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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 177
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Chapter 177 You Are Definitely Not The First

As the new semester began, the studying became increasingly stressful.

The school had a test on the first day and dismissed students once the test was over, around three in

the afternoon, which was quite early.

After the exam, everyone had

gone home.

Since the majority of students at Petalburg High School were locals, very few resided on


Even if they were from other places, they mostly chose to rent houses outside.

While Eileen was packing her bag, ready to leave, Jacob called her into his office.

“Mr. Gardner, did you call me for something?” she asked inside the office.

“Just wait a moment,” Jacob said as he rummaged through his drawer, seemingly searching for

something. After a while, he pulled out a set of test papers from the bottom of the pile. “Eileen, are you

still interested in Olympiad Math? The competition is next month. If you’re interested, I can apply for a

special quota to get you into the competition as a supplementary candidate. There’s only one spot

available for the entire school in this examination. You’re a talented student with excellent academic

performance. As your teacher, I wouldn’t want to see such a gifted girl like you fall behind. Otherwise, I

wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.

“If I achieve good results, will I still be eligible for a guaranteed admission to Hulbury University?”

Eileen asked.

“Of course!” Jacob became somewhat excited upon hearing her agreement. He dragged the swivel

chair around with his hand as he said, “As long as you perform well, not only can you be exempt from

all miscellaneous school fees, but you can also receive a full year’s scholarship! You even have the

opportunity to be an exchange student for a year! If you wish to continue your studies abroad, that’s

also an option. It’s okay to endure a bit of hardship and tiredness now. Things will be easier once you

get to college. There are only four classes a day, and you can do whatever you want!”

Eileen agreed.

“So, what do I need to do?”

“All you need to do is attend the special class. This class is a mix of students from other schools. The

training starts two days before the Olympiad Math competition. After all, there are many people vying

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for this spot. All you need to do is come in first. With your abilities. being first shouldn’t be a problem.

The special class training is held at our school. However, it might be a bit tough and tiring, and you

might get home late in the evening. It would be best

if someone from your family could pick you up.”


After Eileen returned from Jacob’s office, she saw Elm leaning lazily against the classroom door with

his arms crossed and his backpack slung over one shoulder. As students from other classes passed by

him, they all wore expressions of admiration.

Beauty truly captivated the mind.

Seeing Eileen approach, Elm sounded a bit impatient as he asked, “Why are you so slow? Don’t you

have any enthusiasm for leaving school?”

Eileen curled her light-colored lips into a faint smile. “Let’s go.”

Elm stood up straight and walked alongside her as he asked, “What’s up? Why do you seem so


“It’s a secret!”

Elm laughed, “What secret? You could just say that it’s something exciting.”

Eileen was in a fairly good mood, but she refused to tell him.

“Hey, I’ve noticed something about you. In the one month since we last met, you’ve not only put on

weight, but you also got a lot more confident. Are you going to tell me or not?”

Eileen simply quickened her pace without saying a word.

“Hey, you’re walking pretty fast for someone of your height.”

“I don’t have short legs!” Eileen retorted, and she was telling the truth.

Among the girls. I stand at a height of 1.68 meters. With shoes on, I easily reach 1.7 meters! How am I

short? Sure, my height is nothing compared to his towering height of 1.86 meters, but I’m pretty tall for

a girl!

In a good mood after stepping out of the school gate, Eileen accompanied him to browse the roadside

booths. They then sat in front of a small booth, enjoying skewers and grilled food.

Elm grabbed a bottle of cold cola, took a sip, and said, “We went to the market on New Year’s Eve, late

into the night. My mom said she saw you at the hospital. What were you doing there?”

It took Eileen a moment before she reacted, exclaiming in surprise, “That was your mother?”

“Of course! Well, she could be your mom too if you want. It’s not impossible!”


She is really beautiful, and she speaks so gently. However, I feel like you’ve only inherited her looks. I

can’t say much about everything else.”

Elin tapped his fork against the plate. “Stop avoiding the question!”

“It’s nothing serious, my brother had a stomachache, so I accompanied him to the hospital,”

Eileen said.

Whenever Eileen lied, she would lower her head as she couldn’t bring herself to meet the other

person’s gaze.

Elm knew that all too well, so he understood what was going on.

She went out shopping, ate so much, and ended up in the hospital late at night. She probably had food


With that in mind. Elm called out to the owner of the booth, “Cancel the rest of the orders.”

“Why, though? I’m still hungry!”

“I’ll treat you to some good food.”

“Then save some for me!”

Elm grabbed a handful and ran off, leaving Eileen with only a half-eaten sausage.

Fearing they might dine and dash, the owner hurried over and said, “You haven’t paid yet, young lady!”


worry; I’ll pay right now. How much is it?”

“Ten dollars,” The boss replied after performing a quick calculation in his head.

Eileen took out her wallet, paid the bill, and followed behind Elm.

As if waiting for her, Elm slowed his pace so she could catch up.

There were usually quite a few students hanging around this area. It was quite a sight for them to see

Elm and Eileen sharing skewers together.

Naturally, they assumed the two were in a relationship.

“Could these two possibly be dating?”

“It’s actually possible. Have you noticed that Elm was always going to Class One last semester? They

would head straight to the library as soon as school was over.”

“Indeed, they look quite perfect together.”

But, according to my dad, the person who connected the Swan family with the Smith family was the

new heir of Smith Corporation, who took over less than a year ago. When the news. broke out that

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Eileen was suspended and returned to school, it was the Smith Corporation heir who brought her


“No way, is this true? Eileen is really making great strides! She has the Smith family, the number one

powerhouse in the empire, under her control!”

Elm took her to an upscale seafood restaurant, where they had a wide selection of fish and various

cooking methods to choose from.

That meal cost over two hundred dollars, and Elm paid for it.

Eileen took out a hundred dollars from her wallet and handed it to him. “I can’t let you pay for

everything. Let’s split the bill this time.”

“Why, you’re being too formal with me, Ms. Eileen! I’ll accept it, then.”

Eileen was afraid that he would refuse, so she felt relieved when she saw him accept the


In the shadows, a sneaky figure focused the camera, took pictures of them dining in the restaurant, and

sent them to a specific email address.

Meanwhile, at Smith Corporation, Jasper’s expression turned sour when he saw the pictures.

that were sent.

“Mr. Smith, we have received news from Atharia. She has escaped the hospital on her own, and even

the assigned bodyguards can’t locate her,” Fabian said.

Jasper loosened his tie. “Keep an eye on domestic flights. Bring her back as soon as you have any

information. If she refuses to comply, then withdraw all her bodyguards and let her fend. for herself in


Fabian nodded. “Understood, Mr. Smith!”

Elm, haven’t you learned your lesson from what happened that night?

Jasper saw that Eileen was genuinely smiling in the picture. It was a type of smile he had never seen


Just like a couple deeply in love, they ate skewers at a roadside booth and had another meal. at a

seafood restaurant.

Elm was seen removing fish bones for her and refilling her plate with food.

To outsiders, they appeared to be a perfect match.

It was the first time he had seen Eileen smile so happily.