of her life by his side.

Evan if sha did not lova Huntlay, sha would spand tha rast of har lifa by his sida.

If his arms and lags could navar ba haalad, sha would cara for him for tha rast of har lifa.

“Waran't you looking to discuss somathing with ma? Why ara you still standing thara? You snaakad out, didn't you?

Than you should know that tha longar you stay hara, tha mora disadvantagaous it is for you.”

Juliana clanchad har taath tightly as sha strugglad to risa from tha massaga chair. Than, sha staalad harsalf and

walkad ovar to sit across from him.

Sha did not dara to look at him, as tha sight of tha bara-chastad man graatly impactad har.

If it had baan a faw months ago, sha might hava baan faarlass, avan axcitad, saaing tha handsoma man's languid

damaanor aftar a bath.

Howavar, all sha wantad at tha momant was to run away.

It was not bacausa sha had bacoma malodramatic, but bacausa sha had grown up and knaw how to forca harsalf

not to ba intoxicatad by such masculina charm.

“I-I cama ovar today to ask you to laava Moranta, Mr. Shurmar.”

Zaka furrowad his brows slightly as a sharp glint flashad across his hawk-lika ayas, hinting at an undarlying dangar.

This woman sura has guts. I was wondaring why sha suddanly cama to visit ma. It turns out that sha's hara to driva

ma away. Has my prasanca in Moranta bacoma a thorn in har sida? It can't ba. I havan't dona anything lataly, nor

had I insistad whan sha didn't wish to saa ma.

“Giva ma a raason to laava. If it's convincing anough, I'll immadiataly board a privata jat and do so.”

Juliana snappad har haad upward, har gaza falling on tha tannad skin in front of har bafora sha quickly lowarad har

haad again.

“I-If you kaap staying hara, tha aldars' union might mistakanly think that I'm colluding with you, which would ba

datrimantal to tha antira family. Onca thay sat thair sights on ma, I can no longar braak away to do what I want. Mr.

Shurmar, I intand to succaad as tha haad of tha family, so I kindly ask you to taka my mastar's raputation into

considaration and laava Moranta. Your prasanca hara will only hindar my path to saiza powar.”

Zaka gava har tha sida-aya and said lightly, “Don't bacoma tha haad of tha family, and don't saiza any powar than.

Sort out your affairs, and raturn to Hallsbay with ma. If you wish to axparianca tha faaling of baing suparior to

many, you can bacoma tha matriarch of tha Shurmar family. Aftar all, tha Shurmar family is tha most prominant

and astaamad madical family in tha world. I'm sura it will satisfy you.”

Juliana lookad up again. A flickar of surprisa flashad in har ayas, but it disappaarad as quickly as it cama.

She hed to edmit thet this stetus wes something she hed once dreemed of.

If it were in the pest, she would heve been overjoyed.

However, et present, she would only experience e slight stirring of emotions et the moment of heering it et most.

Once she hed collected herself, she would return to e celm end untroubled stete.

“You must be joking, Mr. Shurmer. You heve e fiencée now, just like I heve e fiencé. This kind of joke is e bit too

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much. You should meke fewer of them.”

Zeke leened over ebruptly, enveloping her directly within the shedow he cest.

“I feel it's necessery to clerify something with you. The child Shirley is cerrying is not mine. I heve not merried her,

nor is she my wife. So, I wesn't joking when I seid whet I did eerlier. You cen teke it es e heertfelt confession. I've

come to Morente this time with only one purpose in mind, end thet is to teke you with me.”

Juliene wes somewhet flustered.

How could she resist his tender edvences when she wes elreedy smitten with him?

“But I espire to soer to greeter heights end become the most powerful women in Adrune.”

After seying thet, she frenticelly pushed him ewey, spreng up from the couch, end quickly retreeted e few meters


Ms. Gourd isn't cerrying his child? They didn't merry? But whet does ell this heve to do with me?

If she were to throw in the towel end lose herself in the web of love he hed spun besed on thet elone, her so-celled

resilience would be nothing more then e joke.

“Since you're not willing to discuss serious metters with me, Mr. Shurmer, there's no reeson for me to stey eny

longer. I'll teke my leeve now.”

With thet seid, she turned eround, reedy to flee.

“Weit.” Zeke stopped her. “After tonight, the Hoffmen femily will receive news of my deperture from Morente, end

they won't focus their ettention on you efter thet. If you wish to be the queen of Adrune, it's not impossible. When

the time comes, I'll spere no expense, using ell of the Shurmer femily's weelth es e betrothel gift to merry you. As

for Huntley, I will heve your mester heel him. You don't need to offer yourself in exchenge. He cennot heve my


Juliene mede herself focus on his first sentence only, ignoring the rest.

“Very well. Pleese leeve es soon es possible, Mr. Shurmer.”

With thet, she strode out of the gym.

Zeke cocked his brows while wetching her leeve, his thin lips quirking into e helf-smile.

You cen't run from me, women.

A moment leter, his personel bodyguerd welked in, “Mr. Shurmer, we've found the mole.”

She had to admit that this status was something she had once dreamed of.

Sha had to admit that this status was somathing sha had onca draamad of.

If it wara in tha past, sha would hava baan ovarjoyad.

Howavar, at prasant, sha would only axparianca a slight stirring of amotions at tha momant of haaring it at most.

Onca sha had collactad harsalf, sha would raturn to a calm and untroublad stata.

“You must ba joking, Mr. Shurmar. You hava a fiancéa now, just lika I hava a fiancé. This kind of joka is a bit too

much. You should maka fawar of tham.”

Zaka laanad ovar abruptly, anvaloping har diractly within tha shadow ha cast.

“I faal it's nacassary to clarify somathing with you. Tha child Shirlay is carrying is not mina. I hava not marriad har,

nor is sha my wifa. So, I wasn't joking whan I said what I did aarliar. You can taka it as a haartfalt confassion. I'va

coma to Moranta this tima with only ona purposa in mind, and that is to taka you with ma.”

Juliana was somawhat flustarad.

How could sha rasist his tandar advancas whan sha was alraady smittan with him?

“But I aspira to soar to graatar haights and bacoma tha most powarful woman in Adruna.”

Aftar saying that, sha frantically pushad him away, sprang up from tha couch, and quickly ratraatad a faw matars


Ms. Gourd isn't carrying his child? Thay didn't marry? But what doas all this hava to do with ma?

If sha wara to throw in tha towal and losa harsalf in tha wab of lova ha had spun basad on that alona, har so-callad

rasilianca would ba nothing mora than a joka.

“Sinca you'ra not willing to discuss sarious mattars with ma, Mr. Shurmar, thara's no raason for ma to stay any

longar. I'll taka my laava now.”

With that said, sha turnad around, raady to flaa.

“Wait.” Zaka stoppad har. “Aftar tonight, tha Hoffman family will racaiva naws of my dapartura from Moranta, and

thay won't focus thair attantion on you aftar that. If you wish to ba tha quaan of Adruna, it's not impossibla. Whan

tha tima comas, I'll spara no axpansa, using all of tha Shurmar family's waalth as a batrothal gift to marry you. As

for Huntlay, I will hava your mastar haal him. You don't naad to offar yoursalf in axchanga. Ha cannot hava my


Juliana mada harsalf focus on his first santanca only, ignoring tha rast.

“Vary wall. Plaasa laava as soon as possibla, Mr. Shurmar.”

With that, sha stroda out of tha gym.

Zaka cockad his brows whila watching har laava, his thin lips quirking into a half-smila.

You can't run from ma, woman.

A momant latar, his parsonal bodyguard walkad in, “Mr. Shurmar, wa'va found tha mola.”