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Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 321 Isnt it you?
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Liu Shan stood like a noble ruler looking down at the people in his palace. His eyes scans every face like an eagle until he sees the two people in the center of the crowd. He shook his head and sigh at the sight of them.

"Man, you two are so lucky."

He had spent the entire day with his neighbor, Ling Ni. They had spent a great time shopping and exploring Imperial. They even enjoyed a romantic candlelight dinner together.

After he sent Ling Ni home, he return to his home next door. Preparing for bed, he changed into his pajamas and was ready to sleep in peace while dreaming for his good fortunate.

Yet, the moment he closed his eyes, someone decided to disturb his peace by calling him.

He was indeed annoyed when he saw that it was Lin Hui and answer with annoyance. However, the other person did not answer. All he heard was fabric shuffling and heavy breathing.

For a moment there, he was dumbfounded. He could not believe that Lin Hui shamelessly butt dialed him to listen to something his virgin ears do not want to hear!

He abruptly ends the call and close his eyes to dream about his pretty neighbor.

Yet agian, the moment his eyes shut, his phone rings again. Now he was really annoyed, but when he saw the name of the caller, he was confused.

Why is Xu Long calling him too?

He answers the call thinking it might be something important, but to his unfortunate, he was once again dumbfounded. Xu Long’s call was no different from Lin Hui’s!!

Confused, disgusted, disbelief, every feeling he could not explain rushed inside him. He could not believe that Lin Hui and Xu Long are a couple! Good Heavens!

He did not hesitate to end the call, but before he could press the end button, he heard the words, ’Kill them!’

That was when he fully sat up and everything made sense. He rushed out of his apartment without changing and sped through the streets in his car.

Coming back from his little flashback, Liu Shan stares at the men surrounding Lin Hui and Xu Long with eyes full of killing intent.

Good thing he placed a tracker in Lin Hui’s phone or he would have had to hack every surveillance camera in Imperial to find them.

Even he did not think the situation was this bad, but one thing he knows, Lin Hui would rather die a warrior than ask for help. The man has too much pride.

"Fucken bastard, get off me!!"

In the middle of his thoughts, the shout cause Liu Shan to furrow his brows. His head lower and looks down at the man under him like a dog. He scoffs a sneer and add more strength into his feel on the man’s back.

"Bastard? Isn’t that you?"


Man 1 groans at the sudden pressure. Sweat form on his forehead. The pressure on his back was like he was carrying Mount Tai! Even he does not know how much longer his hands and knees can hold position. His jaw clench tightly before he growls.

"I’m gonna kill you! You fucken bastard!"

Liu Shan blink his eyes at the man with no ounce of emotion in his eyes. He click his tongue at the man.

"Tsk tsk. Someone like you cannot kill me."

He shifts the piece of wood in his hand and smoothly slice the side of the man’s neck with the edge. His movements made it seem like he really was holding a long sword as blood slowly color the wood.

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Man 1 was terrified. His eyes widen when he felt the sharp edge of the wood slice his throat. His eyes rolled back and he falls flat onto the ground.



Liu Shan arch a brow and then frowns. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the man. Scratching his head with the hand on his hip, he pokes the man with the piece of wood.

"Yah, I didn’t even kill you. Why are you acting like that?"

He sliced the side of the man throats and didn’t cut any crucial points that would kill him. So, why did he make it seem like he died?

Lin Hui and Xu Long shudder when they caught a glimpse of Liu Shan’s move. Both men held the sides of their neck as they could feel the slice happen to them.

Good thing Liu Shan was friend and not for. However, how did he know they were in this mess?


A man from within the group shouts in rage. He turns away from Lin Hui and Xu Long, his figure rushes out at Liu Shan. He wants to test out this new person’s strength.

"Haa... These ass wipes don’t know when to quit."

Lin Hui shook his head at the man. He really pities the guy. When it comes to marksmanship, he is the best, but when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, Liu Shan is a beast amongst beast. He has seen Liu Shan go into killer machine mode before and it was not pretty.

"Arh— Die fucken asshole!"

The man rushes up to Liu Shan at full force with a baseball bat in hand. He swings the bat with the intentions of smashing Liu Shan’s head.

Liu Shan stares at the man with tranquil eyes. He does not move and allows the man to waste his energy from running.

The tip of the bat swings at him, but he yawns and lean his head back to dodge. One hand grab hold of the bat and he pulls the man closer. Next came a loud smack as he hits the man’s leg with the piece of wood.



The sound of bone breaking echoes into the sky with the man pierce shrieking cry.

Liu Shan let’s go of the baseball bat and poke the man with the wood, thus causing him to fall down. He looks at the now broken wood and nonchalantly toss it away.

He unties his robe and flicks it back. His legs slightly part with knees bent. He stretch one arm out and gestures to the men as if telling them to some closer.

"Who wants next?"

"Get him!!"

All the men did not show hesitation anymore. Splitting into three groups, they all rush at the three men. After all, they still have more men, so it’ll be minutes before they kill the three men.

Liu Shan leisurely waits for the men. When the first man neared him, he dodge the fist and grabs the man’s arm. Slamming him down with a back flip, he grabs the next man’s head and slams it hard against his knee. He drops the man and continues to take the men down one after another. He was never great with weapons, but his fists never failed him.

At the same time, Lin Hui and Xu Long who were exhausted suddenly found their strength again. Both men nod to one another in understanding and decided not to let Liu Shan have all the fun.

The fight carries on into the night as the men from the enemy side gradually decrease. Before they knew it, an hour had passed and then two hours.

When the last man fell by a push, his face was swollen and covered in blood. One cannot tell if he was still breathing or hand long died.

Liu Shan stares at the man and shook his head. He dust his palms and hops ove the body, then another and another. It was like he was hopping in a vast field cover with flowers on a bright and sunny day. In the process of hopping, he even stepped on some bodies, but did not care. He leisurely makes his way towards the other two men he had come to save.

Arriving in front of Lin Hui and Xu Long, he secures his robe in place. However, seeing how messed up they look he couldn’t hold back his urges and laughs.

"Ahaha, you guys are a mess. What the hell did you two do and why are you guys together?"

By now, Lin Hui and Xu Long were no longer standing. Both men sat on the ground with their backs supporting each other from falling. Their clothes were torn in certain places and each person had their own wound and blood.

Hearing Liu Shan’s tone of voice, Lin Hui groan at the pain in his rib and glares up at the man.

"We look like a mess?! You look just.... the same.... as us....?"

As he spoke his words, he could only lower his voice until it becomes a whisper. He was dumbfounded the moment he looked up at Liu Shan. The corner of his mouth twitch and he scoffs a chuckle in disbelief.

"What the hell? This is so unfair."

Before he knew it, he was laughing so hard that his stomach started hurting. He couldn’t not believe that Liu Shan has such good luck.

Wondering why Lin Hui is laughing so hard, Xu Long decides to look up too. However, what he saw did not dumbfound him. Instead, his eyes widen in amazement.

"Wow Liu Shan! How do you not have single scratch on you? Even your face is as spotless as a baby’s bottom!"

Liu Shan stood proudly in front of them. He laughs again when he looks at them. If he did not know them, he would probably think they were two homeless men in the alley.

However, when he head Xu Long’s question, he grins with his teeth. Lifting his hand, he ran his fingers through his washed hair and stroke it back. Sending the man wink, he tilt his chin.

"My face and body are too important to be touched by filthy hands."


Lin Hui stares at the untouched man with heavy eyelids, while Xu Long nod his head like an obedient student taking notes in class.

Shaking his head, Lin Hui looks away, but feels another sharp pain in his body. He groan and looks at Liu Shan.

"Are you done bragging? If you don’t know, we’re dying here."

"Ah yea, I forgot."

Liu Shan quickly reacts and helps both men. He even wanted to snap a photo to show them how they look, but knowing Lin Hui, his temper would turn into a maniac . However, looking at their sorry state, he couldn’t help but laugh again.

"Haha! Man, you both look sorry."

He pulls Lin Hui up from the ground. Wrapping Lin Hui’s left arm over his shoulder, then he reach for Xu Long.

"Ah man, I think my ribs are buster."

Lin Hui groans at the intense pain on his rib. However, he made sure to steady himself so Liu Shan could help Xu Long.

"Your rib? I think I broke my leg!"

Xu Long refutes as he is pulled up. He can’t even remember when he was hit on the leg, let alone feel any pain until now.

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Being the only support of both me, Liu Shan was in regret. Both men did not complain when it came down to fighting, but now they’re complaining about who has more pain? Idiots!

He shook his head and put both arms around the two idiots.

As they step out of the dark alley and towards his car, Liu Shan remembers something and ask.

"How did two idiots like you guys end up in this mess?"

Lin Hui cast a glance at Xu Long and frowns, "We went to Spring. Xu Long decided to a hero thinking he could save a beauty. As a result, this is how his herotic attempt turned out."

"Hahah, really two idiots!"

Liu Shan laughs in response. However, unlike him, Xu Long snort in argue.

"Hey! She was really a beauty!"

Lin Hui’s arm that wrap around Liu Shan lightly tugs a push at Xu Long’s.

"Beauty?! Where were you when my boss was being attacked by those hooligans?!"

No intentions of backing down, Xu Long also pushes the man, except he adds a small smack on the back of Lin Hui’s head.

"Where was I? I was still making my way up those stairs!"

Lin Hui scrunch his face like he had smelt something foul. He cannot believe that Xu Long dare to hit his head. His nostrils flare and he returns the smack.

Both men continue to smack each other’s head and argue against one another. They had forgotten about the man they sandwiched whose expression turned deadly grave.

"Yah! How many men did you take down? I took down 28! Ah—"

"Well, I took down 28 too! We just—Ah—"

Into their argument, both men were suddenly pushed onto the ground. Each groaning at the sudden pain.

"W-What did you say?"

Liu Shan stutters in disbelief at what he just heard. His expression pale in colors and he stares at both men for an answer.

However, neither spoke, except give him a deathly glare. They were in great pain and yet, Liu Shan has not ounce of sympathy for them!

Lin Hui held the side of his stomach and grunt in pain. He then points at Xu Long.

"He wanted to see who could take down the most men. So, I said I took down 28!"

Xu Long’s face redden. He held his leg that was in pain and shakingly points it at Lin Hui.

"Hey, I took down out 28 too and it was you who made the bet! Not me!"


Irritated by both men’s fighting like husband and wife, Liu Shan raise his voice at them.

"I’m asking, what happened to boss?!"

He wanted so badly to smash their head together to bring fix their brains. He doesn’t care about who defeated the most enemy, he only cares whether his boss is safe or not.

Lin Hui and Xu Long abruptly zipped their mouths. Neither dare to utter a word seeing how angry Liu Shan looked. However, left with no choice, Lin Hui slowly raise his hand and muster the courage to explain from start to end.