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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 43
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Nora was shocked.

She, who was checking Mrs.Hunt’s various health indicators, froze.

She slowly lowered her head and immediately saw the little boy who always brought her a sense of


He was currently looking up at her.He had a mask and a cap on, so his looks couldn’t be clearly


However, those familiar eyes of his were full of familial love and pleading.

Nora’s mind suddenly went blank.

Some kind of thought was about to flash across her mind, but it was at this moment that another

machine sounded an alarm.

Saving the patient was what mattered the most at the moment.

She refocused on the situation in front of her and looked over Mrs.Hunt’s blood pressure had risen

a little.

Tina also hurried in at this point, and it was then that she finally noticed Nora.

She put on a mask and frowned as she asked, “Who are you? This is the ICU ward.Please go out


“Miss Smith is here on my request.Justin shortly also entered the ward.

He ordered, “Let her take part in the rescue efforts.”

Tina paused for a moment and a sharp look flashed across her eyes.

However, she suddenly thought of something and she nodded and said, “Alright, sure.”

The ward entered another busy period.

Justin took Pete with him and left the ward.

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Nora wisely stood at the side.

Tina suddenly looked at her and asked sarcastically and disdainfully, “Sodium nitroprusside,


Sodium nitroprusside was the most basic drug to lower blood pressure.

Nora nodded.

Tina quickly injected the drug into Mrs.Hunt and stabilized her condition again.

After reading the medical records, looking at the latest CT scans, and getting a good idea of the

patient’s condition, Nora finally walked out of the ward with Tina.

Tina was walking in front.

As soon as she left the ward, she saw Justin striding toward her.

She took off her mask and, with a solemn look, was about to speak when Justin walked straight

past her to Nora instead.

He looked nervous as he asked, “Is surgery possible?”

Tina quickly spoke ahead of Nora.

She said, “Mr.Hunt, Mrs .Hunt’s current condition is very complicated.

She has high blood pressure, multiple organ failure, and it’s taking a huge toll on her heart.

If she undergoes surgery now, even if Anti were around, there’ll only be a 30% success rate if we

can’t protect her heart.

“There’s a 70% chance that the patient will die mid-operation.Additionally, the operation is also very

traumatic to the patient.Even if she’s lucky enough to survive, her heart would be damaged, and

she may only end up having half a year left.Dr.Smith, am I right?”

Her analysis was very reasonable. Nora nodded.

When Tina saw that she at least still had some self-awareness, she didn’t pay any more attention to


She glanced at Raymond and the others who were nearby and suddenly lowered her voice and

said, “However, I do have a safe suggestion here, Mr.Hunt’’ Justin finally looked her way.

Tina raised her chin slightly and said unhurriedly, “As you know, I’m a student of Mr.Myers, a master

of alternative traditional medicine techniques.

I’m also familiar with some of these techniques.

To be honest, I can use acupuncture to allow Mrs.Hunt to temporarily regain consciousness.’


Justin was puzzled.

Tina had both hands in the pockets of her white lab coat and her straight hair was all tucked behind

her head.

At nearly 30 years old, her age made her look reliable yet also feminine.

Her voice was even and mild, which made people put trust in her.

“Yes, I can use acupuncture needles to forcibly break through the blood clot in her brain so that

she’ll wake up temporarily.This is the commonly known phenomenon where one experiences a

short-lived period of good health prior to their demise.However, she’ll only be able to last one day

after she wakes up.After that, she’ll…”

Justin’s eyes suddenly widened and he pressed his lips tightly together.

When Tina saw that he understood what she was saying, she slowly said, “Mrs.Hunt’s condition is

such that if she undergoes surgery now, even if it goes well, she’ll only be able to last half a year

after using the best medication.

If the operation fails and she fails to regain consciousness, going by her current condition, she’ll

only be able to live for another two months.

“But if you take up my suggestion, Mrs.Hunt can wake up immediately and clear Pete’s name.You

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don’t want him to be slandered for life, do you?”

Nora, who had been standing next to her all this time, was bewildered.

Doctors should be benevolent.

However, her suggestion was tantamount to murder! She cast her cat-like eyes down slightly to hide

her disdain As the head of the number one family in the States, Justin was a ruthless and

domineering man.

Tina’s suggestion was indeed in his son’s best interests.The thought had only just formed in her

mind when she heard Justin’s cold warning.

“Dr.York, your duty is to the patient”

Suppressed by his aura, Tina immediately lowered her head and said, “My apologies, Mr.Hunt.I

watched Pete grow up, so I ended up too concerned and got my priorities wrong.”

Justin didn’t pay any more attention to her.

He asked Nora, “Ms.Smith, is surgery possible or not?”

These words were something that Nora had heard countless times from her patients or their


However, the man’s voice was as low and rich as cello timbre, which made her mood improve for

some inexplicable reason.

The corners of Nora’s lips quirked upward slightly and she slowly uttered, “Yes, it is.’ Then, she

even added an extra line as reassurance for the narcissistic man in front of her: “The success rate

is 99%.”

The remaining 1% was attributed to force majeure.

After all, what if an earthquake were to suddenly occur? “Dr.Smith, you must be bluffing?”

Tina said, “Mr.Hunt, as Mrs.Hunt’s doctor, I must tell you that the success rate would only be 30%

even if Anti were here.You mustn’t let her fool you!”