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Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 319: Forgive me mother
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Chapter 319: Forgive me mother

After being washed and refreshed by Anzeros and the others at the hot springs.

“I’m going to my mom’s place, who wants to follow me?”

While rubbing the modest boobs (but I’m fun because it’s soft as it is) from behind in the change of clothes hut and disturbing the change of clothes of Aurora, I ask on the spot. ……Of course, everyone except the big-breasted blue dragon group raises their hands. Wait, wait.

“It can’t be helped by pushing everyone together, Peter can’t be taken, so I’ll bring her to Polka anyway”

But Andy, I’d like to come out and say hello in person, if I can. ……I mean, it’s Andy’s mother, isn’t it? The beginning is essential”

“The first impression is important, isn’t it?”

When told by Anzeros and Aurora (who have completely stopped putting on clothes while holding my kneading hands), most girls remember that they met for the first time. I guess Maia, Selenium and Almeida……are the only ones my mom knows so far.

“I can’t help but take responsibility”

“Eh. I can’t pass as the doctor for all the slaves, can I?”

“Hoho. It’s not good for the heart to dwell on the fact that there are two dragons”

“I don’t want the lady from Arcus to think I’m rude……”

……I’m sure that if I ask any of the other girls, they will all want to come along for whatever reason. Well, it’s natural that you want to remember my mother well. Even if you have a good relationship with the person, it’s not uncommon in a marriage for the family to dislike you and kick you out as a result. And my mother is now my only official family member, except for Peter. In other words, as long as you have a good relationship with your mother, you will have little to no worries. ……But before that, there is the problem of how to properly handle the situation of being a female slave with two hands and two toes, but……I have to follow up on that.

“That’s why I think it’s bad for my mother if we all go together! Instead, I’m talking about who has other things to do in Folklore!”

This time, no hands went up. ……Well, Folklore is the least likely of the three major cities on Trot to be associated with Celesta or Renfangas.

I showed up at the inn, stopped asking questions to the girls again……and went straight to pinpoint Almeida, who was having breakfast.

“Almeida. Come here for a minute”

“……Wh, What. No way from this morning”

“I’m going to my mother’s place. Get ready. I’m sure you have some business over there”

Almeida is almost the only person in our house who has any real connection to Folklore. She probably has an acquaintance over there……by the way, she’s also doing some business with Duke Gardner. I think it is necessary to report and confirm such things. It’s also the most appropriate way to connect with my mother.

“Ma, Marie-dono……finally……”

But Almeida’s face turned red and she started mumbling something.

“……Never……son…………my will…………slave……”

By analogy with the words that can be heard in fragments, it seems that only the greeting to my mother, like Anzeros, has disappeared in her eyes.

“……I’m sure you’ve got other things on your mind, not to mention seeing my mother”

“What do you mean, what do you want me to prioritize over greeting Marie-dono?”

“No, didn’t you have some kind of appointment with Duke Gardner? Confirmation of that or progress?”

“……That is……umm, b, but I’m not the one who can suddenly push in and talk at such an irregular time and that will come again”

Somehow it was rejected. ……In fact, Duke Gardner is probably the busiest of the Trot nobility and that’s probably true.

“……Maybe I should stop taking you with me”

“Why not!?”


Well, still with Almeida alone. ……Tetes (who wants to be liked by my mother first) and Naris (who wants to see Folklore) also wanted to come, but I rejected them. I realized that it would be more fair if I didn’t take anyone but Almeida (and Maia). I don’t have time for sightseeing, so I hope Naris will come again next time.

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“Almeida. I want you to take off the collar or hide it if you can”

“What do you mean?”

I asked Almeida, who was sitting next to me in the carriage, but Almeida looked at me suspiciously. Her outfit is not armor, but a dignified outfit that looks like a knight in a plain color. ……I mean, I’ve seen her clothes when she moved, so maybe she had been accommodated by Aurora before I knew it. And it’s cold inside Maia’s carriage (it’s winter, of course and it’s not airtight), so it’s a form of two people shoulder-to-shoulder. Almeida squeezed the collar as if it was something important to keep.

“If I take it off, Marie-dono will misunderstand. Th, That……what should I explain?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s your relationship with me. ……I, If only the two of us go see her and say I’m going to have your child……Marie-dono definitely thinks I’m a bride……”

She’s bright red. No No No. I feel like I’m slipping diagonally.

“First of all, let’s get rid of your misunderstanding. I’m going to go with Maia first”

“……U, Umm. But Maia looks much younger than us. ……If we’re not careful, we can claim that you and I are married and Maia is our daughter……”

Almeida, who has a strange delusion, suddenly appears and Maia puts in a tsukkomi.

『To be called Andy-sama’s daughter, I’m a little big』

“That’s not the point, Maia!”

I’m sure that if you’re my age and your daughter is as big as Maia’s, then I must have impregnated someone as a teenager! ……No, well, we’re getting off topic. I need to pull myself together.

“And I have no intention of saying that female slaves are different from brides. Although that would be difficult under the laws of Trot”


“If you ever get the chance, you can go to Celesta or the elf territory and have a wedding with all the female slaves”

Actually, my register is in Trot, so it doesn’t make sense legally. It’s not like I’m a prince or a nobleman, I’m not going to keep women who are devoted to me, who declare that they are always willing to accept sex and who say they want to have children as anything less than 「Wife」. In that sense, Almeida is rightfully my bride.

『Dianne is different……』

“No, I’m including Dianne-san”

“……Ho, do you really want to treat me like that? In front of Marie-dono……?”

“At least I will”

“……You’ll have a hard time. I’d say it myself, but I’m……awkward”

“No, I think you’re probably one of the easiest female slaves I’ve ever had to deal with”

“W, What are you basing that on?”

Grab Almeida’s chin, which looks a little rotten and kiss it. Against the backdrop of the sound of Maia flapping in the wind and the roaring wind of a gap somewhere in the carriage, the feel of Almeida and my lips rubbed little by little to convey each other. ……Continue to the fullest, about two minutes.

“……Around this kind of kiss, you’ll soon become mellow”

“Haa……a, huu……i, is there a female slave who can’t be spoiled by doing this”

“No, everyone will be happy, but……no other person is as vague as you, even though you haven’t put your tongue in”

“……Before going to Marie-dono……can you calm this palpitations……?”

“My mom is going to think I smell like a squid”

“……That’s a problem……but”

“Well, that’s why I told you not to worry too much about it……”

No, I don’t know why I’m trying to convince her……?

“Right, take off the collar”

“I, I don’t like it. ……In the current context, I still don’t want to take off the collar……I want to tell Marie-dono without shame that I’ve sold my body and soul to you……?”

“No, what if you hit my mother with such a shocking fact that she fainted before she came to Polka!?”

“What would be the point of having a stroke, if I were to become your bride”

“It’s not a world that Trot people can easily understand, because my acquaintance has a child with another person, regardless of how happy he is with her son wearing a collar in front of her!”

In words, it’s just nonsense.

“In addition to that, you regularly bring in cat beasts to make babies and try to use blue dragons as your sex partners……”

“……I can manage because there is the miraculous spring for stroke in Polka”

I felt like I couldn’t do anything about it.


Folklore is farther than the royal capital, but not as far as Basson. Maia was already able to arrive smoothly for the second time.

“Where is the island where my mother lived……”

Folklore is also known as a floating city, with a number of artificial islands floating in the river. I used to be able to get there with the help of the military police. But I’ve only been there once.

“It must have been the eighteenth island. Follow me”

……Well, there was someone who lived there for years.

“I remembered, so I could have just flown as a dragon”

Maia was also a species with a better memory than humans. But, well, Maia’s offer was reserved.

When Almeida was walking, she stood out. When she lived, she disguised herself as an adventurer (almost synonymous with hoodlum) in plain armor so that it wouldn’t stand out, and because she covered her ears with a simple illusion, she could avoid it in a long way……but now Almeida stays for a long time. Perhaps because of her casual comfort, she keeps her ears open. What’s more, her clothes are neat because they were handed over from Aurora and her skin and hair are smooth and shiny in her recent Polka home. Whether in the royal capital or Folklore, it’s not every day that a woman from a small town gets a bath. It’s not surprising that Almeida looks radiant. ……Maia is also a material that can be beaten if it is a little more fashionable, but……I haven’t really taken care of anything other than her hair ornaments yet.

“Y, You……isn’t it Almeida-san, the spear”

A middle-aged man who passed by in an alley calls out to Almeida.

“……Oh, you’re Borel, the key crusher. It’s been a while”

“No, no, it’s been about a year. I haven’t seen you around. Have you been on some adventure?”

“I went to work for Renfangas”

“……You look like a rich man. Renfangas and the Gauntlet Knights?”

“Exactly. I’m getting it collected”

“Well, that’s amazing. No No, isn’t it strange to say it with my abilities? That’s……I’m jealous. Please buy me a drink sometime”

The middle-aged man laughs. He seemed to know a good deal about Almeida. Well, Almeida also applied to the authorities properly and registered as an adventurer, so she wasn’t hiding it either.

“Someday……ah, Andy. He’s the labyrinth adventurer, Borel. He’s a master at sneaking into the Dragon Palace”

“Don’t say that. If the authorities find out, we’ll be caught. And what are you and Almeida doing at……Andy?”

Bolar-san glanced at Almeida’s neck. Andy Smithson. A collar with my name firmly on it.

“……Emm, what’s the relationship……?”

Bolar-san looks at me slyly as well. …… My arms and neck aren’t that thick and I don’t look very smart, strong, or rich. Yes. There are many ideas that come to mind.

“It’s hard to explain……but I’m a female slave. He is my master……”

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I close the mouth of Almeida, who has begun to explain dignifiedly. Maia quickly nape chops Borel-san who is stunned. She quickly catches him where he falls down and quickly drags him to the shadow while screening with an illusion.

“Wh, What the hell are you doing!?”

“It’s because you’re trying to complicate things again!”

“If you explain it properly, people will understand!”

“We’re not here to spread the word, we’re here to bring my mother!”

This guy. Read the air.

We managed to arrive at my mother’s apartment.

“I hope she hasn’t moved”

“She doesn’t move that often”

Almeida assured me. As for the time of day, the fish market at work is at its peak in the morning. It’s already a good afternoon, so unless she’s out shopping, she should be there. I knock on the door.


A voice that brings back memories. ……After all, when I hear this voice, my emotions are a little disturbed. I feel that my nostalgic, happy childhood has suddenly returned.

“It’s me. It’s Andy, mom”

“Oh dear”

There was the sound of a key being unlocked and my mother came out.

“You’re here again. ……Almeida, you too!”

“It’s been a long time, Marie-dono”

“If you had written to me beforehand, I would have at least brought you tea and sweets……it’s cold, come inside”

“No, Mother. ……just a little, okay?”

My mother tilted her head at the tone of my voice. I’m a little nervous.

“……I have a son, mom. ……Would you like to come and see him?”


“He was born last fall. His name is Peter……he was named after dad. We’re raising him in Polka now……”

“Polka……it’s not so easy to get there when it’s so far away……”

“No, it’s not that far”


My mother didn’t fully believe the story that a dragon was my female slave.

“Come here”

I made Maia turn into a dragon in the back of the house, and she had a stroke.


“Ah, Andy, take her! Let’s go to Polka’s miraculous spring for a cure!”

“……Hey, Andy-sama……won’t this be called kidnapping”

“What am I supposed to do now!”

Carrying my mother with Almeida and putting her on the carriage that Maia has recovered from the suburbs. It wasn’t until after takeoff that I realized that I should just lay her down normally because I was just disappointed to see something that surprised me, even if I wasn’t in such a hurry.

- ToC -