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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 451 - Forgotten Message
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Lory thought her heart leaps from her chest, she can't let them found her. Zhao Li Xin's plan would be foiled if they found her.

[Lory!] Girsha also panic.


[Wait-wait-wait…..I have an idea] 

[Good one or bad one?] Girsha's worries didn't decrease at all.

[Why are you always asking that!] Lory groan exasperatedly at the same time she put her hand on the ground and begin to chant, the ground becomes wet then water emerged from beneath the ground just like a droplet floating on the air slowly they're merged and created a transparent shield surrounding her just like a turtle shell then the surface glistening then Lory figure disappeared.

A second later Chen Hu Yin shoves the bushes harshly, he searches for people's presence but he only sees squirrels jump from the ground to the tree, meanwhile, Lory holds her breath while Chen Hu Yin stands right in front of her.

The spell was camouflage, actually, he didn't really disappear, she just hid from people's sight if Chen Hu Yin touched her shield, the shield would distort and pop like a balloon then he would see her right away. Although this was an unreliable spell, it was the only spell she could use using the least amount of mana she had.

Chen Hu Yin snorted in annoyance when he found no one, he thought it must be a squirrel or bird, he turns around and returns to where Mo Ning Yuan is.

Lory's legs become jelly, a second later the spell dissolved as her figure appeared from thin air. This spell can only last for ten minutes, with her power right now she can only maintain the spell for thirty seconds or less, if Chen Hu Yin stands a bit longer he would have caught her. 

"You become paranoid?" she chides him with teasing smiles when he came empty-handed.

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"Shut up, you don't know what will happen to us if someone listens to your words" he was annoyed by how calm Mo Ning Yuan was as if she had no idea how serious the words were coming out of her mouth.

"Please, what can they do to someone who already loses everything like me" Mo Ning Yuan stifles, there are bitterness and hatred flashed in her eyes.

"The only thing I have is this life, so I got nothing to fear..." she casually said, then she moves closer to Chen Hu Yin "But I can't say the same to you, if you scared you don't have to involved with me, you can step aside and let me do the heavy work" she patted Chen Hu Yin chest while smiles seductively.

Her smiles stirred his heart, he can't look away from her red lips as his throat become dry he gulped his saliva. he reminds himself not to let the past mistake be repeated, this woman is the same if not far worst than Nan Yu Qi.

Mo Ning Yuan knew what he thinking, she giggles softly her voice like a feather caressing his heart "Why are you so tensed, It is not like we never slept together before" she laughs at him.

His face becomes extremely red, unlike Xie Hua Ling he is a conservative man. He will never sleep with a woman who is not his wife or concubines, nonetheless, he does sleep with Mo Ning Yuan. At that time he was distraught because of Nan Yu Qi's engagement with Xie Hua Ling, he also feel sorry for his younger sister who was discarded by Xie Hua Ling like trash after years of devotion.

He was filled with anger, pain, and helplessness he drowns himself in wine, then he met Mo Ning Yuan, he doesn't know what happened he wakes up the next morning with her beside him, but not like other women Mo Ning Yuan didn't force him to take responsibility, she only picks up her dress and left before anyone caught them.

Maybe it is guilt or maybe is lust, in the end, he becomes entangled with her. They comfort each other, bickering, and slept together without feeling attached, it's a weird feeling for him but he can't avoid her, he hated her as much he craved for her.

"You think you can do this on your own?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Well, there is something you can help me with…." She smiles mischievously "There is a key on the shape of the golden lotus, it should be hidden in your family treasury, your family may treat it as a family heirloom…"

"Don't tell me you want it?" he glared at her as if she told him to steal a family heirloom for her.

"Borrow…" she corrects him "You lend me the key for some time and I guarantee the Xie family will be no more and your family could stop being anyone lapdog, you might even get Nan Yu Qi back" she plays her finger on his chest.

He doesn't know what make his heart beating louder, is it because of the possibility to have nan yu Qi back or because of this woman's evil touch. Chen Hu Yin takes a step back from her, he can't let himself seduced by this woman again.

Mo Ning Yuan enjoys watching him struggle to hold his own desire "What are you worry about, I can't run anywhere. The sacred mountain peak is all I know…" she said with ironic smiles, but only for a second then she lifts her chin "What do you think?"

"I see what I can do…" Chen Hu Yin didn't agree immediately but it didn't dither her.

"I'll be waiting then…" she sweetly smiles.

Chen Hu Yin nods his head but before he leaves he took a glance at Mo Ning Yuan "When this over, I will take you as my concubine, you don't have to worry about your family again"

Mo Ning Yuan was stunned for a second, she didn't say anything but smiles. Chen Hu Yin also didn't say anything further he turn around and left. Mo Ning Yuan watches Chen Hu Yin until his figure disappeared, she stares at him with an empty gaze then she chuckles as she looks down with mocking smiles on her face.

"Concubine…" she stifles.

Lory carefully left after the conversation between them over, she make sure she didn't step any twig or dry leaf, the cultivator hearing is very keen she was a force to tiptoe on the ground then run faster after she thought she is far enough from them.

Lory only stops running when they reach the main street. His hand leans against the wall she coughs from too much running.

[That's close…] she sighs.

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[Way too close…] Girsha admitted it.

Lory patted her chest, she takes a seat on the small stall she orders warm tea and a meat bun to recover her strength. She was contemplating the situation. Mo Ning Yuan's behavior is odd, at first she thought she wants to rule the Sacred Mountain Peak but from her words, it seems she's more inclined to destroy the Xie family. and what does she want with the mysterious key? She needs to talk with Zhao Li Xin about this key.

Lory munch the meat bun in a daze, then she takes a sip and continues taking another bite. She's eating with a blank look but suddenly her eyes widened and she stops munching her food 'I forgot to leave a message for Zhao Li Xin!!'


Zhao Li Xin return to his courtyard, he didn't hear any sound from his bedroom. He checked the bedroom and the room is empty then he checks the bathroom it was also empty, in this small courtyard he has no other place to check. He looks around searching for any sign from her but he got nothing.

He stood out in the middle of the courtyard's small garden, she was angry when he left her, is she still angry with him? Has she left him behind….Lory?

The fire surrounds him suddenly lit up, thankfully the array he plants around the courtyard holds the flame not to get outside but still, the whole garden is scorched by intense heat, Zhao Li Xin trembles as the tough of her leaving him behind without any words. The feeling of loss and desperation engulf him and the raging fire intensified.

The fire burns his robes into dust the heat also nullify the shapeshifter spell on his wrist, But Zhao Li Xin falls in a trance as he doesn't realize what happened around him, the fire starts to burn their bedroom and the array make a crackling sound, even the powerful array can't contain his power any longer.


Zhao Li Xin awoke from his stupor, on the gate Lory screaming at him but he can't hear what she said. Her figure becomes blurry he's not sure if that is really her or not. Lory runs toward him the water surrounding her like a bubble protecting her from the heat. Only then he realizes how much he loses control of his power, he retracts the flame back to him at the same time Lory jumps towards him she's circled her arm around him then the water bubble burst and the cold water pour down on them. 

"Lory…." the cold water snapped his consciousness then he looks at her in confusion.

"What are you doing!" Lory shouted in anger, everything around them scorched to the ground their bedroom almost burn to crisp and fire still engulf the courtyard, she doesn't understand what make him lose control like this and why his appearance return to its original face what happened with her spell? So many questions run through her head but suddenly Zhao Li Xin hugged her "I thought you leaving me…" he mutters. His words are shaken as he whispers in deep sorrow.

Lory swarm with guilt, she was reckless, she should not leave without a word especially after what happened in the morning, he must be thought she left him behind, Lory patted his back "I feel stuffy confined in the room so I take a stroll, I forgot to leave you a message, I'm sorry…..I won't do that again"