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No Way Back by Anna Mac

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80

Henry had never mentioned this to anyone else

Even Henry’s own family members and parents did not know about it.

In the eyes of the outsiders and his family, Henry was the eldest son of the Fowler family

Henry had inherited Jack and Anna’s good genes perfectly

At a young age, Henry had completed all of his courses at an overseas university. Henry had

obtained his master’s degree and returned to Crucia with glory

On the first day that Henry joined the Fowler Corporation, he became the president of the

company. Through Henry’s outstanding performance and capabilities, he managed to get

the recognition and respect of everyone in the company.

For the tenured employees from the Fowler Corporation who had wanted to cause trouble

for Henry and opposed him, Henry dismissed them Henry’s decisiveness and ruthlessness

had even surpassed that of Jack Fowler!

Knowing Henry’s capabilities and feeling assured, Jack handed over his position as president

of the Fowler Corporation to Henry earlier than he had planned and let Henry manage the

company. Jack then took early retirement and spent all of his time leisurely with Anna.

The seven sons of the Fowler family had always been the pride of Jack and Anna, and that

was especially so for Henry.

Henry had never done anything that would make Jack and Anna feel worried. Henry had

outstanding talents and a swift and decisive style of handling matters. Henry also had very

good business acumen and a strong sixth sense. This is particularly important in the

business world as Henry was able to smell a profit.

All of these skills were essential and crucial for Henry in order to become the

unquestionable future leader of the Fowler Corporation! No one would have thought that

Henry would come into contact with the Darknet, which was known to be a world of


No one would also have expected that Henry was actually H.F., the apprentice of Queen, the

legendary hacker of the Darknet! The only reason why Henry was on the Darknet was

because of Queen.

As for the excuse to hone his hacking skills, it was just the simplest and most effective

method for Henry to get close to Queen Therefore, after Queen had announced her

withdrawal from the Darknet, Henry immediately announced his withdrawal from the

Darknet as well.

However, Henry had been Queen’s apprentice for three years now.

Every time when Henry contacted Queen, Queen would always assume that it was because

Henry had something important to discuss with her.

In actual fact, Queen was Henry’s master and they were supposed to be close to each other

Couldn’t Henry contact Queen just because he wanted to chit chat with her and build a

stronger master and apprentice relationship?

Apart from his family, Master Queen held a very special and important position in Henry’s


To Henry, Queen was as important as Jack and Anna were to him.

It was like a form of faith which Henry drew sustenance from

After all, Queen was Henry’s idol!

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Queen was the person whom Henry had worshipped, and had acknowledged as his Master!

Queen sent a message. [Why are you keeping silent for such a long while? Are you angry?]

H.F. replied. [No. Master is very powerful indeed as you were able to guess my thoughts.

Master, I would like to seek your help regarding a matter. Can you conduct an investigation

on Hugh Croft from the D.Y. Group for me?]

Jane’s eyebrows furrowed when she saw the message from HLF.

Jane sent a message. (Why are you investigating Hugh Croft? Apprentice, are you someone

from Stormton City?]

Henry was slightly taken aback when he saw Queen’s message and subconsciously replied.

[Master, you’re in Stormton City too?]

At this moment.

A thought flashed in Henry’s mind and he suddenly thought of someone.

It was Jane Fowler

After knowing that Jane might have powerful hacking skills and had connections with Andy

and Hugh, Henry became fearful of Jane. Making use of his hacking skills, Henry tried to dig

for information about Jane

For the past nineteen years when Jane was missing, who did she interact with, and what

background did she have?

In the end, Henry found nothing about Jane just like he did several months ago

Even Henry who was ranked the eleventh hacker on the Darknet was unable to retrieve any

detailed information regarding Jane.

This would mean that there was another hacker who was protecting Jane, and that hacker

was even more skilled than Henry. The hacker had managed to conceal all traces and any

information that was regarding Jane.

As Henry did not manage to obtain any information, he posted a mission anonymously on

the Darknet. Henry hired the hacker who was ranked fifth on the Darknet and requested

him to help to conduct an investigation on Jane

In the end, it still did not work.

It was at that moment that Henry really became fearful of Jane.

if the hacker who was ranked fifth on the Darknet was unable to retrieve any information on

Jane, this would mean that the forces that were

backing Jane were so powerful that it was beyond his imagination

it was impossible for people like Andy and Hugh to not know of the Darknet’s existence as

the Darknet was a convenient tool to have

Jane also had a good relationship with Andy and Hugh

Queen is really in Stormton City, and has connections with Jane

“If the person who was protecting Jane and helping Jane conceal all of her traces on the net

was actually Queen, the number one ranked hacker on the Darknet.

“Then everything would make sense!”

As soon as the thought popped up in his mind. Henry immediately shook his head

That’s impossible!

“That’s absolutely impossible!

“There’s no way that Master, who’s noble and elegant, would be associated with someone

as lowly and despicable as Janel Henry thought to himself

Queen replied. [Hugh Croft is the president of the D.Y. Group and is also the youngest

person who has ever taken charge of the Croft family in Stormton City. I’m aware of this]

Queen sent another message. [Since you mentioned that you wanted to conduct an

investigation on Hugh Croft, the first thing that popped up in my mind was that you might

be someone from Stormiton City]

Jane did not answer H.F’s question.

However, from HE’s reply, Jane already knew the answer.

HF was in Stormton City.

Otherwise, H.F. wouldn’t have used the word “too” in his message.

At the same time.

There’s a possibility that HF might be a competitor of the DY Group.

Actually, Jane could vaguely sense that H.F, was definitely not an ordinary person

With the extraordinary talent of being a hacker and the way that HF presented himself, Jane

could tell that H.F. had an excellent upbringing and might be from a prestigious family.

However, Jane did not expect that HF would meet up with Hugh

In addition, there seemed to be a conflict between them.

One was Jane’s apprentice,

One was Hugh Croft, the person who had helped Jane earlier. Hugh Croft also had Type

Omega blood, and as of now, Jane did not know how to define her relationship with Hugh,

Jane suddenly felt that she was caught in the middle, and was at a loss for what to do.

H.F. replied. (Master’s guess is correct, I’m from Stormton City. In addition, a part of my

recent worries was due to Hugh Croft. Master, can you help me with this? If there’s anyone

who is able to conduct an investigation on Hugh Croft it’s got to be you, Master].

Queen sent a message. I m sorry my little apprentice. I’ve actually investigated Hugh Croft

a long time ago, but I didn’t manage to find anything…]

Jane did not lie in her message to Henry in order to help Hugh Croft out.

After all, Hugh was very well known.

Jane lived in Stormton City and had long heard about Hugh

As Queen of the Darknet, the number one hacker, Jane didn’t like things that were out of

her contral

It was only natural that Jane had issued a challenge to the King of Stormton City

Unfortunately, even with her capabilities, Jane could not find out more about Hugh Croft

Jane only managed to scratch the surface.

From this incident, one could tell just how terrifying the Craft family was, and they were

backing Hugh Croft.

Hugh’s confidentiality was well protected and it was almost watertight The security leyél

was almost comparable to the firewall of the country. HF replied see… Then Master, are you

someone from Stormton City?] When Henry raised this question, he suddenly felt his

heartbeat quicken Henry’s heart was thumping madly while he waited for Queen’s reply

It was as if Henry was afraid that Queen would admit that she was from Stormton City.

However, Henry also felt that he was looking forward to hearing that Queen was from

Stormton City.

Eventually, Queen replied. [Yes]

If Jane was in her previous life, she would definitely not expose her identity

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Even when facing Jane was facing her most trusted apprentice, she would not expose


After all, even Andy was unsure of Jane’s true identity.

However after she had been reborn, Jane had planned to let go and set herself free, and

completely cut off all ties with the Fowler family. Jane wanted to recover the things that she

had once possessed, but nearly lost them when she was blinded by kinship.

Hence, Jane felt that there was no problem in being frank in front of her apprentice.

Henry did not expect Queen to reply but also felt that it was a reasonable answer.

Henry’s hands were trembling.

For a moment, Henry didn’t know how to reply to this message.

Finally, Henry took a deep breath.

Henry sent a message. Master, I still meant what I’ve always said. I want to meet you in


Henry sent another message. [it’s a coincidence that we are both in Stormton City. I

apologize if my request would cause an inconvenience for Master, please ignore my request

and pretend that I didn’t say anything]

Henry sent another mercane However, if Master is willing…]

Henry did not know how to continue the conversation anymore.

He had always wanted to meet his Master Queen in person.

“Queen must be a beautiful woman with an extraordinary temperament,” Henry thought to


Henry knew that Queen was a woman.

It was not just from her code name, Queen.

It was also Queen’s style of doing things and the way she spoke.

Henry was extremely certain.

Henry wanted to meet her.

Henry wanted to see her.

Henry wanted to see Queen.

This was the only thought on Henry’s mind when he first found out about Queen’s existence

and was almost obsessed to the point of madness with Queen after knowing about her

extraordinary achievements.

Henry really wanted to see who Queen actually was!

Henry was no longer satisfied with the master and apprentice relationship that he had with

Queen on the Darknet.

Offline, Henry also wanted to see Queen in real life.

Henry wanted to be just like a friend with Queen and to accompany Queen to do whatever

she wanted to.

To take a stroll together, head to the amusement park, have tea together, go to the

shopping mall with Queen, sit on a hot air balloon with her, party together, look at the

Northern lights, go on a tour around the country and visit all the scenic spots…

There were so many things that Henry had never done before. However, all that Henry

wanted was to do all that with Queen by his side.

With just the thought of Queen beside him, Henry knew that his life would become more

colorful, vibrant, and rich and that he would be filled with happiness.

This was because Queen was the first person and the only person who was not part of the

Fowlers who had given Henry the ability to change. his values of life!