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The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 93 Gods From Heaven And Demons From Hell
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The skies screamed with thunder, and bursts of lightning lit up the sky as the police cars approached the station. The rain fell in torrents, soaking everything in its path.


A black car appeared out of nowhere, drifting right in front of the police cars from a nearby road before coming to a stop.

Vrooommm... stustsuststu..

The sound of the car's engine echoed through the streets, adding to the chorus of thunder in the sky.

"Who is this fucker? Go check it out." The captain placed an order on their communication mic.

Some of the officers walked out of the car and slowly moved toward the car.

The gate of the black car swung open, and a figure emerged from within.

He was clad entirely in black, and his face was hidden under a Japanese hannya mask.

"You! Who are you? Place your hand behind your back and kneel on the ground or we will shoot you." One of the police officers shouted as they all pointed their guns toward him.

The rain poured heavily as the man approached them at a leisurely pace. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the quiet street, causing an eerie silence to fall upon the scene.

The police officers' hands instinctively moved towards their weapons, clicking the safety off, ready for any potential danger. Suddenly, the man reached behind his back and retrieved a large kitchen knife, its gleaming blade catching the dim light of the street lamps.

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"Fuck, he is not stopping."

"Let me shoot him in the leg," the officers conversed as one of them fired the gun.

A thunderous bang rang through the air as the rain fell fiercely. A sharp object zipped through the drops and perfectly targeted the man's leg.

The man easily avoided the lethal bullet with a fast roll to the right. Without skipping a beat, he sprang to his feet and began sprinting towards them.

"He is coming; get ready." The police officers started shooting again.

Bullets were fired one after the other, the officers aiming carefully to prevent any fatal strikes. Their bullets sliced through the air, whistling towards their target as they sought to bring him down.

The man brought his knife before him. What happened next left everyone stunned to their core, their eyes widening in disbelief.

He waved his knife swiftly in the air, sending sparks flying as he deflected each bullet fired at him. He proceeded to charge toward them without flinching.

"How is this possib... As he opened his mouth to speak, the man swiftly closed in on him, delivering a powerful kick to his stomach that sent him hurtling toward the police car.

The man swiftly took cover behind the car and made his way to the back door to assess the group of thugs inside, who appeared terrified.

He moved at breakneck speed, dodging gunfire and dispatching police officers one by one as he approached the next car.

The man approached the fifth and final car, skillfully deflecting gunfire and knocking down every police officer who stood in his way.

The captain stood his ground in front of the car, unafraid.

"I know you are here to kill the thug. But you can't do it.

"Law will take care of him." The captain spoke. He couldn't believe it as he witnessed a lone man take down his entire squad with only a kitchen knife, skillfully dodging gunfire.

"No law can save that guy. He is going to die today." The man replied in a deep voice.

"Killing him won't bring the kid back. I don't know who you are, but I feel somehow you are doing this for that kid."

"I am doing this for me. Move aside."

The captain drew his weapon and leveled it at the man, his voice slightly trembling as he spoke, "Then I will not hold back."

The man didn't waste time responding and instead ran towards the captain at breakneck speed.

The captain's gunshots echoed in the air as the masked man expertly deflected and dodged them with his knife.

Unlike his fellow officers, the captain's aim was steady and focused. He shot with precision, knowing just where to aim to hit the man's vital points.

The man closed in on the captain, but the latter backed away and leveled his gun at close range at the man's mask.

The captain fired his shot, and the man swiftly dodged to the side and dove, narrowly avoiding the bullet but not without grazing his shoulder.

The man reacted by delivering a spinning roundhouse kick to the captain's chin, knocking him out in an instant.

The man took off his hannya mask and walked near the last police car.

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When he opened the door of the last police car, he saw the face of the man who had fired the gun at the supermarket.

"I... It's you; wait, what are you doing..."

Aizel dragged the gunman out of the police car by his hair. He dragged him through the rain-soaked streets till they arrived at the center.

"Y... What are you going to do? You can't kill me."

"It was you. You forced me to do it."

"You can't die easily, or I will not be able to sleep peacefully forever," Aizel replied as he bent down to look him straight in the eyes.

"No, please... God is watching us; please, you will go to hell if you kill me."

Aizel gazed up at the stormy sky for a moment, then lowered his gaze to the ground.

He then retrieved his knife and gripped it tightly with his right hand, while using his other hand to grasp one of the man's fingers.

"Even if the gods fly down from heaven or the demons rise from hell, no one will be able to stop me today from listening to the painful screams of your death."

"No no no… AHHHHHHH..........

The man's cries echoed through the streets as Aizel approached him, his knife glinting in the dim light.

He began to slowly slice away the man's fingers, one by one. The man writhed in pain, his screams growing louder with each passing moment as he watched his own flesh being severed from his hand.

After that, Aizel moved to his feet and did the same.

He kept his gaze set on the man as he drew his knife towards his throat, the blade gleaming menacingly in the light. He began to slash through the man's flesh with a steady and deliberate pace, his gaze never leaving his target.

The man's breath came in ragged gasps as he watched the knife draw closer and closer, his life flashing before his eyes in a blur of memories.