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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 406
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Chapter 406

Bella‘s POV:

I haven‘t figured out how to solve the problem between Herbert and I, so I refused him.

“Not today. Joey and I have to work overtime.”

Herbert was silent for a moment, then continued, “It‘s just the two of us. We haven‘t enjoyed our time

together for a long time.”

I could hear a hint of pleading in his voice. We had been in a cold war for a few days. Both of us slept

in the same room and rarely talked.

I was deliberately avoiding him. He was not at home often, so I wouldn‘t feel too embarrassed.

I didn’t understand why he invited me after having someone else? Did he want to be with two women at

the same time?

What on earth did he take me for? Did he want me to follow him like a lover? Then he would turn

around and marry another woman?

Thinking of this, my eyes were full of tears. I quickly looked up at the ceiling. I didn‘t want to let my

tears fall, and I didn‘t want to talk with a tearful voice.

Then, I hardened my heart and said, “We‘re rushing for a case. The client will be waiting for us

tomorrow.” The man on the other end was silent for a moment before he said, “Okay, you can do your

work.” After that, he hung up the phone. After putting down the phone, I leaned back on the swivel

chair and looked up at the ceiling.

I could still remember the face of the girl who had dinner with him that day. Although I couldn‘t see the

expression on his face, I could tell that they should be very close. Thump... Thump... Thump...

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At this moment, someone knocked on the door from the outside.

I quickly wiped my tears, lowered my head and pretended to be working, and said, “Come in!”

After that, the sound of high–heeled shoes could be heard. “Miss Stepanek, are you done with your


Hearing Joey‘s voice, I suddenly said, “Why don‘t we have hotpot together?” Hearing this, Joey asked

in surprise, “Don‘t you have to go home to accompany Lucas and Lucky?” “I‘m not going to keep them

company today. I‘ll keep you company.” I raised my head and smiled.

I was afraid that Herbert must have gone home to accompany Lucas and Lucky after I didn‘t agree to

go out for dinner. In order to avoid embarrassment, I had better not go back to eat.

Besides, I lied and said that I had to work overtime. I wouldn‘t be able to go home until a little late.

“Okay, let‘s drink together,” Joey said happily.

Then, Joey and I left the company together.

When we arrived at the hot pot restaurant where we often went, the two of us ordered a few bottles of

beer and chatted while eating and drinking.

Chapter 405

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“Hey, I found something wrong with you recently.” Joey suddenly said.

“What‘s wrong with me?” I felt a little guilty.

I didn‘t tell Joey about what happened last time. I didn‘t expect her to notice my abnormality.

Joey knew me too well.

“It seems that you rarely mentioned Herbert recently.” Joey‘s eyes were full of doubt.

I was stunned for a moment and quickly pretended to say, “He‘s either going to New York or busy with

work. He‘s always not at home. We haven‘t had much contact recently.”

Hearing that, Joey winked and said, “You don‘t have any more interactions, so you should also have

some physiological needs, right?”

“You‘re so annoying!” I rolled my eyes at Joey.

Since we were separated, he didn‘t ask for anything, and I didn‘t refuse. It was that simple.

“Look at you. You‘re the mother of two children. When it comes to physiological needs, you‘ll still blush.

I knew that Herbert must have a lot of requirements. Look, you seem to be very tired every day. Let me

tell you, husband and wife‘s life is good for health, but excessive is harmful to the body.” Joey teased

with a smirk.

Seeing that she was never going to stop, I had no choice but to fight back. “You are just an unmarried

girl. When it comes to a married couple, you come up with things so naturally, as if you are an expert.”

“1...” Joey couldn‘t help blushing, and then she said stubbornly,“I‘m just saying it theoretically. You‘re

the one who has actual combat experience, okay?

“Eating can‘t even stop you from talking!” I picked up a piece of meat and placed it in Joey‘s bowl.

While we were talking and laughing, a middle–aged man, who was about 50 years old and had a

refined temperament, suddenly came over to us. He was wearing a wine–red floral shirt with a deep

blue base.

“Ladies, what a coincidence. You actually came here to eat hot pot?” The middle–aged man was very

enthusiastic when he saw me and Joey.

I looked up. Seeing that it was Mr. Hall, I immediately stood up with Joey. “Mr. Hall, are you eating here

too? What a coincidence!”

Mr. Hall was a customer that Linda introduced last time. Although his company was not big, the boss

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was very humorous. He had a gentleman‘s demeanor and was very polite to everyone.

Although he was already in his fifties, he was dressed very fashionably, so I had a very deep

impression of him.

“I like the dishes here the most, but today. I came alone. It‘s just a bit cold.” Mr. Hall rubbed his hands

together and said.

Hearing this, I said, “We came up with this idea on the spur of the moment. If Mr. Hall doesn‘t mind,

why don‘t we eat together?”

“I don‘t mind, I don‘t mind. It‘s very boring for me to eat alone. I‘m just worried that you two beautiful

ladies might mind” Mr. Hall said extremely happily.

“We usually won‘t be able to invite Mr Hall, so why would we mind?” After Joey finished speaking, she ordered the waiter to combine two tables,

09 581 Then, Joey and I had dinner together with Mr. Hall. Joey and I had a little beer with Mr. Hall. Mr.

Hall‘s alcohol tolerance was pretty good. I had always been restraining myself. I couldn‘t drink too

much. I was worried that I would get drunk. However, Mr. Hall couldn‘t help giving way to us, so in the

end, both Joey and I were a little drunk, but we didn‘t drink much. It should be said that we drank just


After the meal, Mr. Hall suggested going to the bar.

I didn‘t want to go back so early to face Herbert, so I agreed to go with him. Although Mr. Hall was a

male client, Joey was with me. I didn‘t think anything would happen to us. In a corner of the bar, Joey

and I were singing with Mr. Hall. Although Mr. Hall was drunk, he was quite a gentleman. He didn‘t take

the opportunity to bully us like some annoying male clients. That was why I had a very high opinion of

Mr. Hall. We stayed at the bar until 11 o‘clock before Joey and I walked out of the door of the KTV with

Mr. Hall.

Mr. Hall drove the car, turned to the back seat very gentlemanly, and opened the door of the back seat

for Joey and me. “Two beautiful ladies, please get in the car!” “Thank you, Mr. Hall” Joey and I smiled

and were about to get in the car. Suddenly, two beams of intense light shot out from up ahead. A car

quickly passed us and stopped in front of Mr. Hall‘s car!