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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 140
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Chapter: 140

But then the black figure paused at her own bed, settling down on it.

Sabrina jolted slightly, squinting instinctively, but her vision remained foggy. She tried to

make out the figure before her, hesitating, she asked, “Could you be… Tyrone?”

“Yes, it’s me, Sabrina. What’s wrong with your sight?” Tyrone queried anxiously, his gaze

falling on her bandaged forehead, his large hand resting on her cheek.

She had stared at him in silence for a while, which perplexed him.

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Recognizing the familiar voice, Sabrina confirmed it was indeed Tyrone.

“There’s pressure on my visual nerve due to internal bleeding. My vision’s compromised.”

Tyrone fluttered his hand before Sabrina, inquiring, “Can you see my hand?”

Sabrina nodded dejectedly. “I’m not blind. I just have trouble seeing clearly.

“What Led to the accident?”

“Today was the commemoration of my grandfather’s passing. I was on my way back from

the cemetery when someone rear-ended my car on the highway.” After her brief

explanation, Sabrina posed her own question.

“What brings you here?”

“I was at home when Karen informed me about your accident, so I rushed over.”

He knew she’d gone to the cemetery in the afternoon but when she hadn’t returned by

evening, he intended to call her, only to find her phone at his place. On learning about her

accident, he didn’t waste a moment before driving over.

“I arrived to find Karen gathering your things. She’Ll be here soon.

Wait here, I’ll arrange a private room for you.”

“Sure.” Sabrina was uncomfortable sharing a room with others.

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Tyrone left the room.

The older woman’s daughter-in-law couldn’t resist a little gossip. “So, is he your former

husband or a new boyfriend?”


“He seems quite attentive to you. Why the split then?”

“Attentive? He spent every day by his mistress’s side, caring for her while she was


“Really? You can’t tell from his face. He looks so decent, who knew he’d turn out to be a


A laugh escaped Sabrina’s Lips.

Tyrone indeed had a misleadingly charming face. She mused that perhaps she had fallen

for him partly because of his good Looks.