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RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 546.2: Forming An Alliance Part 2
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"Blake, this is?" Princess Danaphine asked curiously. She had never seen such a tiny person before.

"This is one of my wives. She is Mina Harris, the mother of my daughter, Fate. Mina used to be of the fairy race, but now she is more of a hybrid fairy drakani. In order for my family to gain more power, I turned them all into my race which is called the drakani. Kind of a higher form of vampires, not that you know what I am talking about." Blake explained.

"I see…. You said wives, right? How…. How many do you have?" Princess Danaphine was very curious as to how many wives a person like Blake would have. He was powerful and good looking so she was sure he had at a minimum five wives. Her father had ten, so she was used to a man having many wives.

Blake felt slightly embarrassed as he scratched the back of his head and said: "Thirty wives and fifteen children, all girls, with a few on the way."

"Pahahaha!" Finaal let out a loud laugh unbecoming of a king. "Now, this is a man who understands. But still, the inner harem must be a pain to deal with, right?"

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"Hmmm? No. The girls are all sisters. And well, they get along nicely. Mainly because when I am not around at night, they are able to soothe each other's needs together as a group." Blake answered with a smile. He wondered how things would have worked out if the girls were not all as close and friendly as they were now. He had never seen them fight for anything, and while some would whine, the others would stand in their defense. But when he thought about it, he did make sure to spend time with all of them equally as much as possible. Those that get neglected are properly taken care of with free alone nights with him.

"Oh?" Finaal interest grew. "By needs, you mean…."

Blake quickly cut him off. "Let's leave that for another time. My wife, Mina, and my men will stay here under your care. But just know if anyone treats Mina wrongly, she has the power to destroy this kingdom and this world as well."

Finaal smile quickly vanished as he looked at the little figure who was not perched on top of Blake's head, standing there with her nose in the air and her hands on her hips, making a proud pose. Finaal started to wonder if Blake had this wife come because he knew that she was powerful enough to be a threat on a national level.

"Ah… before you go thinking it's because of her power that I chose her, well, she is not the strongest of my wives. In fact, if I had Ishtar come here, you would all not be able to stand as she is a literal goddess." Blake could read the king's expression quite well, and this time his whole body was shaking, and the sweat on his forehead was dripping down.

"Why did you out me like that!" Mina started pulling on Blake's hair. She was so angry! She wanted to be tough for once, and now he had downplayed her power by a lot!

"Hehe…." Princess Danaphine found the two to be quite cute. She could see that they had a very good relationship. "So you have a wife that is a goddess?"

"Mmm… Well, three, a mother and daughter duo, and my child Destiny is also a goddess." Blake explained. He was not afraid of giving away information as he knew there was nothing these people could do to capture any of his kids or wives.

Finaal's expression changed once more. His eyes lit up hearing mother and daughter duo. "You got both the mother and daughter!?"

"Father! Can you keep it in your pants for once!? Are you planning to go find a cute mother and daughter after this to make your brides!?" Princess Danaphine did not like the look in her father's eyes. She knew he was a lecherous man.

"Humph! I was just asking." Although he said this, that idea did come to mind.

"Anyway. Princess Danaphine will come with me while I leave my people here." Blake got back on topic. He was not about to start discussing his love life with another man.

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"Alright. I will make sure your queen is in good care." Finaal spoke in all seriousness. He did not wish to have his kingdom destroyed.

"I thank you." Blake nodded and stood up. The little fairy flew off his head and grew to a bigger size and gave him a hug and kiss before whispering in his ear: "King Princess Picker."

Blake pinched her waist, causing her to let out a laugh before kissing his cheek and letting him good and turning small again. Her size changed, startling everyone there. Blake ignored them and reached his hand out to Princess Danaphine. "Princess, if we may."

"Ah? Yes." Princess Danaphine nodded and held Blake's hand. Blake put his arm around her waist and then disappeared from where he stood with the princess in tow, leaving behind a very confused Finaal.

"Wha!?" Finaal looked at the spot where his daughter was once standing in shock.

"That is nothing. Wait until you see how quickly you become a grandparent." Mina teased, but this made Finaal's face scrunch up. The king did not know how he felt about that.

Above Destiny City, Blake appeared with Princess Danaphine hugging onto him for dear life. "Can you please warn me before you do that!?"

"Hmmm?" Blake looked down at the paled face girl and suddenly realized he had not said anything. He let out a chuckle as he said: "Sorry. Sorry. I will warn you on the way back. But take a look."

Blake pointed at the city below that had many flying cars and magic-based holographic signs floating in the air around the towering buildings. It looked very futuristic from this perspective, but it still lacked high technology.