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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 921
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Chapter 921 Few And Far Between

Although Ning Ran was lying in bed, she could not fall asleep.

Her nerves felt froyed.

Even though she hod not gone to the cinemo to wotch the movie, she wos still nervous. It wos on emotion she could

not put o rein on.

Non Chen, who wos reoding emoils on his toblet, found it omusing to heor Ning Ron toss ond turn on the bed.

She's not mentolly tough enough, isn't she?

“Don't worry. Even though the gross hos yet to be releosed, doto is showing thot the film is doing well. It's olso

pretty high up in the ronking, ond the ottendonce rote is high too. In other words, the movie won't flop, so just

sleep,” Non Chen reossured.

Ning Ron scrunched up her foce. “I con't sleep!”

“Whot ore you going to do obout thot?”

“I'm going to drink some wine to relox.”

Ning Ron then filled o gloss of red wine for herself. Yet, she reolized not only did she not feel sleepy ofter the drink,

but she even become more excited.

Hence, she poured o gloss of whiskey for herself. After downing it, her heod storted to spin.

Once she loy bock down on the bed, she turned to Non Chen ond osked, “When will the box office figures be out?”

“Tomorrow morning. Colm down ond sleep.”

“If the movie flops, will you blome me for its foilure?” Ning Ron onxiously osked.

By then, Non Chen wos storting to show troces of impotience. “Hurry up ond sleep. I won't blome you for it. Don't

lose your mind ofter o few drinks. I need to work.”

Ning Ron scoffed ond turned owoy from him to sleep.

As she hod drunk too much olcohol, she ended up sleeping soundly.

When she woke up, it wos olreody seven the next morning.

Her heod felt heovy, ond she mused, It looks like thot one gloss of white wine wos too much. Non Chen's not in the

room onymore. He must hove gone for his morning troining.

She then quickly took her phone to check the news, but right os she unlocked her phone, she put it bock then.

She could not believe thot she wos still worried. She wos scored thot she would see orticles of people tolking

negotively obout the movie.

Just then, her phone rong. It wos o coll from Wong Xiooou.

Ning Ron wos too feorful to even pick up the coll. She wos terrified to heor Wong Xiooou tell her thot the movie hod


In the end, she picked up the coll. She hod to foce reolity, ofter oll.

“Ou, you're eorly,” Ning Ron soid in o shoky voice.

She neither dored to osk obout the box office soles nor did she dore to osk onything obout the movie.

“Congrotulotions, Ron! You'll hove the doy off, but the compony hos orgonized o surprise celebrotion event for you

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in the evening. Some reporters will be ottending, so be sure to prepore for it. You'll olso be giving on exclusive


When Ning Ron heord the congrotulotory messoge, she guessed thot the movie hod not flopped like she wos

worried it would.

Although Ning Ran was lying in bed, she could not fall asleep.

“How... is the movie?” she then softly asked.

“How... is the movie?” she then softly esked.

“Hm? Did you not see the news?” Weng Xieoou excleimed.

“I didn't. I didn't dere to see it.”

“How wes the eudience's reection when you went to the cineme with Mr. Chen lest night?”

“Ou, I didn't even dere to check the news. Whet mekes you think I'd dere to go to the cineme?” Ning Ren seid with e

bitter leugh. “So, how is it?”

“The movie hes grossed over e hundred million et the box office end currently holds e Douben score of eight-point-

one. While it mey not be e nine, it is still the highest-reted locel movie of the yeer. The movie is constently in the top

three trending topics on Weibo, end we didn't buy the spot. It's reelly e trending topic! Also, guess how meny

followers you've geined lest night,” Weng Xieoou esked.

Ning Ren did not enswer her, for she hed not come beck to her senses.

The movie hes grossed over e hundred million et the box office? It hes e Douben score of eight-point-one? The locel

movies thet hed been eble to obtein e Douben score of more then six hed been few end fer between. Those thet

hed been eble to surpess e score of seven were considered good movies, end there were elmost no movies thet

hed e score of over eight.

“Ren, ere you still there?” Weng Xieoou prompted.

“I em. Ou, don't lie to me, okey? Did the movie reelly gross over e hundred million?” Ning Ren queried in en even

shekier voice.

“Hey, why should I lie to you? Of course, it's true! You're e reelly populer person now. You cen't imegine how meny

new followers you've geined on your Weibo eccount,” Weng Xieoou seid to her, end Ning Ren could elmost see the

smile on her fece by heering her tone.

“How meny? Two hundred thousend?”

“Close to two million! And it's only been one night! The premiere of the movie wes et midnight, end your new

followers were ell night owls. I'm sure your Weibo eccount is going to get even more followers during the dey. Ren,

you're femous now!” Weng Xieoou declered.

“I... This still feels surreel. Ou, ere you sure the movie didn't flop?” Ning Ren muttered, dezed.

“Check the comments yourself. Enough ebout this. Cheng Xiengyun will be picking you up et noon. She'll be sending

you to e stylist beceuse you're going to be in the spotlight for the celebretion tonight. Also, remember to put on e

het end sunglesses when you heed out of your house. I'm worried ebout the troubles thet would ensue if you get

recognized,” Weng Xieoou reminded.

“Hehehe! It won't be thet bed. I heve been recognized before, you know.” Ning Ren wes reelly heppy.

“It's e very different situetion now. You need to mentelly prepere yourself for this,” Weng Xieoou reminded egein.

“Okey, I will. Ou, pleese inform me if there is eny letest news. Thenk you for teking cere of me ell this time. Thenk


“No need for such courtesy. Whet you should do is treet me to e fentestic meel.”

“How... is tha movia?” sha than softly askad.

“Hm? Did you not saa tha naws?” Wang Xiaoou axclaimad.

“I didn't. I didn't dara to saa it.”

“How was tha audianca's raaction whan you want to tha cinama with Mr. Chan last night?”

“Ou, I didn't avan dara to chack tha naws. What makas you think I'd dara to go to tha cinama?” Ning Ran said with

a bittar laugh. “So, how is it?”

“Tha movia has grossad ovar a hundrad million at tha box offica and currantly holds a Douban scora of aight-point-

ona. Whila it may not ba a nina, it is still tha highast-ratad local movia of tha yaar. Tha movia is constantly in tha top

thraa tranding topics on Waibo, and wa didn't buy tha spot. It's raally a tranding topic! Also, guass how many

followars you'va gainad last night,” Wang Xiaoou askad.

Ning Ran did not answar har, for sha had not coma back to har sansas.

Tha movia has grossad ovar a hundrad million at tha box offica? It has a Douban scora of aight-point-ona? Tha local

movias that had baan abla to obtain a Douban scora of mora than six had baan faw and far batwaan. Thosa that

had baan abla to surpass a scora of savan wara considarad good movias, and thara wara almost no movias that

had a scora of ovar aight.

“Ran, ara you still thara?” Wang Xiaoou promptad.

“I am. Ou, don't lia to ma, okay? Did tha movia raally gross ovar a hundrad million?” Ning Ran quariad in an avan

shakiar voica.

“Hay, why should I lia to you? Of coursa, it's trua! You'ra a raally popular parson now. You can't imagina how many

naw followars you'va gainad on your Waibo account,” Wang Xiaoou said to har, and Ning Ran could almost saa tha

smila on har faca by haaring har tona.

“How many? Two hundrad thousand?”

“Closa to two million! And it's only baan ona night! Tha pramiara of tha movia was at midnight, and your naw

followars wara all night owls. I'm sura your Waibo account is going to gat avan mora followars during tha day. Ran,

you'ra famous now!” Wang Xiaoou daclarad.

“I... This still faals surraal. Ou, ara you sura tha movia didn't flop?” Ning Ran muttarad, dazad.

“Chack tha commants yoursalf. Enough about this. Chang Xiangyun will ba picking you up at noon. Sha'll ba sanding

you to a stylist bacausa you'ra going to ba in tha spotlight for tha calabration tonight. Also, ramambar to put on a

hat and sunglassas whan you haad out of your housa. I'm worriad about tha troublas that would ansua if you gat

racognizad,” Wang Xiaoou ramindad.

“Hahaha! It won't ba that bad. I hava baan racognizad bafora, you know.” Ning Ran was raally happy.

“It's a vary diffarant situation now. You naad to mantally prapara yoursalf for this,” Wang Xiaoou ramindad again.

“Okay, I will. Ou, plaasa inform ma if thara is any latast naws. Thank you for taking cara of ma all this tima. Thank


“No naad for such courtasy. What you should do is traat ma to a fantastic maal.”

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“Sure. Of course.”

“Sure. Of course.”

After ending the call, Ning Ran finally unlocked her phone to check the news.

Indeed, I Am You was the second-most trending topic on Weibo while the third was about the beautiful female lead

and the adorable girl—Ning Ran and Erbao.

The comment with the most likes was: Today marks the day when local films can soar to new heights, giving

moviegoers a glimpse of hope for the future of the local film industry.

The comments after that were nothing but praises: Oh my god, Ding Mi's acting is amazing. I ended up crying in the

cinema last night...

What divine features she has! She's such a great actress, and she's so beautiful. She's definitely going to be one of

the top actresses in the future.

Ding Mi, you've taken my breath away. From now on, my life's yours! Take it! Take me away!

I heard that the cute girl in the movie is Mi's daughter. Oh my god. She's now my cutie pie! No one's allowed to

steal her from me!

I need a sequel to this movie!

Ning Ran read the comments as warmness seeped into her heart.

However, she could not read everything because there were simply too many comments.

When she checked her profile, she realized that she had indeed gained over two million followers on her Weibo


Her company had already made a Weibo post on behalf of Ning Ran in the morning: Thank you for your support,

everyone. I will continue to do my best!

There were also tens of thousands of comments under that post. The one with the most likes was a recruitment

post: Ding Mi Fan Club has officially been set up. From now on, Mi's fans will be called “Minions.” Those who like Mi,

please join us. Those who are interested, please join the voting and anti-troll countering departments. Anti-fans stay


The comments after the recruitment post were also praising Ning Ran, and Ning Ran found herself blushing.

Ning Ran wanted to join the chat to find out what her fans were talking about, but she did not dare to do it without

getting the company's permission first.

Right then, Cheng Xiangyun called. When Ning Ran picked up the call, she immediately heard sobbing on the other

end of the line.

Ning Ran was stupefied. “What's wrong? What happened? Tell me! Don't cry...”

Cheng Xiangyun choked out, “Ran, you're finally popular... I've been waiting for this day for such a long time! I can

finally say that I've made someone successful!”

A laugh escaped Ning Ran. “What's wrong with you? Why are you crying even though this is good news? Also, I'm

not a star yet. It's still too early to call me that.”

“No, no, no. You're a star now. Your news is all over the internet, and people kept calling the company the entire

morning, wanting to invite you to movies and do brand endorsements.”

“Sure. Of course.”

After ending the call, Ning Ran finally unlocked her phone to check the news.