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She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment

Chapter 975
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“I don’t agree to it.”

Nora was very firm. Even if the one standing in front of her was Trueman, a man with a strange temperament,

provoking whom might easily bring her trouble, there were still some boundaries that must be protected.

Sure enough, Trueman frowned and snorted coldly. “Aren’t you afraid that I will kill Xander?”

Nora raised her eyebrows. “If you kill him, you won’t have anything to threaten me with anymore. Also, if you even

lay a finger on him, I will make you wish you were dead!”

Toward the end of her sentence, Nora’s voice became awfully sinister.

Her reaction startled even the man standing in front of her.

Trueman’s eyes flickered a little. Seemingly having thought of something, he snorted coldly and narrowed his eyes.

“There’s no rush. Sooner or later, I will make you bear my child willingly!”

After speaking, he left.

After leaving Nora’s room, he entered his own room on the third floor.

His room had great soundproofing. People outside wouldn’t be able to hear anything being said inside. After the

man closed the door, the look in his eyes suddenly changed.

“What’s the matter? Why do you suddenly want to come out so badly? Do you have something to tell me?”

“Don’t force her into doing things she doesn’t want to!”

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An air of certainty suddenly entered the man’s voice as he said, “You’re in love with her too!”

“Ha, how can that be?!”

“I am you, and you are me. I know your true feelings! I didn’t expect us to actually reach a consensus on this



“So, if you want her so badly, why don’t you force her to do what you want? I doubt she won’t do as you say if you

hold a knife to Xander’s throat!”

“Ha, you’re having regrets now!”

“I’m not! Shut up!”

“You are! She was originally supposed to be your woman! But you rejected her back then!”

“I told you to shut up!”

“Hmph, I told you back then that the fatty would be lots of fun, but you didn’t believe me and insisted on going

against King, instead. You even looked down on her… You looked down on her in the past, but she has now become

someone way above your league!”

“You make it sound as though you didn’t have a part in rejecting her back then. Thinking about it now, though, did

the two of us oppose the marriage so strongly back then because she was so fat? Or was it because it was what the

old man wanted us to do?”

Both of them had been awfully rebellious when they were young.

No, even now, they were still going against their old man.

Although that man had given them life, he had thrown him and his siblings into hell! The two of them were the only

ones who had come out alive.

Under such circumstances, how would they possibly be able to make peace with what had happened?

Even if they had become schizophrenic, in this aspect, they’d never had any disagreementsin other words, they

would never do as they were told!

“No matter the reason, since we have already lost her, there’s nothing else we can do! You can’t do this to her! This

is your fate!”

“Shut up! I told you, I will never accept this fate! If I was going to do that, then why wouldn’t I live like how the old

man wanted me to?”

Both of them were rather angry, and both their voices had become sharp and piercing, gradually making it hard to

tell them apart.

When they were young, they were too weak and could only live in the laboratory as though they were mere objects.

Later, when they survived, they began to put up a resistance. The first thing they had done as a sign of defiance

toward King was to reject King’s orders for him to conceive a child with Nora… Instead, they had pushed the

responsibility to someone else.

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After that, they cut off all contact with King.

But now that they thought about it, they had done as they were told all their lives, yet they now regretted the one

and only thing they had done as an act of defiance.

What a joke.


Winnie, the cook, went out to buy fresh groceries for that night’s dinner.

She glanced around outside a vegetable store and then entered.

As soon as she did, she spied a tall and ruthless figure standing in the shadows. Winnie lowered her head at once

and greeted him respectfully. “Mr. Hunt!”

Although Justin’s demeanor was distant, there was a bit of anxiety in his voice. “How is she?” “Mrs. Hunt is fine. She

wants me to tell you to avoid alarming the enemy, and to wait for the right moment.”

Justin breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay.”

But after speaking, he noticed that Winnie was hesitating about something.

“What’s the matter?” He asked.

Winnie glanced at him, not too sure if she should relay what she had heard. However, her loyalty lay with the man

in front of her, so she coughed and said, “I heard Trueman Yale say that he wants Mrs. Hunt to bear him a child. If

she does, he will release Xander…”

Smash! The man crushed the drinking glass in his hand, and his expression turned extremely awful.