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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh

Chapter 1033 How Good She Is
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Chapter 1033 How good she is If they didn't bury the gunpowder before Selena arrived at the bear's den, all their efforts would be wasted.

Thomas stared at Diana with icy eyes, "Miss Barrett, the Union University aircraft should be here soon. | don't think you want to seek death at this time!" Miss Barrett replied with a cold smile.

They wouldn't dare to let her accompany Selena to her death, even if Selena died. The most important thing was that she made the gunpowder, which meant that she would ultimately get credit for it. Even if someone among the military academy students managed to survive and talk outside, this "life-saving grace" would be enough to redeem her reputation.

Richard held onto Hattie, and the military academy students worked together. The boys were wary of danger around them, while Yasmin and Jessica were like two door gods, staring at Diana with unblinking eyes to prevent her from sabotaging their plan.

Diana was furious at being watched and tried to find an excuse to start a fight several times, but Yasmin and Jessica didn't give her any opportunity.

Diana could only work on making gunpowder, feeling both resentful and angry.

Once the gunpowder was made, the military academy students wasted no time and quickly rushed towards the bear's den.

Diana sneered and followed them.

The other three mechanics from the institute didn't stay behind either and had to follow the rest of the group.

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Finding the bear's hibernation den wasn't difficult. The military academy students buried the gunpowder around the cave and set up traps before waiting around in hiding.

This was undoubtedly a tough night. Everyone was exhausted, and Richard and Thomas’ wounds opened up several times. If they didn't seek medical treatment soon, they might suffer from long-term consequences.

But the most worrying thing was Selena and Fraser, who had led the biggest danger away. The military academy students dared not imagine what might happen to Selena and Fraser during these three hours in the perilous forest.

Hattie crouched in the grass, her hands and feet cold, her dark eyes constantly watching for any movement around her.

Whenever there was the slightest disturbance, she anxiously looked over.

Yasmin reassured her in a cold tone, "Fraser is the best individual soldier at Union University. With him there, your sister will be safe." Hattie turned to look at the girl next to her, whose expression was cold but whose heart was as warm as a burning flame. She recalled Yasmin almost dying to save her from the bear's paw, and finally understood why Selena brought her here.

She had encountered many wicked and cold-hearted people and things.

But in this world, there are a group of people who can give their lives for strangers without regret.

Only they are qualified to represent this world.

Hattie whispered, "Thank you, Yasmin." Yasmin saw that the little girl seemed a bit sad, and awkwardly raised her hand to rub her hair. "You have a great sister," she said, thinking for a moment before adding, "My sister is great too." Hattie looked up at her, and her jet-black eyes were cold but bright in the moonlight. "Matilda is just as powerful and amazing as Selena!” A proud smile appeared on Yasmin's normally indifferent face. "When | graduate, | want to be like my sister!" Hattie nodded heavily. "Yeah! When | grow up, | want to be like my sister too!" Just as the two girls finished boasting about their sisters and setting the same goal, there was suddenly a loud commotion in the dark forest.

Everyone became alert and looked over with sharp eyes.

When they saw the approaching figure, Hattie and the cadets breathed a sigh of relief.

Diana, however, clenched her fists in anger.

She had hoped that the bear had already torn Selena apart.

After the bear had eaten its fill and taken revenge, it would naturally return to its den to hibernate, and they could easily blow it up without any effort.

But she had not expected the beast to be so useless, allowing Selena to make it here alive.

Even from this distance, everyone could feel the bear's rage and ferocity, and a few of the cadets looked at each other.

Jessica asked anxiously, "Is it really okay if we don't go help?" "Calm down!" Thomas comforted her. "We have to make sure the bear goes into the cave before we light the fire!" "If Miss Turner and Fraser have a plan, then rushing out recklessly will only alert the enemy!" "Everyone stay calm and be ready!" Hattie squeezed her slender fingers anxiously and whispered to Kevin on her other side, "Miss Riddle, stay calm. | have a task for you!" Hattie's clear eyes immediately looked over.

Kevin whispered, "There shouldn't be any danger around the bear's den. If anything happens, you and Richard stay here.

Richard will keep an eye out while you keep an eye on Miss Barrett from the research institute.” "If she shows any unusual behavior, immediately let us know loudly!" Diana had tricked them more than once or twice. At this critical moment, there couldn't be any mistakes.

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Hattie held up her pretty face and said, "Got it, Kevin, | promise to complete the mission!" The seriousness of the girl's tone made the two boys want to laugh.

Under the watchful eyes of the group, Fraser led Selena and finally snuck up on the bear.

The cadets held their weapons tightly and tightened their nerves, ready to help at any moment.

As they approached the entrance of the cave, Fraser suddenly let go of Selena's hand and ran in another direction.

But the bear had already been driven mad by Selena, and it viciously chased after her.

Hattie saw Selena being chased by the bear and ran towards the cave, almost unable to contain her scream.

Everyone in the live broadcast room witnessed how Selena had managed to evade the bear for over three hours to get here.

Although they had some experience, they couldn't help but feel nervous every time they saw this scene.

[Will they succeed?] [Of course they will! Even if something unexpected happens, as long as they can hold on for another ten minutes, the aircraft will arrivel] [Miss Turner's stamina is clearly at its limit, relying solely on willpower to keep going, I'm really worried...] [Stop it upstairs, I'm getting anxious!] The cadets lying in ambush around them watched as Selena ran towards the cave, even though they had a pretty good idea of what was going on, they still nervously tightened their nerves.

Just as Selena was about to enter the cave, she suddenly flicked the long whip in her hand and wrapped it around a nearby tree, leaping into the air.

At the same time, Fraser leapt down from a nearby cliff and landed on the bear's back.

The young man had a cold and icy look on his face, raised his fist, and hit the bear hard on the back.