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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 510 - Time To Wake Him Up II
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After they left Cloud city they stay for a while at Tang Sheng city, unlike before Zhao Li Xin used his real identity as long Ming and bought the largest residence in the town, since then many people try to enter the manor to curry his favor, some try to offer money and jewelry, there also some who try to offer their daughter and many try to offer both but at the end all of them kick out mercilessly before they were able to touch the front gate. A lot of people were badly hurt and almost crippled since then no one dares to get close to Zhao Li Xin Manor ever again.

The next day there's a rumor spread around the town that Long Ming is a very rich man, it's possible he had more wealth than the emperor himself, and the most important thing is, Long Ming is devoted husband, he loves his wife like his own life, and he had punished a lot of people who try to harm his wife, the victims are the heavenly Jade Pavilion Sect, The Liang Zu former royal princess, The Lu clan and recently sacred Mountain Peak society, so if anyone values their life, they better stop provoking Long Ming wife.


Since then Luo Ri Yi name becomes the talk of the town who eventually to the other countries, she becomes the source of jealousy and envy of all the women in the continent, some women admired her but most of them despised her, But of course, Lory doesn't realize her uprising popularity because of certain Lord.

Inside the Manor Lory sit on the bench at the garden while enjoying the tranquil night while waiting for Zhao Li Xin and Mong Ki to fetch her later, Zhao Li Xin went for another meeting with Mong Ki and Mong Yi because it would become a long journey there's a lot of things need to be taken care off before they left.

Zhao Li Xin could feel Lory presence in the garden miles away, his cultivation has reached to the point all his sense become very sensitive, and if he wants to he can expand his conscious and figure it out how many people in his manor and how strong they are. And for him finding Lory in his manor is easy as dog finding bones.

Lory wears blue and white hanfu with white delicate lily embroidery on her sleeves, she has returned to Luo Ri Yi appearance since she got out from the spatial ring, even though she looks like an ordinary woman using Luo Ri Yi disguised but she still exudes a certain mysterious aura that cannot be hidden. Just with this alone Zhao Li Xin was certain he could find her no matter what kind of disguised she used.

"Why don't you wear something warmer?" Zhao Li Xin's eyebrows furrow when he realizes she didn't wear a cloak or shawl.

"I'm fine, tonight is not so cold, and after all, I wear this..." she shows the necklace on her neck with a big smile on her face.

Zhao Li Xin sighs while listening to her reply, he wat to be strict but her innocent smiles weaken his heart "Fine, do you want to leave now?"

"Yep!" she nods excitedly, they don't have much time before they went to another continent so she has to awake the old bird right away.

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He shakes his head in amused then prepares to pick her up, but Lory stops him "Wait, I can do it on my own now!" she took two steps back while her eyes glint mischievously.

Zhao Li Xin's handsome face frown as he contemplated to stop her or not "Don't you said you can't exhaust your power?" he stare at her with worry fill his eyes.

"I'm fine, this didn't take too much of my power" she waves her hand as she make cheeky smiles to reassured him.

But she didn't lie this time, she does feel…stronger, when she awoke she feel a large amount of mana surged on her veins and her body becomes lighter then her reflex becomes faster and sharper than ever before she almost feel like her old self….almost!

She suddenly leaps to the roof in one jump then she looks down with naughty smiles "Come on slowpokes" she giggles then make another long leap outside the manor, Zhao Li Xin stifles then make another long leap to chassed his princess. Meanwhile, Mong Ki and Mong Yi look at each other and sigh heavily, it's confirm now that next time their young madam decide to runaway it would be a hassle to catch her back.

She feel a sense of freedom as the cold wind gently blows her face as she bounces from one roof to another, smiles bloom on her face when the cursed who used to hold her down loses the power to control her.

Now she understands why the cursed start to mess with her head is because it could feel her power growing and it feel threatened, soon she would able to get rid this horrible cursed from her body once for all, and if the worst is coming for her, Lory will die peacefully knowing she end her life as a proud Lucient heir and not as a foolish victim of Demon.

Suddenly her waist is lifted, Lory yelp in surprised but soon she laughs because she felt the familiar arms and his masculine scent. Zhao Li Xin lifts her in a princess carry "Where do you want to go? you didn't even know where the place is"

"Ups," she covers her naughty grin with her hand.

Not Long after Mong Ki and Mong Yi arrived, when they saw Lory was carried in Zhao Li Xin arms they secretly sigh in relief, if young madam ever runaway it wise to leave the matter to their Lord's hand, afterall he is the husband.

"Show the way" he orders Mong Ki.

he snapped back from his daze then cupped his fist firmly "Yes, Milord!" Mong Yi and Mong Ki dash toward the woods then Zhao Li Xin follows them while carrying Lory on his arms, he had no attention to let her walk by herself.

Lory nudged Zhao Li Xin collar "Li Xin I can go by my….."

"Stay!" he glares at her.

Lory shut her mouth then shrink her neck, Zhao Li Xin can't let her exert her energy too much, she might look fine but if anyone remembers she just awaked from almost a year coma, and she only awoke for a week, normally she should stay in bed and drink tonic to recuperated her health, but not his princess when she awoke she runs and jumping like a crazy bunny in drugs.

Sometimes he wonders how people raised her back in her world, she is a very naughty and energetic little girl, how much trouble she had created when she was a kid.

If Fred and the other hear about this, they would say 'A Lot'

Lorry know she should not provoke the great Lord any further or he would carry her back home so she obediently let him carry her around like a doll, who told her to married with worrywart. She rests her head on her warm and broad chest, she took a deep breath as she inhaled his scent, her husband scent is so good she could never have enough of it.

One of the female hunters told her if she has to choose between an ugly boyfriend but or smelly boyfriend, she would choose an ugly boyfriend ina heartbeat. you can't ignore ugly face, afterall beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but a smelly boyfriend, how can't you ignore that? perfume and deodorant might work temporarily and sometimes it make the smell worst when that happens what would you do....hold your breath?

Lory chuckles, how could she remember that ridiculous conversation now, but if by some miracles she ever returns to her world she would find that female hunter and show off that her husband not just very handsome but also smelled very nice.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhao Li Xin looks down on her with dazzling smiles.

'Aahh, so handsome'

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Even until now his smiles still mesmerized her, Lory giggles got louder "Nothing, I just remember something funny~"

He didn't ask further is good for her to remember something good. They leave the main city and enter the woods,fifteen-minute later they arrived in their destination, the place is exactly like Zhao Li Xin said, is not special at all, it only a tiny lake in the middle of nowhere but at least the moon position is right above the lake and the light shine directly into the lake.

"Is this place okay?" he slowly put Lory down.

"Yes, This is fine…" Lory tilted her head while pondering for a second then said "Just make sure no one comes"

"Mong Ki, Mong Yi" he didn't need to tell them what to do the two reliable subordinated immediately left to guard the place.

Lory rubs her hands then take a deep breath, her appearance return no original, she walks calmly then get into the lake, her body flinches slightly when her skin touch the cold water.

"Lory!" Zhao Li Xin grabs her wrist.

"It's fine, my origin power came from water, and Girsha power came from the wind I need to absorb both of them and use the moonlight as guidance…." 

"Guidance…?" Zhao Li Xin asked confusedly.

"To guide him from the darkness, just like what I did to you" her eyes twinkles as she smiles brightly at him.

Zhao Li Xin recalled the day she met her the first time, he was lost in the dark, dying and cold his heart fill with anger and resentment for losing his life because stupid reason, but she also feel a sense of loss and emptiness when he realizes he had nothing in his life that he holds dear for, it feel like standing still in darkness until he saw a bright light flown towards him like a glowing thread and guide him then he heard her gentle voice soon the faint sweet scent tingles his nose, and just like that he can't wait to wake up.

Zhao Li Xin's expression gradually softens as the memory they first meeting rush in his mind but then he remembers Lory already gone when he awoke and the reason is because the cursed is raging out of control, he tightened his grip while staring at her deeply "Are you going to be okay?"

Lory winks at him "Don't worry, I'm stronger now"