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The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapter 556
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Chapter 556 He Had to Make a Fool of Himself

Nicole swirled the drink in her glass. Her fingers were long, slender and flawless like a beautiful work of


Nothing happened between them that night. Even if

s ething did happen, this was her answer

Eric wanted people to misunderstand their relationship, wo she would deal with i t in her own way.

He was making such a big chowofit even before he managed to win her heart. It showed how much

Eric was hung up on Nicole

From an outsider’s point of view, Nicole was the more open-minded one among themi.

Thus, Eric’s advantage was considered worthless

The prople around heard it and wanted to pretend that they did not hear anything.

This was too much information to bear.

Who dared to laugh at Eric Ferguson?

breath reeked of alcohol as hecoxed her i 11 a soft voice, “We even stayed together lagi night. Why are

you so heartless?”

Although his voice was low, the people nearby could still hear it clearly if they wanted to

Nicole was infuriated at the mention of

Eric caused so much trouble for her that day. ‘Eric is simply sick in the head! I should’ve just crippled

his leg and thrown him onto the streets

Nicole turned to look at him coldly. Her Eyes flickered, and Eric felt like she was drunk even when she

did not drink.

She let out a light laugh, attracting everyone’s attention.

“It’s just one night. Don’t you know that it’s for fun?”

Seing Eric’s gloomy face, Gerard instantly regrette asking this question so

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This situation was obvinily Eric’s uniquited lowe

Eric was humiliated.

The ather people at the table felt so awkward

Suddenly, Eric laughed and took away the prawn. He looked at Nicole with his dark eyes and knocked

on the chair

I’m working on it.”

He was too humble

Everyone in imediately understood what was happening

“Good luck, Mr. Ferguson!”

“Yes, we support you!”

Eric curled his lips. The alcohol got to his head. Looking at Nicole’s calm and collecta face, he felt a

little bitter.

He suddenly moved closer to Nicole. His

tums out it’s Ms. Surton who likes

Nicole looked down and froze for a moment. She calmly swept him a glance and did not take it, tuch

less take a bile.

She smiled and leaned hack in her chair, distancing herself from his hand and the prawTL

Gerard saw this scene and ligured it out when he thought about Eric’s pat..

“There was only one woman who could make Eric Ferguson prila prawn for her.

two really got back

Grad asked, “So. V Logether?”

Eric paused for a moment.

Everycuje waited in silence for the answer, which was an official announcement.

This was more reliable than any media


Nicole smiled faintly without any warmth.

Gerard’s congratulatory words that were a I the tip of his tongue were swallowed

Gerard choktor am HDL ‘IWN WITH … I shouldn’t have asked Nicole In help m c! The We like tirane

The meillended up being tastes. Fortunately, it was not to awkward. Lveryone went back tista.

Grand followed Eric’s krople out to make

TIPI Ints, a Nicole and EntwiTelelt in the powate room.

Nicole picked up her bag and wanted to

Eric called out to her. Look-ug her slim and beautiful buck, besuciressed the restlessness in his heart

and spoke

*Do you know what’s the difference bien me and Gend?”

Nicole was sprchless.

He stood up and wallod OET.

“His wife has been his classmate for eigiwi. years, and now they’re ready to have a second child.”

His voice was low and raspy is he stared intently at her.

Nicole was purakd by this sudden drop al Tuduh intonation

Eric cantinuedi, “I’m single, so you should

His words were linged with jealousy and bietetHNS

Nicole prind her lips and swept a glance a i Eric spachlessly. She then on her heels and me

Er was really annoying

it was drizzling and windy outside

As soon as Nicole want out, the driver came to pick her up wit, an umbrella

Nicole never be the habit of driving after

businwas dienet even though she did not drink

Once Nicolelelt, Gerard came back and

Eric sitting there like a statue, with a cigarette in hand

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over and patted Eric on the

He wall shoulder

“Mr. Ferguson, you still have a long way

Their relationship returned tanam after meal. They w e both adults, so liby wd na ge hung upan

insiguient inte.

Friedok puffa Gund his sisu

Hand while temaer

“Are you making fun of me?”

I won’t dame. ” Gerard denied it.

“Let me ask you something

Eric solemnly examined his enession. + Do you usually have much contact with her privately?*

Gerard’s lacetumn white. He Linderstood wat in mcant. “Was he jealous of motonight?’

He pushed up his glasses “Mr. Fergusoi, I don’t have much contact with HET. You’re there every time

we met..”

Gerard wanted to make it clear because he did not want Eric to blame him just because Nicole did not

like him

Eric knew that Gerard was telling the

Hell, so she did this just to provoke mel just had ta male a fool of myself in the Hudhaliofile _.”

Ericstubbed at the cigarette in his hand with latce. His fingertips turned white.

He looked at Gear with raiudados… “For the project involving Clayton Sloan; it’ll be the worthless the

lompat it’s

Gerard mode. “I’ll urge them to speed u p the progress.”

Eric got up and patted Gerard’s shoulder,

There’s no rush. We jus, got through such a major event, so let the scientists takra break.”

Gerard wastechless.

The next day at the Stanton Mansion.

Nicole lived in her apartment for two days. Although it was quiet, it was inconvenient. She thought of

getting a long-term nanny.

She went back home for lunch. Even though Floyd did not see Nicole in two