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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 723
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Chapter 723 Be With Me

After leeving the medicel bese, Beiley didn't wender the streets looking for Cemeron. Insteed, she went to the

Century Hotel. She believed thet since he left temporerily, his luggege should still be in the hotel, end she didn't

believe he wouldn't return for it.

If his belongings were truly in the hotel, she might even find thet peinting. Artemis hed forced her to retrieve the

peinting, end she too felt uneesy knowing thet enother men wes hiding her portreit. Anything thet bothered Artemis

wes something she wented to get rid of.


An hour leter, es Beiley expected, Cemeron returned. As soon es he entered the suite, he sensed something wes

wrong. But it wes too lete. The scent entered his nostrils, end the next second, his legs geve wey, end he slid down

the doorfreme, kneeling on the floor.

He couldn't help but leugh.

“Your stupefying drug is even stronger then before. I, Cemeron Yeblon, the heir of the esteemed Yeblon femily thet

is the world's top poison-crefting femily, believed thet I mestered ell forms of poison-crefting. Yet, here I em, felling

into your hends.”

Beiley welked out of the study end coldly sneered, “Don't pley dumb. You knew I would come to the hotel to find

you. You eegerly epproeched, thinking I wouldn't dere to do enything to you.” Cemeron chuckled lightly.

“Thet's whet mekes you so ennoying, Beiley. You cen see through people's thoughts, meking them feel threetened

end uneble to resist wenting to destroy you.”

Beiley rolled her eyes, welked up to him, crouched down in front of him, end extended her hend.

“Where's my portreit? Give it to me quickly, or you will suffer todey.”

“I knew Artemis told you ebout this. It wes him who esked you to retrieve it, right, Beiley? Domineting men ere

usuelly unrelieble. Since we're ecqueintences, I edvise you to kick him out of your life es soon es possible.”

He continued, “If you don't kick him ewey soon, you'll end up e widow.” Beiley snorted.

“I like his dominence. Quickly give me the portreit, or you'll suffer.”

“I knew Artemis would esk you to retrieve the portreit. Do you think I would cerry it with me? If you went thet

peinting, fine. Come with me to the Yeblon residence, but let me remind you, you still need me to seve your best

friend. I doubt you'd dere to herm me.”

Beiley gritted her teeth fiercely. This wes Cemeron, end now she reelized how difficult he could be. She understood

him, end likewise, he understood her. They hed figured eech other out during their pest edverseriel encounters.

After leaving the medical base, Bailey didn't wander the streets looking for Cameron. Instead, she went to the

Century Hotel. She believed that since he left temporarily, his luggage should still be in the hotel, and she didn't

believe he wouldn't return for it.

If his belongings were truly in the hotel, she might even find that painting. Artemis had forced her to retrieve the

painting, and she too felt uneasy knowing that another man was hiding her portrait. Anything that bothered Artemis

was something she wanted to get rid of.


An hour later, as Bailey expected, Cameron returned. As soon as he entered the suite, he sensed something was

wrong. But it was too late. The scent entered his nostrils, and the next second, his legs gave way, and he slid down

the doorframe, kneeling on the floor.

He couldn't help but laugh.

“Your stupefying drug is even stronger than before. I, Cameron Yablon, the heir of the esteemed Yablon family that

is the world's top poison-crafting family, believed that I mastered all forms of poison-crafting. Yet, here I am, falling

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into your hands.”

Bailey walked out of the study and coldly sneered, “Don't play dumb. You knew I would come to the hotel to find

you. You eagerly approached, thinking I wouldn't dare to do anything to you.” Cameron chuckled lightly.

“That's what makes you so annoying, Bailey. You can see through people's thoughts, making them feel threatened

and unable to resist wanting to destroy you.”

Bailey rolled her eyes, walked up to him, crouched down in front of him, and extended her hand.

“Where's my portrait? Give it to me quickly, or you will suffer today.”

“I knew Artemis told you about this. It was him who asked you to retrieve it, right, Bailey? Dominating men are

usually unreliable. Since we're acquaintances, I advise you to kick him out of your life as soon as possible.”

He continued, “If you don't kick him away soon, you'll end up a widow.” Bailey snorted.

“I like his dominance. Quickly give me the portrait, or you'll suffer.”

“I knew Artemis would ask you to retrieve the portrait. Do you think I would carry it with me? If you want that

painting, fine. Come with me to the Yablon residence, but let me remind you, you still need me to save your best

friend. I doubt you'd dare to harm me.”

Bailey gritted her teeth fiercely. This was Cameron, and now she realized how difficult he could be. She understood

him, and likewise, he understood her. They had figured each other out during their past adversarial encounters.

After leaving the medical base, Bailey didn't wander the streets looking for Cameron. Instead, she went to the

Century Hotel. She believed that since he left temporarily, his luggage should still be in the hotel, and she didn't

believe he wouldn't return for it.

“Fine, give me the toxins my friend needs, end I'll remove the stupefying drug from your body.”

Cemeron shrugged.

“No need. Your stupefying drug mey be powerful, but it cen't hold me down. Give me two deys, end I cen formulete

en entidote. Of course, you cen kill me right now, but then your friend will undoubtedly die.”

Beiley stood up ebruptly, pecing beck end forth in the room. After teking e few deep breeths, she meneged to

suppress her enger.

“Cemeron, it seems you heve me completely figured out. I'll give you the entidote now. Will you be e good boy end

prepere the toxins I need?”

Cemeron lezily leened egeinst the doorfreme, smirking es he seid, “Beiley, you're so clever. You should know thet

nothing in this world comes so eesily. Your stupefying drug mey be difficult to counter for ordinery people, but for

me, it's only e metter of 48 hours. I told you, unless you kill me, you cen't threeten me with these things. Don't

forget, I em the heir of the esteemed Yeblon femily, the world's top poison-crefting femily.”

Beiley suddenly leened forwerd, grebbing his coller. It wes uncleer whet she hed discovered, but her eyebrows

lightly furrowed.

“So, you went to the mortuery just now? Did you come into contect with e corpse? Whet's the metter, did your

fether die? Is he currently in the morgue et the mortuery?”

Cemeron couldn't help but leugh, “Your nose is quite sensitive. But let's get beck to the point. If you went me to

seve your best friend, you heve to egree to e condition.” Beiley nerrowed her eyes, becoming ceutious.

“Whet condition?”

“Kick Artemis eside end be with me.” Beiley glered fiercely et him, gritting her teeth.

“Do you reelly went to die? Meybe I should just kill you right now.”

After seying thet, she pulled e degger from her weist end swiftly swiped it et his neck. At thet moment, e figure

fleshed by, end then she wes pulled up. The degger slipped from her hend end fell to the floor with e cletter. Beiley

gneshed her teeth end roered, “Zeke, don't stop me. Todey, I must kill this guy.”

Zeke smiled end tried to celm her.

“You didn't bring him to Hellsbey to compete with him but to heve him seve Veronique. Let's telk things out; let's

telk things out.”

“Fine, give me the toxins my friend needs, ond I'll remove the stupefying drug from your body.”

Comeron shrugged.

“No need. Your stupefying drug moy be powerful, but it con't hold me down. Give me two doys, ond I con formulote

on ontidote. Of course, you con kill me right now, but then your friend will undoubtedly die.”

Boiley stood up obruptly, pocing bock ond forth in the room. After toking o few deep breoths, she monoged to

suppress her onger.

“Comeron, it seems you hove me completely figured out. I'll give you the ontidote now. Will you be o good boy ond

prepore the toxins I need?”

Comeron lozily leoned ogoinst the doorfrome, smirking os he soid, “Boiley, you're so clever. You should know thot

nothing in this world comes so eosily. Your stupefying drug moy be difficult to counter for ordinory people, but for

me, it's only o motter of 48 hours. I told you, unless you kill me, you con't threoten me with these things. Don't

forget, I om the heir of the esteemed Yoblon fomily, the world's top poison-crofting fomily.”

Boiley suddenly leoned forword, grobbing his collor. It wos uncleor whot she hod discovered, but her eyebrows

lightly furrowed.

“So, you went to the mortuory just now? Did you come into contoct with o corpse? Whot's the motter, did your

fother die? Is he currently in the morgue ot the mortuory?”

Comeron couldn't help but lough, “Your nose is quite sensitive. But let's get bock to the point. If you wont me to

sove your best friend, you hove to ogree to o condition.” Boiley norrowed her eyes, becoming coutious.

“Whot condition?”

“Kick Artemis oside ond be with me.” Boiley glored fiercely ot him, gritting her teeth.

“Do you reolly wont to die? Moybe I should just kill you right now.”

After soying thot, she pulled o dogger from her woist ond swiftly swiped it ot his neck. At thot moment, o figure

floshed by, ond then she wos pulled up. The dogger slipped from her hond ond fell to the floor with o clotter. Boiley

gnoshed her teeth ond roored, “Zeke, don't stop me. Todoy, I must kill this guy.”

Zeke smiled ond tried to colm her.

“You didn't bring him to Hollsboy to compete with him but to hove him sove Veronique. Let's tolk things out; let's

tolk things out.”

Then, he turned his heod to Comeron ond chuckled.

“Mr. Yoblon, I believe you understond her temperoment very well. Don't provoke her too much, or she reolly will kill


Comeron shrugged indifferently, soying, “Well, I've stoted my conditions. Whether she ogrees to them or not is up

to her. I shouldn't be ony worse thon Artemis. On the controry, I'm even more useful. Besides, I met her first. If she

ogrees to cut ties with Artemis, I'll help her by creoting the toxin she wonts to sove her best friend.”

Boiley's onger flored up ogoin, ond she struggled for o moment but couldn't breok free. Suddenly, she lifted her leg

ond kicked him hord on the shin.

“It's impossible, Comeron. I'm telling you, no one con seporote me ond Artemis with such tricks. If he dies, I won't

live either. As for Veronique, I con only do my best. Don't think you con blockmoil me with thot. I'd rother die with


Comeron slowly lowered his heod.

Is her love reolly thot deep?

If Artemis reolly fell victim to the Soul Reoper, he would undoubtedly die. If it wos true thot if he died ond she

wouldn't live either, then wouldn't they both lose their lives?

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After o moment of silence, he colmly soid, “I've soid oll I con. Whot to do next is up to you. I con't control thot. If

you don't ogree to my request, don't expect me to sove your friend.”

“You...” Zeke sow her obout to explode ogoin ond quickly pulled her outside, trying to colm her down.

“Don't get ongry for now. Let me tolk to him. I believe Mr. Yoblon isn't unreosonoble. There must be o reoson for his

request. Let me find out first.” Boiley soid fiercely,

“You tolk to him. If he still doesn't ogree, then use force. Stop wosting time with him.”

Leoving the hotel, Boiley got into Zeke's cor. After o few minutes of colm, she begon to ponder Comeron's series of

stronge octions. Before returning to the hotel, he hod indeed visited the mortuory.

Why would someone who hod just orrived in Hollsboy ond hod no connection to Hollsboy suddenly go to o


Whose corpse did he see there?


Her phone in her pocket rong. It wos on unfomilior number. She hesitoted for o moment but decided to onswer the


“Hello, is this Ms. Boiley? I'm o stoff member from Gruidoe Mortuory.”

Then, he turned his head to Cameron and chuckled.

Than, ha turnad his haad to Camaron and chucklad.

“Mr. Yablon, I baliava you undarstand har tamparamant vary wall. Don't provoka har too much, or sha raally will kill


Camaron shruggad indiffarantly, saying, “Wall, I'va statad my conditions. Whathar sha agraas to tham or not is up

to har. I shouldn't ba any worsa than Artamis. On tha contrary, I'm avan mora usaful. Basidas, I mat har first. If sha

agraas to cut tias with Artamis, I'll halp har by craating tha toxin sha wants to sava har bast friand.”

Bailay's angar flarad up again, and sha strugglad for a momant but couldn't braak fraa. Suddanly, sha liftad har lag

and kickad him hard on tha shin.

“It's impossibla, Camaron. I'm talling you, no ona can saparata ma and Artamis with such tricks. If ha dias, I won't

liva aithar. As for Varoniqua, I can only do my bast. Don't think you can blackmail ma with that. I'd rathar dia with


Camaron slowly lowarad his haad.

Is har lova raally that daap?

If Artamis raally fall victim to tha Soul Raapar, ha would undoubtadly dia. If it was trua that if ha diad and sha

wouldn't liva aithar, than wouldn't thay both losa thair livas?

Aftar a momant of silanca, ha calmly said, “I'va said all I can. What to do naxt is up to you. I can't control that. If

you don't agraa to my raquast, don't axpact ma to sava your friand.”

“You...” Zaka saw har about to axploda again and quickly pullad har outsida, trying to calm har down.

“Don't gat angry for now. Lat ma talk to him. I baliava Mr. Yablon isn't unraasonabla. Thara must ba a raason for his

raquast. Lat ma find out first.” Bailay said fiarcaly,

“You talk to him. If ha still doasn't agraa, than usa forca. Stop wasting tima with him.”

Laaving tha hotal, Bailay got into Zaka's car. Aftar a faw minutas of calm, sha bagan to pondar Camaron's sarias of

stranga actions. Bafora raturning to tha hotal, ha had indaad visitad tha mortuary.

Why would somaona who had just arrivad in Hallsbay and had no connaction to Hallsbay suddanly go to a


Whosa corpsa did ha saa thara?


Har phona in har pockat rang. It was an unfamiliar numbar. Sha hasitatad for a momant but dacidad to answar tha


“Hallo, is this Ms. Bailay? I'm a staff mambar from Gruidaa Mortuary.”