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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 545 - Sleepover
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Inside the tent the whole gang minus Zhao Li Xin is having a good time, they drink and play board games, this time Bei Li Yan is against Li Mo Zhen so is a wonder who came out to be the winner, nonetheless everyone is placing their bet and everyone is welcome including the Mong brother and Ming Yue Yin subordinate because Lory had a grudge for being wiped out clean by Bei Li Yan she places her bet for Li Mo Zhen the same like Yang Xi Ying and the Mong brothers while the other place their bet for Bei Li Yan and the house is, of course, Zhao Li Xin who is not present.

The game becomes heated up after Li Mo Zhen becomes the winner, Bei Li Yan throwing tantrum and force Li Mo Zhen for another match. Lory increased the tension with a loud shout "Do It!!"


And so everyone chants the same thing, Li Mo Zhen who used to be calmed got excited and so another match begins and another betting also follows. The ship becomes loud and lively with everyone taunting each other and it becomes an unusual board game where people played it in serene.

This time Bei Li Yan wins, he is so excited he make a loud cheers for himself then Jin Hao throws his fan at him for making a ruckus. Everyone burst to laugh and it's like a party it goes on until midnight. Lory thought this ship is becoming more like a pirated ship, everyone is loud and drunks and she liked it! Unfortunately, because of her healing gift, Lory could never get drunk, only tipsy and it's only for a minute until her gift neutralized the alcohol in her blood.

Lory was sitting on the couch with Yang Xi Ying head lean on her left shoulder and Ming Yue Yin leans her head on her right shoulder, the three of them keep drinking without care, while Li Mo Zhen has a normal game with Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan back to his cabin to rest.

Meanwhile, Ming Yue Yin subordinated peek at Lory, it's been happening for a while and Lory didn't mind it she understand her look must be on their eyes.

"You want me to gauge their eyes" Ming Yue Yin suddenly said, she subordinated startled they bow her head with a pale face.

"You need to work out on your temper" Lory waved her hands at Ming Yue Yin subordinated, sign them she's not angry at all.

Then Ming Yue Yin throws her hands on the air to sign them to leave. Ming Yue Yin subordinates bend their waist repeatedly and give Lory a grateful look before they scurry away.

"This is not the first time people staring at me, I don't mind" Lory sigh, she wants to put her cup on the table but the two heads on her shoulder blocked her moves so she stops her moves and put the empty cup on her lap instead.

"Well, you are very beautiful…" Yang Xi Ying mutters.

Lory leans her head on the couch "I don't know about that, but I think is because I'm Lucient heir so my face is practically everywhere" Lory reminiscence the old day when a lot of people used her picture and Lucas for commercial advertising, mostly happened without permission so it's Jay and Fred jobs to handle it.

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"So I'm not new using a disguised, I used to color my hair red, brown, orange, pink….o think I had used every color"

"You have pink hair?" Yang Xi Ying amazed, in this world noble daughter can't even cut their head after they reach their coming aged ceremony, she can't imagine coloring her hair although that idea is very tempting for obedient girls like her.

"You really have dyed your hair in every color?" Ming Yue Yin also got excited, no matter how brazen she is there still certain boundaries she cannot trespass.

Lory gazes up to the dark grey tent above her "Uhm, I never use blonde color…"

"What is blonde color?" Yang Xi Ying asks

"It's a yellowish color, like corn but paler I think" Lory explain.

"Why you never used that color, is it look bad?" Ming Yue Yin teased her.

Lory chuckles lightly "Nah, I used it once but my father reaction…..well, I think I remind him too much of my mother"

"He hated it?" Yang Xi Yin worriedly asks.

"No…he look sad, he tries to hide it though but it's too obvious….so I never dyed my hair blonde ever again" Lory heaved heavily.

"By the way why you dyed your hair, I thought with shapeshifter spell you could 'woosh'" Ming Yue Yin make a silly gesture with her hands.

"No way, in my world there's a lot of places planted with antimagic persona, so your disguised washed off the moment you take a step into that place, there also antimagic sunglasses, soft lens, and many more so shapeshifter spell are unreliable is better do in an old-fashion way" Lory sighs.

"Lory, your father is a king right, sorry to asked this, but does he married again or taken concubines?" Yang Xi Ying lifts her head with her eyes glint curiously.

"No, it's fine" Lory patted Yang Xi Ying's hand "No, my father never married again or taken concubines, lover or whatever that is" Lory waved her hands.

"That's amazing, are all kings in your world like that?" she widens her eyes as her curiosity pique.

Lory guffawed then she explained "No, sadly no…there is some kings who have concubines or mistress although they don't have as many as the emperor in this world, however, they do have two or three mistresses but they identity used to be hidden from the public because the stigma of having mistresses is not good for their imaged and that women either….well, I pity their offspring, just like here the life of children from concubines is not easy"

"And yet man if persistent to have more wives" Ming Yue Yin sneer.

"And they blame the wives when bad things happened to their children" Yang Xi Ying scoffed.

"Yes, I don't know why men like to keep a lot of women in one place, is like put dozens of cats in one caged and they only give one fish to share, if they not crazy now they surely crazy then," Lory stifles.

"Yeah, and guess who is the fish?" Ming Yue Yin laughs heartily then follow by the other girls. 

"My father too, even until now he still thought their wives live harmoniously, just because they treat each other politely" Yang Xi Ying shakes her head helplessly.

Lory's eyes bulged in surprise "Really, I thought they just pretend not to know" is hard for lory to believe that men can be so oblivious "Do they really think a woman would send their husband to another woman bed willingly? Without heartache or jealousy? Really?"

"Yes, they are that stupid" Ming Yue Yin nods in certain "Don't you learned anything while you at Lao Manor?"

Lory tilted her head as she recalled when she was a maid at Lao Manor "I never pay attention, I thought the master enjoy the women killed each other for him"

"Well, some men are like that until he becomes the one who got killed" Ming Yue Yin snickered then she waved her hand to her subordinated Su Yi "Bring more wine!"

"And more dumpling!" Lorry added.

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"And Tea too" and so Yang Xi Ying.

The corner of Ming Yue Yin mouth twitching then she shouted again "Bring everything!" 

Su Yi and Su Feng bow their head then they climb down to the lower deck in hurry.

Unbeknown with the girls, Immediately all men on the deck feel a shiver running to their spine because they all have good cultivation so they could hear Lory words clearly, they begin to re-think again about having multiple wives. Jin Hao and Li Mo Zhen never consider having multiple wives but when they heard Lory and the other discussion they feel a pang in their hearts.

They always have a prejudice that women inside the harem are cruel and vicious but when they heard the girls talking they realize the bad one is not the women in the harem but is the man. The women are put in the conditioned where they must hurt each other not just to get their husband favor but also to secure their future, of course, they become vicious, they have too because their life and their children life depends on it.

Jin Hao and Li Mo Zhen look each other and perplexed, obviously polygamy life is very cruel and heartless, no wonder they're so many tragedies happened inside the harem, Lory and the others might not realizes it but they had changed the men state of mind about polygamy, and many of them determined to avoid that kind of life, for their own good and their offspring.

And the three girls who oblivious about their success have moved on to another discussion.

"Lory let's sleep together tonight!" Ming Yue Yin clapped her hands excitedly.

"That's great!" Yang Xi Ying happily welcomes the idea.

"I don't mind, my man is still cultivating but I don't think your man would agree, he already make a face you know" Lory raised her brows at Yang Xi Ying.

"What face?" Yang Xi Ying confused, she turns her head around at Li Mo Zhen that surely making a 'face' at her.

"A face like an abandoned puppy" Ming Yue Yin guffawed, she never thought someone also as clingy as her scary uncle.

Yang Xi Ying blushed heavily, she forgot how clingy her husband is.

"So aunty is just gonna be you and me then…" She wiggles her eyebrows.

Lory lift the teacup and casually said: "Sure, but if you snore, I'm living you"