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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 161
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Chapter 9: Ayla

The rest of the week went by quickly. It often did when every minute of the day had

something to fill it. Holly had come into town with Zeff, and they invited Theo along for our

dinner to congratulate us. I also agreed to write the column on a part–time basis, which

made both Zeff and Holly happy. Theo was supportive once he knew it was a light

schedule that wouldn’t be likely to add any more stress to my workload.

He and Zeff also got along surprisingly well and started to seem like old friends. Which

made me happy. In the end, it was a wonderful evening.

The following days were filled with much of the same – training in the morning, working on

the Harry investigation with Mina, Luna lessons with Grace, and getting my school

schedule finalized.

My first two classes started on Monday. I was excited but realized how quickly everything

was happening. I began to think I should have waited until the following semester to get

started. Theo felt my anxiety, and, being as sweet as he is, he took me around the

campus on Sunday to help me get my bearings.

My second class was with Professor Armand. I immediately liked him. His passion for his

subject was evident, and he seemed to be a patient and effective teacher. I was excited to

see how the class went but was even more eager to get to work with him on my own

history project.

Jimmy and I stayed behind when the class was dismissed for my meeting with the


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“Luna, thank you for staying back with me,” Professor Armand said.


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“This first week of school is always hectic for everyone, and this was the best time for me

to fit you in.”

“It’s not a problem at all,” I said. “And please, call me Ayla here. I’d rather not draw too

much attention.”

“I’m afraid your secret won’t last too long, my dear,” the professor replied. “The rumor

that our new Luna will be attending this year has been the talk of the campus.”

“Of course it is,” I said lightly. “I’m not expecting to keep it a secret. Just as separate as

possible. I think it’ll be easier on my classmates.”

Armand glanced at Jimmy behind me.

“Yeah,” I said, following his gaze. “We’re working on that too.”

Jimmy put a hand to his chest. “You mean you don’t like spending the whole day with my

sparkling wit and charm? Luna, I’m hurt.”

I shook my head at his antics.

“Anyway, I know you’re aware of my… rather unique situation,” I said as I sat at his desk.

“Yes, I’m afraid I was the one who helped Randy track you down,” he admitted. “I’m sorry

if that has put you in danger.”

“No,” I said. “Trust me, there were plenty of others who did that first. In fact, it was you

and Randy that helped us find some answers to what was going on.”

“It is a relief to hear that,” he said. “But you have more questions. I’m not making any

promises. It sounds like Alpha Cooper and Randy told you as much as we know.”



“Well, I think I have some things that can help us,” I told him, reaching into my bag and

removing one of my father’s books.

“Where did you come by this?” he asked eagerly.

“Let’s just say it fell into my lap,” I said. “I have a couple more like it. I‘ m still going

through everything, but I brought this one because it has a lot of information on my family


He was flipping through the book as I spoke. “Indeed there is.”

He stopped on a page I had bookmarked. It spoke about some of the abilities that ran in

my bloodline.

“Yeah, I wanted to dig a little deeper into that,” I said tentatively. “I know I can command

people, but I don’t know how to yet. It’s something I need to work on.”

“I’m afraid I’m probably not the best instructor on that skill,” the professor pointed out.

“No, that’s okay,” I rushed. “Alpha Torin has offered to help with that. But, um…” — I

glanced back at Jimmy, knowing he wouldn’t like the direction I was going to take things –

“I wanted to know more about the wolfsbane immunity.”

Jimmy’s gaze fell on me, as I suspected, but I ignored it.

“That is something the Dominis was known for,” Armand confirmed. “From what I could

tell, all the members had the capability.”

“But was it something that was completely inherent, or did they have to build it up?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure,” Armand said. “I do recall some kind of tradition or ritual that

involved ingesting wolfsbane. I can pull my research for



you on that, but I’m sure this would also be a good place to start.”

I smiled. “I hope so,” I stated. “Randy made it sound like you were an expert on

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Onyxcrown history…”

“I’m not willing to claim that, I’m afraid,” he interrupted. “At least not on their more recent

histories, I should say. My studies have always consisted of the distant past. But I can

certainly get you looking in the right direction for the information you need.”

“Thank you, Professor,” I said. “Well, I won’t take up any more of your time today. Thank

you for meeting with me.”

“Of course,” he said, standing as I did. “And please feel free to review your schedule and

let me know of any regular times you would like to meet on this subject.”

“I’ll do that.” I said.

“Gamma Jimmy,” the professor said, “it’s always a pleasure to see you.”

“Take care, Professor,” Jimmy said as he followed me out.

We made it across campus to my car.

“You better not be thinking of doing what I think you are,” Jimmy said sternly.


“If I find out you’ve taken wolfsbane in some ritual, Luna, I…”

“Jimmy, calm down,” I said. “I’m not doing any rituals, okay? I was just curious. It was just

something Harry said.”

“Well, we both know how crazy that bastard was,” Jimmy mumbled.

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“I know, big guy,” I said.

I wasn’t going to tell him I had every intention of exploring this possible immunity. With

my safety always in question, it would at least take that weight off my mind.
