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Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 131 We Have A Problem
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"I don't think I can accept that" Hugo's brows furrowed as he looks at the big pile of money in his hands. He took a deep sigh. Even tough he wants one, he wouldn't take advantage of a God.

What will happen to him if Hendrix suddenly wants to get the money back right?

Hendrix tilted his head to side. He looked at Hugo straight in his eyes, thinking of an excuse where the man will not be able to say no to the money.

'I am right. Hugo really isn't like the other humans.' He muttered to himself.

"No, this didn't come from me. Thalia ordered me to give this to you, saying that you should use this wisely for your family's sake." He answered, taking a quick glance over at the sky.

'I'm sorry Thalia, but I have no other ways." He sincerely said his sorry on his mind.

"Oh," Hugo was still unsure whether he will really get the money or no. But it will be unlikely for Hendrix to lie to him.

He does not have the ability to read Hendrix's mind as well. He tried doing it earlier, but to no avail, his efforts were just wasted. He could only think of 3 reasons why.

The first must be because Hendrix was the God of War. He was already used to all of the tricks and power that people do have. If he has been for all over his life, then that means he must have a strong endurance to whoever his enemies were.

The second would be Thalia gave or blessed him with something to make him invulnerable to powers. And the third one was because he was simply a god.

"Well, if that is the case then I should probably take the money and put it in good use."


Hugo just wants that money to spend on himself and his family… and maybe Hendrix too since he basically was the one who handed him the money.

Will it be bad if he will just be greedy even for a moment?

"That's good," Hendrix answered as he looked around.

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"Let's go to your house already. I'm already tired of walking." He added in. Hendrix transformed himself into a cat.

Hugo tilted his head. He saw how the cat immediately disappeared right in front of us, indicating that it did teleport somewhere.

Hugo groaned as he looked at all the paper bags in his hands.

'I don't care about anything anymore,' he uttered as he walked towards the side street, teleporting right in front of their house.

When he opened the door, Hailey quickly come rushing in front of Hugo. She was in fear when she woke up on her parents room and saw that the cat was already missing.

"Brother!" She exclaimed loudly as eyes started to pool in her eyes.

"What happened?" Hugo's forehead creased as he watched how his sister cry in front of him.

"Your cat disappeared! I fell asleep and when I came back to your room, I do not see him anymore!" Hailey answered as if she was confessing a big crime.

Hugo patted Hailey's head.

"That cat must be somewhere. Did you look all over my room?" Hugo's brows shot up as he tried to console his sister.

Hailey shook her head since she only checked the bed.

"Let's go. Don't worry, I'm sure the cat is there." The sides of Hugo's lips rose to the side as he said those words.

How can he not be sure when Hendrix was just with hm earlier?

When Hugo opened the door, he immediately saw the cat lying down on the corner of his bed. When Hailey saw it, her eyes widened. She immediately ran over towards the cat and looked at it with a shock expression on her face.

'How rude of you to leave me alone there' Hugo tilted his head to the side as he placed all of the paper bag down to the side of his bed.

"Well, I already knew that you could teleport, so why bother?' Hendrix answered using his mind.

Shrugging his shoulder, Hugo looked at his sister. "Can you bring that cat outside?" he asked as he pointed out the door of his room.

"Really, Brother?" Hailey's eyes twinkled as she placed the cat on her arms.

"Yeah." Hugo answered nonchalantly. He stretched his arms to the side. "Just play with that cat in the living room and I will just take a quick rest.'

"Alright!" Hailey exclaimed loudly as she stood up. "I will take care of this cat, brother, so that it wouldn't get hurt." She smiled as she leave the room.

Hugo wasn't even thinking about that. He was more worried about his sister than Hendrix getting hurt.

He knew that Hendrix would protect himself very well, heck, he had been in wars for centuries already.

'I wonder what he looked like,' his interest was piqued after remembering that Hendrix's physical feature now wasn't the same with what he have in heaven.

Hugo laid down to his bed. He groaned when his back touched the soft mattress. He opened up his phone, trying to look for updates regarding about Noah and Julius's health.

He has been searching for a while when he saw something interesting,

[Breaking News! Noah Achre was already out of the critical stage and was now moved to a private room. His family are now already waiting for him to gain consciousness.]

Reading the news, Hugo couldn't help but chuckle. He tilted his head to the side, looking at the pictures of Noah Achre's family crying in a room.

He knew that it was bad, but he just couldn't help himself.

Hugo took the paper bag on the floor where he hid the money that was given to him. He locked the door, before closing his eyes so he can know where Hendrix was.

"Don't let my sister enter the room. I'm counting the money that you have given me." He muttered in his mind, hoping that it would reach Hendrix's ears.


Hearing a simple answer, Hugo started to take out the pile of cash on the side. He laid it down on his bed and was surprised at how many were they.

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Hugo started to focus his full attention on counting the money one by one. He doesn't have the machine that would do it automatically for him, so he gotta do it himself.

He didn't saw how the time quickly passed by as his attention was only focused on the money on his bed.

"This is 1 million dollars!" His jaw fell to the ground as he stared at tall the cash with his widened eyes.

He do not know how to react after counting all the money. It took him roughly two hours before he was done. He couldn't feel his feet anymore because of his position. Hugo quickly tried to find a place where he could hide them,

Although he took some dollar bills, planning on treating Hendrix and touring him around his world. He suddenly thought that the man might be interested in the places that could be seen here since all the scenery that you would see in heaven is the white clouds surrounding the every day place.

When someone knocked on the door, Hugo immediately knew that it was his mother, calling him for dinner. He quickly hid te money to his closet and went out.

In there he saw that the cat haven't ate yet.

'Why aren't you eating?' he raised his brows when he saw that there was already food in the man's plate.

'I don't want to eat while I'm in this position. Why don't you take that to your room so I can eat peacefully? Bring me some wine too since I'm tired from playing wit your sister' Hendrix ran towards Hugo's room when he noticed that the door wasn't fully closed.

"Why is he not eating brother? Don't he like the food?" Hailey pouted as she glimpse over the plate that her mother had prepared for Rix.

"Maybe he just wanted to eat in my room since that's where he first ate," Hugo awkwardly laugh as he took the plate. He went to their kitchen and saw that that the grocery that he bought was still in the side.

'Good thing I am prepared and that I bought wine earlier.' He uttered to himself when rememberin the reason why his groceyry became expensive.

He got a good deal since the wine box that he bought came with a free wine glass on the side. Hugo secretly filles the wine glass with wine. He took out some of the fruits that he had bought and placed them on another plate.

Since he knew that his family were all gathered in the dining table, he teleported himself right inhis rooms they wouldn't see all the things that he had bought.

"Here," Hendrix casually placed the food on his bed side table. He looked at Hendrix and saw that he was staring at him intently.

"What happened?" Hugo asked worriedly.

"We have a problem,"