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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140

Bella’s POV:

I knew what Amy was thinking, so I patted her on the shoulder and comforted her. “With Boss here, your

efforts will definitely be seen.” “Okay, I understand.” Amy nodded. “I’m leaving. Call me often if you have

time.” I carried the box and walked out of the storage room. As soon as I walked into the corridor, Selina

walked over from the opposite side in high heels.

For Amy’s sake, I didn’t want to have a conflict with Selina, so I pretended not to see her and continued

to walk forward.

However, Selina reached out to stop me.

“What do you want to do?” I stared at Selina.

Selina lowered her head and looked at the box in my arms. “You’re no longer an employee of the QW

Law Firm. If you take things out of the company like this, how can I know if you have taken anything from

the company? If something is missing in the company, I would have to take the responsibility.” “What do

you want?” | raised my chin and asked. I didn’t want to be entangled with her, but Selina deliberately

made trouble for me today. It seemed that it was not enough! She had successfully aroused the anger in

my heart. “I want to check your stuff. Please cooperate.” Selina sneered. I stared at her angrily, and her

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eyes were also staring at me with great disdain. At this time, Amy quickly stepped forward and said,

“Manager, I packed everything for Bella. I can testify that there is no company property in the box.”

Selina glanced at Amy and said, “Bella? It seems that your relationship is very good. How would I know if

you have stolen the company’s property together?” “You’re slandering me…” Amy was so angry that her

eyes turned red. I knew that Selina won’t give up until she humiliated me. Okay, I would help her! The

next moment, I poured everything in my arms onto the floor, and everything was scattered all over the

floor. The noise was so loud that the other people in the office all looked in this direction. I tossed the

paper box in my hand on the ground and pointed to Selina. “Didn’t you suspect that I took the company’s

stuff? Now my stuff is here. Please look carefully one by one and see if there is any property of the

company in these things! If not, please put my stuff back into the box, or I will sue you for slander!”

My counterattack made Selina lose her arrogance,

She glanced at the things on the ground and said, “I’ve already checked them. There shouldn’t be

anything from the company, but you scattered them on the ground. I’m not responsible for picking them

up for you!” I stopped her. “Selina, it’s fine if you don’t pick it up today. You have to apologize to me!”

14:070 “Are you kidding me? Why should I apologize to you?” Selina’s voice was very sharp. “Well, if you

don’t apologize, then I’ll hire a lawyer to sue you for slander. Anyway, I got the compensation, and I can

use it to sue you.” I said very easily.

Didn’t she just mock me for getting paid and compensated? I could use this money on her.

“You…” My words made her a little nervous. I knew that she didn’t want to get involved in a lawsuit. After

working in the lawyer firm for so many years, she certainly knew that it was very troublesome to get

involved in a lawsuit, and it was her fault.

Selina’s attitude had eased, and I didn’t intend to be entangled with her.

At this time, Amy quickly squatted on the floor and helped me pick up the things. At this moment, Selina

no longer had the arrogance she had earlier. She immediately turned around and left.

Soon, Amy picked up all the things in the box and handed them to me. “Bella, take the stuff and go back.

Don’t be too angry because of that kind of person.”

I nodded, took the box, and said, “Be careful and take care of yourself.”

“I know.” Amy nodded. After saying goodbye to Amy, I went into the elevator with the box.

After walking out of this company that I had worked for nearly a year, I felt that everything in the past was

like a puff of smoke, blown away by the wind.

It seemed that I had always lost my job in the past two years. I was going to start looking for a new job


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I walked out of the building and suddenly saw a person in front of me. The person was obviously

stunned. I didn’t want to meet him, because today was Monday. Generally he had work to discuss on

Mondays, so I specially chose Monday morning to avoid him.

But I didn’t expect to meet him, Klein.

But since we’ve met, I didn’t want to avoid. After all, I had nothing to do with him. “You..” Klein glanced at

the box in my arms, just about to ask. I replied first, “I’m here to collect my items.”

“Oh, I was too careless. I should have sent it over to you so you don’t have to make a trip here.” Klein


“There’s no need. My home is very close to here anyway,” I said. After standing there for a minute, I was

about to say goodbye.

But then, Klein laughed and asked, “How… have you been recently?”

“Very good.” My tone was cold.

I couldn’t forget why I was beaten by Vivian last time. It was because I was too close to Klein. I should

always pay attention to it in the future, “I apologize on behalf of Vivian for what happened last time.”

Klein’s face was filled with guilt. “It’s all over. I don’t want to mention it anymore.” I said calmly. Although I

said so, it was fake to say that I didn’t mind it at all. Until now, I still remembered the

violence that Vivian had committed against me that day!