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Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 247: Social Circles in My Home Country
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Chapter 247

247 Social Circles in My Home Country

[Mitsuha, you haven’t been to any parties lately……] Count Bozes

[And whose fault is it?] Mitsuha

[Ugh……] Count Bozes

Yes, the new continent had taken up so much of my time that I had been away from the social parties in this country for a while.

However, not completely, but occasionally I attend some events. Like a birthday party of someone I knew, or a party hosted by someone who had been good to me……

The reason why I haven’t show up at all for a while now is because of the insensitive and maiden-dignity-trampling comment of Count Bozes from the last time.

He was so surprised by my anger that he talked to Iris-sama and Beatrice-chan, and they both gave him a good beating. That felt nice!

[No, I’m sorry! I apologize, I’ll take care of that……] Count Bozes

I don’t care!

Well, it’s okay, because it made his investigation of <what I’m doing secretly> get forgotten.

……It’s good enough!!!

Well, I don’t know what Count-sama’s opinions and feelings are.

If I don’t attend a party of another family, Count-sama, who is in a position of guardianship for me as a minor (or so he thinks), will be criticized for not allowing me to attend by Count Bozes, for trying to keep me in his faction, and many other things.

Basically, people in this country try to get close to me and gain an advantage, but not many people try to antagonize me, or set me up, or exploit me. So it’s not as bad as the social circles in the Vanell Kingdom in the New Continent.

Well, over there, I’m supposed to be just <a daughter of a queen in a small distant country>, and it’s probably just baited for exploitation.

On the other hand, in this country, I am the sister of the king of a great country, a Hime-Miko of thunder who uses mysterious magic, and a great hero who saved the kingdom from a great invasion. So it’s no surprise that they treated me differently……

Normally, it would not be surprising if assassins were sent from other countries to assassinate me, or abduct me or flood me with betrothal offers to bring Hime-Miko to their side, but as expected, no country would do such a thing at a critical time when they are trying to gain ground against an invasion from a new continent…..

Besides, if they tried to do something crazy and it was exposed, the Hime-Miko’s Divine Army might suddenly appear to beat them and the surrounding countries to a pulp. It would be too much of a risk.

I’m the only one who can speak the language of the new continent perfectly, and I’m the only one who is familiar with ships, cannons, guns, and other weapons.

No, the ex-crew members can operate the ship, do simple maintenance, and repairs, but they’re not experts in manufacturing such mega structures.

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Of course, I’m not an expert either, but I have strong allies.

Yes, Google Sensei, blog collaborators, the vast ocean called the internet, and the library.

That’s why I can answer any question immediately or to some extent, answer their more difficult questions the next day. That’s why people think I’m very knowledgeable……, but I’m not.

Well, you know how it is. When you were asked a question and you answer that question the next day, you will then be asked an additional question, so you have to answer it again the next day. That’s why it is easy to say that <Oh, she doesn’t really know anything, so she is going to ask someone else every time>.

Well, it means that I am useful in shipbuilding and weapons development, even if I have to ask someone every single time.

This is the most popular shipbuilding and weapons development center in the region.

Her Highness, the King’s little sister of a great nation.

Hime-Miko of Thunder.

A great hero who saved the kingdom.

The head of the Viscount family.

A young, unmarried woman.

……Yeah, I’m as good as flytrap or roach motel®.

I’m sure many people are willing to get close to me……

[I’ve been getting a lot of engagement offers.] Count Bozes

[Oh, you’re here!] Mitsuha

Well, even if they think I’m about 12 or 13 years old, it’s normal for children of noble families to have a fiancée from an early age, so it’s only natural that they come.

The fact that the trio princesses in this country are all single is strange, to begin with.

The other day I heard from Sabine-chan and the other <little sister>, the second princess, that the reason for that was because the first princess lost her fiancé.

Beatrice has no fiancé either, probably because of Count and Iris, maybe…

……I mean, why do you rush in at the right time, as if you knew what I was thinking?

[Well, maybe because you’re making that obvious since the beginning…] Count Bozes

There you go again!

[So, that application is…] Mitsuha

[I turned them all down.] Count Bozes

[No, show him to me at least! There might have been an application from a handsome prince or a healing shota or something!] Mitsuha

[…Shota?] Count Bozes

[No, nothing……] Mitsuha

I’m seen as around 15 in Japan and 12-13 here, so if I date a boy who looks about my age here, he’ll be a shota, right?…….

Oh, speaking of a prince, Sabine-chan’s brother, the second prince, Ruhen, is cute and soothing. I don’t like the older brother, the sparkling crown prince, because he seems to tire me out when I’m with him……

[Why did they send the application to the Count and not to me directly?…… And why did you reject it without permission? Please don’t cancel my happiness without permission!] Mitsuha

I was furious.

[No, who would send a request for engagement directly to the person herself? It should be addressed to the parents, or in this case, to the guardian.] Count Bozes

[Eh……] Mitsuha

Ah, sure, regardless of the proposal between commoners, the marriage of aristocrats is more of a problem between houses than between the couple themselves, so, naturally, there is such a tradition.

In Japan, when a troublesome aunt comes to your house with a proposal for an arranged marriage, she will first talk to your parents, not to you. As Count-sama said, it’s certainly natural…….


[Count-sama, are you my guardian?] Mitsuha

[Wha!…… Mitsuha, you, you’re asking me that now?…….] Count Bozes

Are? Count-sama dropped his shoulders…

No, indeed, he’s always taken care of a lot of things for me, and he’s done guardian-like things for me, so if you think about it, he really is my guardian……

No, you’ve never been told that formally before, have you? So don’t look so depressed!

I’m sorry! That was my fault, don’t feel so bad!

……Damn it, if I play this poorly, I’ll be forced to make a promise that I will go to a party.

That’s why the aristocrats as messengers are going… Buchibuchi……. (TN: Ripping/Tearing SFX)

Well, it can’t be helped. I knew I’d have to start showing up at social events soon.

The party designated by Count-sama should be the first round of my return to social gatherings…….

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[Oh, Viscount Yamano, it’s been a while. Have you been on vacation or did you just got back home?] Aristocrat

[Yes, I went on a little trip…….] Mitsuha

Yeah, no one in this country would think of me moving to another country, so they won’t be worried if I travel to another country. Not even a country like the Vanell Kingdom in the New Continent, but it’s not just the Vanell Kingdom!!!

[Viscount-dono, I would like you to attend my son’s birthday party next week……] Aristocrat A

[Viscount, if there is anything I can do to assist the craftsmen of your territory in the development of shipbuilding and weaponry, I will gladly be of assistance!] Aristocrat B

[Viscount Yamano, may I ask you a few questions about the garments you said were made in Yamano territory?] Aristocrat C

[Would you mind talking to me about purchasing a large quantity of explosive corn for the lightning corn?] Merchant

[I’d like to invite you and Princess Sabine to my residence sometime……] Aristocrat D

……They’re here. Kitakita! Kitakita!

If you miss, you’re out. If you hit, you’re in!

It’s not a good idea, however, the aristocrats are coming in one after another, coated in eagerness to shoot their shot. Some of them are not aristocrats, but owners of big merchant companies……

It’s not a social circle anymore, it’s a <shooting gallery>!

The second one!

Ask Count Bozes directly! It is not within my jurisdiction!

The third and fourth are related to the development of the territory’s industries, so let’s set a place for them for now.

Yes, there are a lot of troublesome applications, but as a lord, I still have to attend these social gatherings……

This is also <work>, so it can’t be helped.

When your father comes home drunk after work, that’s still part of his job, I guess.

How could it be fun to have a drink with your boss at work or your business partner, than with a good friend?

I’ve heard that many people have broken their bodies from drinking while providing entertainment.

And as you might expect, not one is offering me alcohol, but…….

[Viscount Yamano, there’s some delicious-looking exotic food over there!] Aristocrat A

[Over there, there are sweets made with rare fruits!] Aristocrat B

[The head chef here has created an exquisitely flavored mixed juice……] Aristocrat C

You’re destroying my body figure!!