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Thriller Night Talk

Ch200 - Extra
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Editor-Koneko, Proofreader- Spring Flower

Wei Fuyuan's parents sat on the sofa, staring blankly at the mess on the bed, unable to snap out of their state for a while.

"It's over now, everything is resolved," Bei Quan said.

He drew a calming talisman in the palm of his hand and gently patted the arms of the two startled elders. "Master Wang won't cto bother your family again."

Wei Fuyuan's parents were finally awakened from their daze, turning their heads in astonishment to Bei Quan:

"You... you mean, this is enough?"

They still couldn't believe it.

"Those things, they won't cback?"

Bei Quan nodded and then explained to both of Wei Fuyuan's parents what had just happened.

"Those five evil spirits were 'servants' that Master Wang had refined and tamed. You can think of them as his captured servants," Bei Quan explained.

Wei Fuyuan, couldn't help but interject, "It's one thing to keep slittle ghosts or golden silkworms, but what's the use of keeping those evil spirits?" Bei Quan replied, "They have a great purpose."

He briefly explained the role of those evil spirits.

In the Heavenly Masters Sect, there is a group called 'Yi Gui'. People in this sect usually capture and tscunning ghosts and monsters, using specific spells to bind them and make them servants to serve themselves.

These captured ghost servants have various uses depending on their abilities. The weaker ones can help their masters tidy up the house, clean clothes, boil water, cook meals, and take care of their daily needs. The stronger ones can help their masters move belongings, resist danger, overcobstacles, or even afflict illness or unexpected death upon adversaries.

However, the stronger ghost servants are often vengeful and die in a state of resentment. They are extremely difficult to control, and the longer they are kept, the more unruly and untamable they become. Once they break free from their restraints, they can easily turn agains the user and pose a life-threatening danger.

"So, even though Master Wang knew the method of using ghost servants, he has always been hesitant to use it," Bei Quan explained with a slight smile. "Until he thought of using your family as his scapegoats."

Master Wang knew very well that it was difficult to tmalevolent spirits, and his powers were not enough to completely suppress the five vengeful ghosts. That's why he cup with the plan to transfer the 'backlash' onto the Wei family.

The reason he chose the Wei family was not because they had any deep grudges or enmity. It was purely because Mr. and Mrs. Wei happened to approach Master Wang when he had the idea of taming ghost servants, asking for his help to ensure good Feng Shui for their new home.

Master Wang had a deceitful nature and was very aware of it.

He was unsure how long the restraints he placed on the five ghosts would hold, so he openly created a 'ghost path' in the Wei family's mansion. At the stime, he left a live mechanical trap in the bedroom at the end of the 'ghost path'.

In this way, when he felt that his spell was about to give way, he could use the excuse to visit the Wei family. He would first place the tools used to create the malevolent spirits under the bedroom floor, then destroy the protective talisman on the courtyard wall, open the 'ghost path', and finally release the five ghosts, letting them freely rampage inside the mansion. That was the plan.

After hearing Bei Quan's explanation, Mr. and Mrs. Wei both gasped in shock.

On the double bed, the paper figure made to resemble Mr. Wei was destroyed. It was torn into countless pieces by the five malevolent ghosts, with the largest intact fragment being no bigger than the size of a palm.

Mr. and Mrs. Wei did not doubt that even if it was a living person, those evil spirits would tear them apart just like dismantling a roasted chicken, separating flesh from bone.

"But, but, but..." Mr. Wei's lips trembled as he struggled to speak, his words stuttering:

"You, you just drove away those five evil spirits, right? They won't cback, will they?" "No need to worry."

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Bei Quan replied,

"Just now, I released the restraints that Master Wang placed on the five ghosts."

Mr. and Mrs. Wei didn't understand, and looked confused.

"What does that mean?"


Bei Quan smirked,

"So, they should return to their 'master' and seek revenge for the grudges they hold."

October 5th, Tuesday, 2:35 AM.

Wei Fuyuan threw himself onto the big bed, spreading out in the shape of a cross.

"Oh dear, I'm so exhausted!"

He let out a comfortable sigh and rolled onto his side a couple of times.

"Who would've thought I'd encounter this kind of thing when I got home? It's been two days of restless sleep!"

As he spoke, Wei Fuyuan pointed at the bags under his eyes.

"Look, I even have dark circles from staying up late."

"From what I know, it seems like you haven't done anything these past two days, Young Master Wei."

Bei Quan sat on the edge of the bed, giving him a smirk.

"It was me, the 'son-in-law', who was causing I the commotion for your family."

"Yes, yes, you're right."

Wei Fuyuan thought to himself, 'You're practically the daughter-in-law of my family. At the stime, he reached out his long arm and pulled Bei Quan into his embrace, as if it were a familiar routine.

"Thanks to you, my parents were able to escape unharmed."

He lowered his head and planted a loud kiss on Bei Quan's lips.

"Thank you!"

Bei Quan burst into laughter.

He reached out and pinched Wei Fuyuan's prominent chin, gently shaking it from side to side. With his pinky finger, he playfully hooked the inside of his jaw.

"What's this? You think you can just dismisswith a single kiss?"

Wei Fuyuan, being a clever lad, immediately understood the intention behind the words. He embraced Bei Quan and engaged in a passionate French kiss for sixty seconds.

Only after nibbling, sucking, and leaving his lover's lips red as blood, swollen, and tingling, did he place both hands on the pillow and bring his nose to touch Bei Quan's.

"I can never repay your kindness, so I can only offer myself..."

Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan rarely stayed in bed or slept in late. The previous night, they indulged a bit too much embracing each other lovingly, and when they woke up in the morning, whether they were too active or just thoroughly enjoying themselves, they felt a sense of exhaustion after their excessive indulgence. Even though they were already awake, they were still lazily unwilling to move, just wanting to stay in bed for a long time, never parting from one another.

Finally, after dawdling until almost ten in the morning, Wei Fuyuan's phone, which he had thrown on the bedside table, started ringing.

The caller was Tian Jia Xin, a little friend.

Tian Jia Xin, who was knowledgeable about herbal medicine, was entrusted by Bei Quan to bring a well-prepared medicinal soup today to remove the thick yellow hair on Wei's father's face.

"I'm already at the entrance of your residential area!"

From the other end of the phone cthe angry voice of Tian Jia Xin, sounding like a child:

"But the security guard won't letin, and he even said he'll call the police to sendhome! Can you please cand pickup quickly!"

Wei Fuyuan: "..."

--Damn, I had too much fun last night and completely forgot about this!

Twenty minutes later, when Wei Fuyuan entered with a sulky Tian Jia Xin, Wei's parents warmly welcomed this 'tall person' who was just over ninety centimeters tall.

After all, the elderly couple had experienced many ups and downs in life and had seen more than a few things. A child prodigy who mastered pharmacology at the age of three was nothing more than a drizzle, not worth mentioning at all. Following Tian Jia Xin's instructions, Wei's father drank a big bowl of medicine soup that tasted bitter, astringent, and sour with a hint of saltiness. He vomited, then used the smedicine soup to wash his face and soak his arms, which also had hair growth.

Half an hour later, he started feeling itchy on his face and arms.

It was a piercing itch as if thousands of ants were biting him. Wei's father could only endure it for a minute before he couldn't help but scratch the itchy areas with his hands.

Immediately, he was shocked to see the yellow hair on his body falling off with a swipe, sticking to his hands and body.

"Con, wash your face again."

Tian Jia Xin, with an air of authority, pushed the remaining half pot of medicinal soup in front of Wei's father.

Wei's father picked up the pottery pot and rushed into the bathroom.

Half an hour later, he emerged from the bathroom. The yellow hair on his face had completely disappeared, leaving only slightly reddened skin from rubbing, and he once again looked like the slightly middle-aged handsguy he used to be.

Wei's mother screamed and threw herself into her husband's arms, tears of joy streaming down her face.

--This damn nightmare that tormented them for half a month finally ended!

Wei's parents held each other tightly, while crying and laughing. After being excited for a while, they suddenly remembered that there were still two adults and a child present.

They awkwardly separated from each other.

Wei's mother busied herself in the kitchen, preparing a feast to treat the hardworking Tian Jia Xin. Meanwhile, Wei's father took out his favorite Wuyi Dahongpao and personally brewed it for the three youngsters.

"Oh, by the way, I just received a message from an old friend this morning."

With his illness cured, Wei's father felt a huge weight lifted off his shoulders, and he was full of energy.

While drinking the tea, he suddenly remembered something he forgot to mention:

"Last night, that wicked Master Wang had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. After being taken to the hospital, the doctor said the situation was very serious. Even if he can be saved, there's an 80% chance he'll end up in a vegetative state."

Wei's father shifted his gaze to Bei Quan's face and cautiously asked:

"He didn't have a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, did he?"

"That's right, it was a 'backlash"."

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Bei Quan nodded with a smile:

"It was the revenge of those five evil spirits that broke free from their restraints and turned against their 'former master'."

Wei's father let out a sigh of relief.

Wang Daochang had finally reaped what he had sown. Even if he miraculously survived, he would be confined to a bed for the rest of his life, unable to cause any more mischief.

Wei's father could now finally have speace of mind.

"Uncle, this matter isn't over yet."

Bei Quan, being so perceptive, could tell what Wei Dad was thinking just by looking at his expression.

"Even though those five evil spirits of Wang Daochang won't cknocking on your door anymore, your 'ghost path' still exists within your home. If you don't want wandering spirits and wild ghosts from outside to occasionally wander into your hthrough this 'ghost path' you must dismantle it as soon as possible."

Wei's father: "!!"

--Holy crap!

He thought to himself in shock:

--I was so focused on getting the bed delivered this morning, how did I completely forget about this?!

"And also, the artifacts hidden under the floor in your room belonging to Master Wang, they need to be properly dealt with."

Bei Quan smiled and said:

"I think, just to be safe, it would be best to renovate the entire house."

Wei's Dad nodded vigorously, as if pounding garlic.

Aside from the spiritual path and hidden mechanisms, who knew if Wang Daochang left any other tricks in their house. Without renovating it, he felt uneasy living there!

With these thoughts, Wei's father looked up and glanced at his son, then back at Bei Quan.

"Bei Quan..."

He picked up the purple clay teapot and refilled Bei Quan's small teacup.

"After thinking it over, I believe that 'family' is the most reliable."

Wei's father put down the teapot and sheepishly rubbed his nose.

"So, when we renovate the house, could you please take a look at the feng shui for us?"

Upon hearing this, Wei Fuyuan suddenly jolted, and under the table, he squeezed Bei Quan's hand tightly.



His stubborn and hot-tempered old dad admitted that Bei Quan is a 'family member' of the Wei family!

Just the thought of it made Young Master Wei so excited that he wanted to spin Bei Quan around in his arms!

Bei Quan turned his head and glanced at Wei Fuyuan.

Then he tightened his fingers and interlocked them with his lover's.

"With utmost pleasure."