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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 145 - Viciousness
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When she awoke the first thing she sees is a wooden roof, she confuses why she stares at the roof then she sees Girsha looking down on her from the table with a flat gaze.

[Awaked?] he asked casually.


Turns out half her body is on the floor while her leg is still on the bed, is she falling from the bed again the pain on the back of her head later confirmed her, Lory pull her leg from the bed she sprawls on the floor while massaged the back of her aching back head, than slowly she sits on the floor with a daze looks.

[What kinda dream this time?] Girsha could already guess what happened.

Lory takes a long breath then she rose from the floor, now she feels her waist sore too [A bloody one….] she said while twisting her waist left and right.

[There's a massacre….everyone were dead and….there was a man with white sword….] Lory drinks mineral water right from the jug in an unladylike manner.

[Man? Is it like Ming Yue Yin cased like before?] Girsha tilted his head.

Lory shakes her head [No…something is different, there something very dark about it...]

Suddenly someone knocks on the door, Lory who was lay on the couch still not awake from her drowsiness "Come in" she lazily answer.

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The door is gently open from outside turn out its Zhao Li Xin with his usual black robes.

"You awoke early today?" he said with a soft baritone voice.

"Hm…" Lory gives a perfunctory nod.

Zhao Li Xin smiles become a bit stiff, he worries she still angry "Are you talking with Girsha?" he heard a sound from Lory's room, he knew it was Lory's speaking in another language while the birds chirping with a melodious sound like they talk to each other, that's how he knew Lory already awaked from her sleep.

"We are" she answers casually without trying to hide it, not as she bothered by it anyway

"You came early…" Lory asked casually, lately Zhao Li Xin is busy cultivating so she rarely saw him in the morning again something she didn't saw him at all for two days, she didn't mind him though.

To increase his level in short time he had been cultivating inside the ring, he also practice to control immortal flame with Huo Long that's why he had to neglect her for a few days he felt guilty but her safety is still his top priority so he can only choose to strengthen his cultivation only than he can be sure to protect her, but today is different he needs to make sure she's not angry anymore with him if not he couldn't concentrate to cultivate.

He takes a sits beside her, Lory shifts her body to give her more space but Zhao Li Xin thought it because she didn't want to get close with him, he feel someone squeeze his heart, he sits closer to her than he holds her hand tightly.

"Are you still angry? He makes an expression like an abandoned puppy.

"Huh?" Lory frowned, she actually forgot about it. Lory was the type who would forget her anger after she slept especially a minor problem like Tang Mei Yi, she had long forgotten about it and the truth is she wasn't really angry with him she just vents her frustration but she knows it's not Zhao Li Xin fault.

"Please don't be angry, I promised I will never take any woman beside you even if my master forces me to, you know my feeling for you so you must assure other women is impossible for me…" he pleaded desperately, his long discussion with Bei Li Yan conclude that he needs to be honest and he has to reassure her so she wouldn't doubt him anymore.

Lory was startled and amused by his words, is not like she ever doubts him, and with how cold the interaction between Zhao Li Xin and Tang Mei Yi she knew he never likes her even the slightest, she just a bit upset that he never told her about his master plan to match Tang Mei Yi with him but then she realizes perhaps Zhao Li Xin never think about his Master request seriously that's why he forgot about it.

And now he looks like a pitiful husband who was wrongly accused of cheating, she almost burst to laugh but that would hurt his pride so she pressed her mouth with both of her hands but her crescent eyes betrayed her, Zhao Li Xin confused why her mood suddenly changed but at least she's not angry anymore.

"You forgive me, right....Lory?" he gently called her real name.

Zhao Li Xin had promised her he only called her real name when their just the two of them, being called by her real name make her heart fluttered her cheeks becomes red fortunately her half-face cover with her hands, she feels funny and shy at the same time make her end up lost her words, she shakes her head profusely sign Zhao Li Xin she's not angry anymore.

He felt relief but he still not sure, he pulled her hands away from her face and then he sees her try to hold her laughter until her face turn bright red only than his heart become relaxed, he pulled her in his embraces he can hear her soft giggles he unconsciously chuckles too he is engulfed by warmth and gentleness he never felt before in his entire life, he wonders if this is how lover make up after a fight? it does make him feel closer to her like he can understand her more than before.

"Okay, I'm not mad!" Lory can't stop his giggling "Let me go, I need to take a bath first" she pushes Zhao Li Xin lightly.

"Good, I believed you're words" He pretended to be firm with his mouth still curved upwards.

When Lory left to get a bath, the male servant told him his Master Tian Meng Ji and Tang Mei Yi visit his Villa. Zhao Li Xin clenched his jaws, he just coaxed Lory but this Woman dares to come again if she's not closed with his Master he would already kick her out like Xiang Feng Ran was.

Zhao Li Xin face become dark, the innocent male servant can only bow without daring to lift his body he can feel his Lord is angry but is not his fault he just the messenger, Zhao Li Xin flicked his robes with annoyed face than he takes a long strides to the main hall where his Master and that wretched woman is while Mong Ki and Mong Yi follow him from behind.

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In the main hall an old man with modest white robes sit on the square wooden table his white hair is topknot and cover with 'Guan' headwear, he got long white beard and kind face, the servant pour a cup of wine for him courteously, the old man nodded his head with satisfied expression, beside him there's a young woman with white and soft blue hanfu, her long hair flowing behind her back like a waterfall adorn only with one butterfly hairpin, her gaze is soft and tender like a pure maiden from Aristocats family.

"Master" Zhao Li Xin greets with slight bows, even when he cared with his owned master he still can bow courteously as a normal disciple should be, but Tian Meng Ji already used by it but he ignores Tang Mei Yi.

"Ah, Xin'er let's sit here, it's been a while we didn't see each other" Tian Meng Ji delighted to see his beloved disciple again, even though he always cold but he is honest man since he becomes Hei Shen Leader he always send him pill, elixir, and treasure for him, because of Zhao Li Xin he lived a carefree life without having to worry for money, medicine, or place to live, whenever he needs Hei Shen Sect always there to support him.

"Brother Zhao" Tang Mei Yi greets politely, in front of Tiang Meng Ji she always called him with 'Brother' to show her respect or closeness, Tian Meng Ji make meaningful smiled he liked Tang Mei Yi very much and he had a dream to match both of them together.

"Did I told you to stop calling me Brother, we are not that close..." he said cooly.

Tang Me Yi's face turns red, in the past, Zhao Li Xin still gives her face in front of his Master but now he becomes colder and hostile towards her, is it because of that woman? Tang Mei Yi hand clenched under her sleeve but her face remains unperturbed.

"Xin'er, why did you said that both of you had known from a child how could you are not close to her?" Tiang Meng Ji dissatisfied with Zhao Li Xin's answers he feel bad for Tang Mei Yi.

"Do you ever saw me talk with her for more than two minutes" he sips his wine indifferently, he might not care to call her name.

"Xin'er!!" Tian Meng Ji berated him but deep down he agrees with him, he does never seen them talk for more than a few minutes and every time they talk is always look distant and cold, this is what make him frustrated, forget about make them a husband and wife, he even never let her get close more than three steps away from him.

Zhao Li Xin ignores his angry Master, not like normal disciple Zhao Li Xin didn't know how to be understanding or kind to other people, just like with Mong ki and Mong Yi who had been served him from a child Zhao Li Xin still having it hard to open his heart to them, he treat people who good with him with courtesy and patience but he always maintained his distance towards them as if he lives inside the invisible glass, he can see them but they could never touch him.

Including with his owned Master, he gives his master respect and benefit but his heart remains distance from his owned Master, he didn't know why he is like that, is it because the abused he experience when he was a kid or is it simply because he born like that, all he knows is other then Lory is hard to accept other people in his heart.

"Its fine uncle Tian, perhaps Brother Zhao didn't want to upset his fiancée, that's why he needs to be firm with me" Tang Mei Yi smiled amicably, but their's a glint of viciousness in her eyes that Zhao Li Xin knew it too well.