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The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 851 Relatable Leader
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It was during his time pondering earlier that he realized something.

Since the Emham Forest operation dealt with Prof. K and Giana is exposed and then got attacked by Awakened from 25 Golden Crest Families, Rex is quite sure that it was non the two's fault that causes this.

The feeling he has towards them doesn't hinder the fact that the two were capable.

One is a messenger from the SCO and the other is one of the pillars of humanity, doubting their competence would be foolish of Rex when so much is at stake. But he reckons when Prof. K came earlier, he only said that the operation got exposed.

If it were his fault, then he would've been more apologetic when he report to Rex.

But he was clearly not, he was more concerned than apologetic.

Then again, Rex couldn't imagine Prof. K tossing the responsibility to the people of the cities if he were the one that is at fault. Considering he has a great sense of patriotism for humanity in him, it's impossible for him to do that.

Surely, this problem came from the cities.

Due to that, he decided to check the number of residents of his future kingdom.

<Kingdom's Inhabitants Number: 10,411>

Even though he doesn't know the exact number of people that are evacuated here from the cities, he's almost certain that there should be moles amongst them. While looking at the numbers suspiciously, he decided to think of an idea to lure them out.

Out of the things he knows, he knows the purpose of the infiltrators for coming here.

It's quite obvious for him since he brings people here.

Until this very moment, Dargena City's location is still hidden from the world. Only a few races knows= about its location, even the high-rank Supernatural kingdoms don't know the location of Dargena City.

Humans definitely wanted to know, for the future when it was time for them to attack.

Because of that, it's harder to spot them as they blended well with the crowd.

Killing intent is needed for the System or even Rex himself to sense the infiltrators, but these infiltrators only wanted to figure out the location of Dargena City. Because of that, they couldn't be singled out.

Rex would need to do something extreme to change that.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Albeit it's quite difficult to spot them instantly, he thought of a way to single them out.

Thanks to the Whire Necklace of Despair, he could see the fear in others through a bleak aura coming out of them. But it was not only that, he also has the ability to sense sorrow and despair from other people.

It's a handy ability, but he didn't expect that he would be using this ability for things like this.

Enough terror will definitely turn the feeling of fear to despair quickly.

Rex would need a black goat to do that, and he was surprised when he announced that he was going to massacre the people, one of the people spark an obvious killing intent. It was the bearded man Flunra killed earlier, he becomes the black goat to induce fear.

Since he was also an Awakened, it's safe to say that he's one of the infiltrators.

Witnessing Flunra killing a man brutally terrifies the people.

Now that the people are terrified and believed that his statement was real, it's time to spot the suspected infiltrators. The plan he has in mind is quite simple, he would use intimidation to induce fear on the people to the point of sparking despair from the people.

Regular people wouldn't be strong-willed enough to sustain their fears.

In their eyes, Rex is their savior. However, the savior that saved them announced that he would be killing them. Knowing that it was Rex that came after them, it's quite easy for them to feel absolute despair.

Due to that, it's impossible for regular people to not feel despair.

On the other hand, the infiltrators that came here definitely has some form of defiance.

Rex's plan is to use their will against themselves.

None of them would know what's coming, clueless as to how they were suspected by Rex.

'Even though it's a good plan that I thought on the spot, I specifically ordered Flunra to only injured them enough to make them unable to run away. It's not a fool-proof method, so I'll have Adhara checks on them and see whether they were infiltrators or not' Rex thought with a nod.

Adhara would be able to effectively check if they are regular people or infiltrators.

Making use of her ability to see emotional aura, none of them would be able to go through Adhara's inspection. And those who are proven to be innocent will be released, and obviously be healed to full health.

Just like that, Flunra severely injured every single suspected people as he was told.

It lasted for a couple of minutes before eventually, the suspected people are already crouching on the ground, groaning and crying in pain. Nodding his head firmly, Rex then glanced at Gistella, giving her the signal.

Upon gaining the signal, she then used her energy and lift the injured people.

Creating a square-shaped barrier below their bodies, she lifted their bodies and brought them to the side where Adhara, Queen Shanaela, and the mayor are standing, "I'll be relying upon the message to Adhara, Master..."

"Hmmm... go do that" Rex replied, waving his hand to dismiss her.

Before she leaped away to go inform Adhara on what to do, Gistella stopped to look at Evelyn who was still standing stiffly behind them. Smiling awkwardly, she then whispered, "Don't do anything more irritating for a while, I think he's genuinely angry at you"

"Gistella, aren't you supposed to be going now?" Rex suddenly said, glancing at her.I think you should take a look at

Surely he heard what Gistella said to Evelyn, the cold look he was giving is the clear indication of that, "A-Ah, yes... I'm sorry, Master. I'll get going immediately so you can finish up" she bowed before leaping away.

After Gistella left, Rex could finally focus on the matter at hand again.

Looking down at the people that are now clamped against each other near the barrier Gistella conjured, away from him, he decided to deactivate the Black Field Orko spell as there was no need to use it anymore.

"My apologies for shocking all of you like that, but it's necessary for your safety"

Under the onlookers' eyes that were still traumatized and terrified by what Rex did earlier that takes a toll on their minds, Rex's body slowly began to become smaller as he transformed back to his human form.

It was then, he decided to start the introduction all over again and explain himself.

"Some of you might know this, but your evacuation to come here is exposed, and the people from Ratmawati City wanted to dispose of all of you simply because all of you are open-minded" Rex takes a brief pause, slowing his words to evoke aspiration. "Those people that were attacked earlier by my trusted aids right over there, Flunra and Delta are suspected as infiltrators" Rex continues, pointing at Flunra that also revert back to his human form again as well as Delta.

Knowing that his method is quite extreme, he would need to do this to appease the people.

"My eyes can see more than you can imagine. Even though it's necessary for your safety, I know the method I did earlier is extreme. But this is the chance for us to get to know each other, if you stay here, I will be your leader and protector. As all of you had witnessed, I can be brutal at times yet I won't treat all of you like that if you don't actually do something wrong"

While he was saying this, he keep on inspecting the expressions of the people.

Albeit most of them has become calmer than before, it was clear to Rex that they were all still scared of him. This is exactly what he needs, "I understand that you are scared of me, but that's more reason for all of you to trust me that you are safe here. All of you know the horror of Supernaturals and even the Awakened. As our first introduction, I'm showing all of you that I'm more than capable of being more horrifying than them"

"I want to show you that I'm more than capable of handling all of them myself" he added.

Upon saying this, Rex spreads his arms to the side, the air around him was that of absolute certainty. It was so potent that even the people feels like they could be certain about him, he was definitely different than the leaders they had before.

But as far as the people were concerned, their past leaders have failed to protect them.

The people of Lountain City felt the oppressive tyranny of lower-rank Awakened who thought they were kings of the world. Wedron City got abandoned by Ratmawati City and was left to fend against the Orcs with a handful of military force. While Beah City fared far worse, getting completely obliterated by the Blue Demons of Vulvazith.

So it's clear that they are in dire need of a different leader to be safe.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Out of all of them, Rex has without a doubt left a different impression on them, someone that might really be able to protect them from the horrors they had experienced. In addition, they could also feel a familiarity with Rex.

It was not the familiarity of his aura, but the air around him, almost as if he was also a victim.

Just the feeling of familiarity they had with Rex alone makes them feel safer, this kind of relatable sensation has never emerged with the leaders they had before, it's a sensation the previous leaders have never given them before.

Now, because of this familiar air, the people feel connected with Rex.

"I know that all of you have experienced a great amount of horrifying things in your lives, I know because I was once there and helped you. But from now on, I will protect you. Dargena City is designed for people, humans, or Supernaturals to seek shelter from the war. Coming here is the right choice for you"

Smiling confidently, seeing that the mass has shifted to better, Rex continues the final push.

"No evil out there can surpass the level of evil I am capable of, and as long as they couldn't get through me, then they won't be able to get to you. I'll say this once again..." Taking a brief pause, Rex then smiled lightly, "Welcome to Dargena City"

A moment later.

Rex went back to the castle and sit back down on his throne with a sigh.

'I was only thinking of singling out the infiltrators, but I didn't expect that what I did and the speech matches up quite perfectly. Most of them were even expressing strong favorability for me because of that'

After finishing his speech, he was surprised to find that the people cheered for him.

But thinking clearly, these people are suppressed people that were neglected by Ratmawati City and their Awakened. Surely, a strong impressionable move as he did earlier that breaks the rules matches with them strongly.

<Kingdom's Inhabitants have surpassed the threshold!>

<Kingdom Section has been unlocked!>

<Upon unlocking the Kingdom Section, the user can now manage and manipulate the territory under the rule of the Silverstar Pack. Environmental Manipulation, Construction, Territory Expansions, Rapid Cultivation, and other features have been unlocked!>

<Sudden Quest completed!>

<Obtained 500 million Exp, 2 million gold, 10 Pill of Change, Kingdom Investment Ticket>

<Level up!>

Rex looks at the notifications from the System with a light smile.

It seems gaining more people to live in Dargena City has triggered the Kingdom Section, and he also managed to complete the Sudden Quest that requires him to prepare Dargena City for the First Breath.

One of the requirements is to get more people, and he just did with the evacuation.

Albeit he wanted to check the things he unlocked as well as the items he gained from the past few days that he has been neglecting due to the hectic situations, he once again finds himself needing to do something.

Looking at Evelyn standing stiffly in front of the throne, his expression soured.

"So, Evelyn... Have you realized what you did wrong yet or must I tell you about it first...?"