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Married to the Boss: A Love in Disguise by Ava Green

Chapter 171
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Married to the Boss: A Love in Disguise Chapter 171

“Then let him pursue you!” Ruby poked Lumma’s forehead and said impatiently, “How foolish! That man is so

handsome, it’s definitely worth being with him!”

Lumma wished she could slap Ruby. “He’s a married man. If I let him pursue me, I would be in the position of a

mistress. I don’t want to be in that position.”

Ruby focused on the important point, “So, if he wasn’t married, would you let him pursue you?”

If both of them were single, there would be a chance.

Lumma was scared by her own thoughts and quickly waved her hand, “It’s impossible.”

“If I could spend a night with such a handsome man, even if it’s just one night, I would die with no

regrets,” Ruby said.

Harry kicked her, “Miss, have some self-respect.”

Lumma knocked on both of their heads and said seriously, “Stop fooling around. Help me think of a

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“Adam just announced that he’s married a few days ago, and now he wants to pursue you. He’s obviously a

scumbag,” Harry said. “Worm, stay away from men like him. You should quit your job

when the holiday is over.”

“With such a high mortgage payment every month, how can I easily quit my job?” On the way back, Lumma also

thought about it. If Adam really wanted to pursue her, she would have to quit her job. She would never bow down to

his authority. But when she thought about her mortgage, she had to

dismiss the idea.

Ruby asked, “Are you sure he wants to hit on you?”

Lumma replied, “Am I sure? I’m not very sure!”

Ruby asked, “Tell me, what did he do to make you think that way? Did he force a kiss on you? Or did he indicate that

he wants to sleep with you?”

Lumma shook her head and said, “No, he hasn’t done anything that crosses the line between boss. and assistant.

It’s just that he’s being overly nice to me. Especially the things he said to me today, he should have said them to his

wife, not me.”

Ruby had a sudden realization and said, “Worm, you mentioned before that he’s having problems with his wife. Is

there a possibility that he’s being nice to you just to make his wife jealous?”

Lumma asked, “What do you mean?”

Ruby explained, “He might be using you as a tool to make his wife jealous. If she still loves him, she’ll get jealous

seeing him spending time with a young and pretty female assistant. If she gets

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jealous, it proves that she still loves him. Then, it’ll be easier for him to make up with her, won’t


Ruby’s words opened Lumma’s eyes. “Ruby, you’re so clever. Why didn’t I think of that?”

Lumma felt foolish for thinking that Adam really wanted to hit on her. She was just a tool to make his wife jealous.

If Adam had told her his plan, she would have played along and put on her best acting performance

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to help him out.

Ruby said, “This is all about experience, it has nothing to do with intelligence.”

Harry didn’t think Ruby’s analysis was reliable, and asked, “You’ve only had one relationship that didn’t even start

properly and it ended. Where did you get your experience?”

Ruby replied, “It’s all written like this in s.”

Harry exclaimed, “Holy shit, Worm, don’t listen to her nonsense.”

Feeling relieved that Adam didn’t have any other intentions towards her, Lumma said, “Okay, okay, as long as

Adam doesn’t really want to hit on me, I’m not worried. Give me something to eat, I’m going to Hanks House after.”

Harry asked, “You’re still going?”

Lumma replied, “Keeley is living alone there, I’m not at ease.”

After dinner, Lumma brought two sets of clothes to change into and returned to Hanks House.

The large house was completely dark, and she thought Keeley had already gone to bed, so she didn’t

think much about it.

When Lumma returned to her room, took a shower, and got ready to go to bed, she noticed an

envelope on her pillow.