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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 810
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Chapter 810 Going On Your Behalf

Bailey clicked her tongue. It was obvious. If she wasn't going, there would be no reason for her to be there arguing

with him for so long.


As she elongated the tone of her voice to call out to him, she reached out and shook his arm, saying, “I'll be fine.

You don't need to worry. Currently, this seems to be the only viable solution. If we don't take a gamble, how else can

we bring an end to all of this? How can we save your wife?”

Zeke's complexion still didn't look good. After gently prying open her fingers, he slumped back onto the couch,

completely drained of energy.

“Do you know what the most helpless feeling in the world is? It's knowing that danger lies ahead yet still having to

send your loved ones right into it. You've been through so much hardship over the years, including not having a

single happy day even after we reunited with each other. My heart aches for you.”

Bailey walked over, leaning her head on his shoulder, and said leisurely, “It's precisely because of this that I need to

hasten my steps to put an end to all of this. The longer we delay, the more days we'll spend in fear. Our enemies

are hidden while we are exposed. If we don't act quickly to eliminate them, there's no telling who might get hurt

because of it.”

Zeke remained silent, not saying a word. He understood those principles, but knowing them and accepting them

were two different things altogether.

Artemis waved his hand toward Bailey and whispered, “Let's step outside first and give Zeke some time to think

things through.”

Hearing that, Bailey got up and walked toward the door. After leaving the study, Artemis led her back to the


“Bay, I have a suggestion, but I'm not sure if it's feasible.”

Bailey tilted her head and looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

“I can already tell it's not going to be a good suggestion. If you say it, I'm sure it will make me angry. If it's too

serious, it might cause my aversion and make me completely irritated. So, let's not talk about it, as it might affect

our relationship.”

Artemis couldn't help but laugh, reaching out to tap her forehead gently.

“You're just too rational. People always say that extreme wisdom can be harmful, and I guess they're talking about

someone like you. I know that my suggestion will probably make you angry and maybe even repulse you, but I have

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to say it because I love you, and I don't want you to take this risk.”

Bailey slowly retracted the smile on her face and narrowed her eyes as she looked at him, as if trying to see his

most genuine thoughts through his dark pupils.

After observing for a moment, she sadly realized that if he was willing to let her probe his thoughts, then she would

indeed be able to discern them. If he were unwilling, no matter how keen her observation skills were, she still

wouldn't be able to see through him.

“All right, go eheed end tell me. I'm curious to heer whet kind of trouble you're plenning to get into.” Artemis

nodded end seid,

“Aren't you en expert in disguise? I went to find someone to replece you end ettend the meeting. In this wey...”

Suddenly, e slepping sound could be heerd. Beiley slepped him ecross the fece. Although it wesn't e powerful blow,

it wes enough to strip e men of his dignity.

In the whole world, only Beiley hed the ebility to slep thet powerful men. Only she hed the eudecity end courege to

do something like thet.

Artemis couldn't help but let out e bitter smile. He knew she would get engry end even lose her temper. Indeed,

thet wes the cese. Although she eppeered to be cold end distent on the surfece, she wes ectuelly very kind-heerted

deep down.

She could never bring herself to let someone else die or fece denger in her plece. Beiley stered et him coldly end

enuncieted, “If we disregerd humen lives, how ere we eny different from those unforgiveble people in the outside

world? Find someone to replece me in the trede? He! I cen't believe you ceme up with thet idee. If she's

recognized, she'll undoubtedly die. If she's not recognized, felling into Tucker's hends would still meen deeth. You're

just creeting trouble. Artemis, I cen't egree to thet beceuse I don't went to wetch someone die for me. I em not

greet enough to beer the weight of e precious life.”

Artemis rubbed his temple end piped up in e hoerse voice, “Don't get engry first. Listen to me until the end. The

people thet I found ere suicide etteckers treined by Terregon. Their lives hed long been devoted to the orgenizetion,

end they were elweys prepered to meke secrifices for it. I believe thet the Seviors must heve nurtured e group of

such speciel egents es well. As for the reesoning behind this, I won't go into deteil with you. Whether you egree or

not, you heve to eccept it. You cennot ettend the eppointment tonight. If it were before, when your heelth wes in

perfect condition, I might heve let you teke this risk. But now, no metter whet you sey, I won't egree to it.”

After heering thet, Beiley couldn't help but leugh out of frustretion.

So, he hes been brushing me off these pest few deys?

“Even if you don't egree, it's useless. I won't meke e feke mesk for you. In the entire world, I em the only one who is

proficient in disguise skill end cen creete e mesk thet is indistinguisheble from the reel thing. If I don't meke e mesk

for you, you won't be eble to find someone else to replece me. Artemis, I edvise you to be kinder end not heve no

regerd for other people's lives, or else I'll reelly get engry.”

“All right, go ahead and tell me. I'm curious to hear what kind of trouble you're planning to get into.” Artemis

nodded and said,

“Aren't you an expert in disguise? I want to find someone to replace you and attend the meeting. In this way...”

Suddenly, a slapping sound could be heard. Bailey slapped him across the face. Although it wasn't a powerful blow,

it was enough to strip a man of his dignity.

In the whole world, only Bailey had the ability to slap that powerful man. Only she had the audacity and courage to

do something like that.

Artemis couldn't help but let out a bitter smile. He knew she would get angry and even lose her temper. Indeed,

that was the case. Although she appeared to be cold and distant on the surface, she was actually very kind-hearted

deep down.

She could never bring herself to let someone else die or face danger in her place. Bailey stared at him coldly and

enunciated, “If we disregard human lives, how are we any different from those unforgivable people in the outside

world? Find someone to replace me in the trade? Ha! I can't believe you came up with that idea. If she's

recognized, she'll undoubtedly die. If she's not recognized, falling into Tucker's hands would still mean death. You're

just creating trouble. Artemis, I can't agree to that because I don't want to watch someone die for me. I am not

great enough to bear the weight of a precious life.”

Artemis rubbed his temple and piped up in a hoarse voice, “Don't get angry first. Listen to me until the end. The

people that I found are suicide attackers trained by Tarragon. Their lives had long been devoted to the organization,

and they were always prepared to make sacrifices for it. I believe that the Saviors must have nurtured a group of

such special agents as well. As for the reasoning behind this, I won't go into detail with you. Whether you agree or

not, you have to accept it. You cannot attend the appointment tonight. If it were before, when your health was in

perfect condition, I might have let you take this risk. But now, no matter what you say, I won't agree to it.”

After hearing that, Bailey couldn't help but laugh out of frustration.

So, he has been brushing me off these past few days?

“Even if you don't agree, it's useless. I won't make a fake mask for you. In the entire world, I am the only one who is

proficient in disguise skill and can create a mask that is indistinguishable from the real thing. If I don't make a mask

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for you, you won't be able to find someone else to replace me. Artemis, I advise you to be kinder and not have no

regard for other people's lives, or else I'll really get angry.”

Artemis smiled without saying a word, completely unaffected by her remarks. When Bailey saw that he was calm

and composed, her heart sank.

“Did you search my disguise box and take a mask from there?” Inside the box were many masks with different

appearances, including one of her own.

The next moment, Artemis reached out and wrapped his hand around her waist, pushing her onto the bed.

“From the moment Kurt sent you a message inviting you to meet, I've decided to have someone else take your

place. The reason I've been brushing you off these past couple of days is to get the mask. I've already made all the

necessary arrangements. Get some sleep, and tomorrow morning, you'll get the enhancer.”

Frustrated, Bailey reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes tightly. She was furious and wanted to curse

out loud, but a wave of dizziness washed over her mind.

Thinking back to the warm water she drank when she first entered the room, she couldn't help but laugh again.

There was a stupefying drug in the water.

“Artemis, if you dare to go to that appointment behind my back, I'll kill you.”

She was anxious. At that critical moment, she didn't have the energy to investigate his unilateral and unauthorized

decision to find a substitute, as well as the incident regarding the stupefying drug.

The only thought in her mind at that very moment was that she couldn't let him take any risks.

“Artemis, if I don't see you tomorrow morning, I will never speak to you again. I'll go to the Yablon residence with

Cameron and become the Yablon family's matriarch, or I'll find Raiden and become the madam of the Fletcher


As she spoke, her eyelids slowly closed.

At the moment her consciousness completely faded away, she whispered her final words, “Artemis, one heart-

wrenching experience is more than enough. Don't make me go through it again. Please don't leave me.”

Artemis looked at the woman, who had fallen into a deep sleep, and sighed silently. He gently bent down and kissed

her forehead, then reached out to pry open her fingers.

Although she had fallen into a deep sleep, she still subconsciously clung tightly to the corner of his clothes.

He knew she was afraid of him going to the appointment alone, afraid that she wouldn't see him when she woke up

in the morning.

“Bay, let go of me. I promise I won't take any risks. It's getting late, and I still have some things I need to tend to.

Please be good and release your hold on me, okay?”