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The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 862 Bedridden
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It's been almost a week since the incident in the Endless Field of Hyacinth.

Rex has been unconscious ever since that night, his body is in a mess thanks to the Lunirich Gods and now he was bedridden. But it was natural for him to be like this. After using the Invincible Item, he was weakened severely.

Not even he could come out unscathed from that attack, his body is under a lot of stress.

Moreover, the Silverstar Castle was hectic that night.

Taking the last attack from the Kaiser of the Scarlet Garland, Calidora was also injured severely and she could barely manage herself. If not for the unique property of the curse energy fighting the Blood Moon energy, she wouldn't be able to stand right now.

Due to that, he was forced to contact Flunra, telling him about Rex's condition.

Flunra would need to create a clear hidden way so that the new people of Dargena City wouldn't see Rex in this state. It's the Leader's duty to always appear strong, and this condition is not it.

If not for Calidora's injuries, she could've reached the castle easily.

But her body is very weak right now, the wound on her stomach is still aching excruciatingly. Getting Rex back to the city wouldn't be possible if not for Delta. It was the right thing to bring Delta alongside them.

However, despite her condition, she didn't regret her action one bit.

Rex would've been in a lot worse condition than this if she hadn't stepped in, or possibly die.

Nothing substantial happened throughout the week, the Silverstar Pack only cares for Rex while the people were starting to adjust to living in the city very well. Each of them has been assigned work depending on their skills.

One of the most important needs that Dargena City requires is food production.

Strong people such as the Awakened don't require to ingest food like the norm. If they were forced, the Awakened could probably survive with water alone for months thanks to them having mana inside their bodies.

But most of the people are regular people, and they need food to survive.

Due to that, most of the people were assigned to farm and plow the corps to solve this problem. At the same time, the stronger ones were directed to be city guards to keep the city's peace or hunters to help with the food problem.

Albeit that's the case, only a handful can act as a hunter inside the Humming Damned Forest.

Gelmar was one of them, and he has been hunting the weakest mutated animals.

Since the mutated animals inside the Humming Damned Forest were mostly in the sixth-rank realm prior to the First Breath, none of them were turned into normal animals. It makes hunting more problematic as there are only a few sixth-rank or above people.

Most of the hunters came from the Burton and Hester Families, a great contribution.

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Dindora and Linthia were the ones responsible for regulating the people and assigning their jobs, and the two were glad that those two families decided to side with them. If not then feeding thousands of people would be hard to keep up with.

But thanks to them, the stock of mutated animals was abundant.

One sixth-rank mutated animal is enough to feed dozens if not hundreds of regular people.

It was due to the energy their fleshy bodies contain. Any regular people that try to recklessly eat a sixth-rank realm mutated animals whole would find them going to an early death, their bodies will burst from the excessive energy.

At this moment, the food problem can be temporarily sustained until the crops grew.

On that note, Queen Shanaela and Calidora were the only ones that knows of Rex's condition. It was definitely worrying for Rex to be bedridden like this. But then again, knowing that this was caused by the Lunirich Gods, she was not surprised.

In fact, Rex should be considered lucky to even survive their attacks.

Despite wanting to discuss with him regarding the alliance, it seems she needs to wait more.

Inside the bed chamber, the others were gathered there.

Adhara, Evelyn, Flunra, and Naela were inside the bed chamber with an air of solemnity around them. Most of the time, Rex being injured is a regular occurrence for them. But this time, he became unconscious.

Something this severe creates choking tension inside the castle.

"Let's not idle like this" Adhara suddenly said, breaking the silence. "Evelyn, you should stay here with him. Your presence will help him heal faster, I'm going to deal with other affairs. Giana probably wants an answer, while Burton and the Hester Family have the highest strength, so I need to talk with them"

Not wanting to stay like this, Adhara decided that she would take over for the time being.

Despite her shaky position, she's still the Female Alpha.

It was her responsibility to take over until Rex woke up again, the problems around them wouldn't stop even with Rex being absent. Someone needs to step in and take care of things to keep them all at bay.

After saying that, Adhara turns around and leaves the bed chamber.

Flunra and Naela also excused themselves from the bed chamber, the two could still give help around, and staying inside the bed chamber to check on Rex's condition wouldn't do them any good.

But as Flunra was about to leave, Evelyn suddenly stopped him, "Flunra, wait!"

"Hmmm...? Do you want me to do something for you, Lady Evelyn?" Flunra asked lightly.

Upon hearing this Evelyn paused for a second before she eventually raised her gaze and said, "I'm worried about Gistella. I haven't seen her since yesterday, I fear that she might try and do something reckless. Can you look out for her?"

Remember the determined look that Gistella has, Evelyn fears for what she was about to do.

"Yes, I'll search for her. Just attend to him properly for us" Flunra replied before leaving.

Now that she was alone inside the bed chamber, she couldn't help but sighs dejectedly. Shifting her eyes to the king-size bed, she saw Rex lying there unconscious in peace, his wounds are regenerating rather slowly.

It made her surprised a bit realizing that this is the first time she actually saw Rex at peace.I think you should take a look at

Seems like every single waking second of him was filled with stress and problems.

Rex being unconscious is the only state of him feeling at peace.

Climbing onto the bed hesitantly, Evelyn's eyes slowly turned purple before her body started to emit purple smoke that swallows the whole room. She then hugged Rex from the side, focusing her Luna energy to help him regenerate faster.

While she was doing this,  her eyes darted to the open window beside the bed.

Evelyn remembered a couple of days ago, Calidora visited Rex's bed chamber.

Fearing that she might try and do something while he was in that state, Evelyn wanted to go inside but Flunra dissuades her from doing that. If the two are inside the same bed chamber, then there are many things that could go wrong.

Due to that, Flunra volunteered to keep an eye on Calidora while she was inside.

Not taking longer than five minutes, Calidora came out.

Just earlier when she was about to enter the bed chamber, there was a hidden worry in her eyes directed for Rex. But when she came out, her mood drastically improved and her eyes became clear once again.

"I'll be taking my leave, it's been fun being here but I must go now..."

Upon hearing this, Evelyn almost couldn't but become excited, she was happy that Calidora would be leaving. If she's not here, then everything should go back to the way it was, and she could spend time with Rex and strengthen their bonds again.

It doesn't matter what she needs to do, she would need to win Rex's attention back.

Calidora giggled when she saw Evelyn's eyes light up in response, yet she didn't mind it, "Don't worry, Evelyn... I'll be back. But in the meantime, I suggest you reflect on your action. Asks Adhara, I have a feeling that she might be able to help"

Just remembering this alone, Evelyn frowns as her mind is a mess.

On top of the feeling of not understanding what Rex has in mind, she also doesn't know what Calidora is thinking. At one point, she acted dominantly and even ridiculed her by kissing Rex.

But in the next moment, she decided to help, giving her some advice.

Evelyn is clearly annoyed by her behavior, and she could only shake her head, not wanting to think about Calidora any further, 'I don't care, she's probably messing with me. Her words are definitely poison'

Despite thinking that, she couldn't help but look at Rex's sleeping face.

"What's inside your mind, Rex...? Why are you doing this? I know that you're doing this to punish me for something that I did wrong, but isn't this too much? Please do not make it be true, don't abandon me..."


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Meanwhile, Adhara is walking on the street in search of Giana or Prof. K.

Since the two have done their parts, then as promised, Rex would help them take down the Executor. Although it sounded like a good deal for them, in truth, the deal leans heavily on Rex who was already aiming to take down the Executor.

But it's not a complete loss for Giana and Prof. K though.

Now that the two completed their tasks, Rex would be mindful of not killing humans openly.

It would ease them if Adhara came to them and give them a verbal promise, that would at least makes them feel better for doing so much for Dargena City. Despite their past sins, this time, the two undoubtedly did something good.

"Oh, Isn't Liliya supposed to be with them too? She must want to meet with Rex"

Remembering that Liliya is with them, Adhara picks up her pace.

Just as Prof. K has planned, Liliya becomes the real reason why Rex couldn't let the Emham Forest Operation solely be in the hands of Prof. K and Giana. It will risk Liliya's life if he did that. Surely, Rex care for Liliya who was his comrade after the military.

A good gamble by Prof. K, and he was rewarded for it.

Prof. K and Giana should be in care right now due to their injuries, so Adhara headed to the hospital first before she confronts the Burton and Hester Families. Along the way, people greeted her cheerfully knowing her standing inside the city.

It was the first time Adhara was treated like this, but she was accustomed to it quickly.

Upon taking a junction, she was surprised when she finds Gelmar heading from the opposite direction. He seems to be in a hurry but stopped when he saw Adhara greet her respectfully.

"Lady Adhara..."

"What's wrong with you, Gelmar? Is there something urgent?"

"An envoy that represents both the Dark Elf and the Dwarves came relying upon a request of assistance. Most of the older generations of the high-rank Supernaturals have awakened, and they were rallying their armies to skirmish the Great Barricade"

Listening to this, Adhara frowns as the Supernaturals would make their moves now.

Since the older generations are starting to wake up due to the World Awakening, it wouldn't take long before the big war will occur. It doesn't involve Dargena City directly, but they would still need to prepare for the worst.

But even then, this conflict doesn't necessarily concern the Dark Elf and the Dwarf.

"It should've been fine since the older generations' hate for the humans is paramount, but the Dark Elf and Dwarf stated that there might be some forces that wanted to attack them. Despite the hatred for humans, there is also bad blood between the Supernaturals" Gelmar continues.

Adhara could only click her tongue, this is not a good time for them with Rex bedridden.

Gazing down at the ground with a darkened expression, Gelmar then said with a rasping voice, "For instance, the older generations of Undeads really hate the Dark Elves. Before attacking the Great Barricade, they might visit the Dark Elves first"

"Call the available forces, and tell them to meet with me at the city square!"

"Yes, Lady Adhara. I'll do as you say"