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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 354 True Personality Unleashed.
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Dedicating todays chapter to miervan, elorinczy and neotheo 82.

" How do you feel?" Song Yan asked once Fu Yu Sheng was done flailing about.

Fu Yu Sheng heaved a breath as he looked at the cotton doll in front of him and then looked at Song Yan before spitting out, " Like sh!t."

And then he fainted.

A silence ensued as he fell on the ground just as Fu Chen turned to look at his mother and said, " Will you be punishing daddy for saying a curse word mommy?"

" Oh you bet, Chen Chen … your daddy is going to get a lot of nice punishments now that he is okay."

Fu Yu Sheng didn't know how long he has been unconscious but the second he woke up, he sat up straight and covered his face as he let out a muffled curse, " f*ck I have a wife, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck."

It wasn't that he wasn't aware of what was happening around him, he was but after he saw Song Yan hitting that kid and ran away, a weird woman came to look for him and then.. and then she handed him something to eat, she was beautiful and her voice was really good as well and before he knew it he has swallowed the thing that she handed him.

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After that he has no idea what happened, that woman had asked her to get along with Song Yan and get married to her… he didn't want to do that, so he has always avoided Song Yan even when she chased after him, he turned a blind eye to her but then he married her. Why? He didn't know? He made countless excuses in his head that he was marrying her for this reason and that but the truth was that he, himself didn't know why he was marrying that woman. But now he knew that he married her because of that thing that he ate and that was the reason why even after running away from her, he would always return back to her.

That woman has always terrified him and now that she was this crazily strong, she scared the heck out of him man.

He covered his face as he slowly got out of his bed and stood up, with steps as soft as feather he walked out of the room and peered out of the door. Maybe he was not as sneaky as he thought he was because Song Yan raised her head and looked straight at him causing him to yelp as he pushed open the door and looked at her with a smile. " Oh…you..you are here?"

" Of course I am here," now that Song Yan had a very good idea what was going on, she was going to have lots of fun with Fu Yu Sheng. " I am your wife after all, the one whom you will never divorce."

With a fump, Fu Yu Sheng crouched down on the floor and let out a muffled yell that sounded like —— 'f*ck I really married her!!!'

" Dad are you sick?" Fu Chen looked at his dad who was behaving weirdly and couldn't help but frown at the disgrace. " You are swearing in front of your son."

" F*ckkkkk I have a son with that terrifying woman as well!"

" Mom, dad has finally gone mad." Fu Chen looked at his mother while pointing at Fu Yu Sheng who was muttering curses after curses.

" Who are you calling mad, you little——Oww my back, my back! Hey woman calm down a little will you?" Song Yan whipped Fu Yu Sheng's back with the switch that she was holding onto and then smiled at him as she kicked him on the shin making him kneel on the floor. " Honey if you are going to curse then do you want me to make it that you wouldn't be able to say a single sentence without rhyming in curses? It will be really funny don't you think so?"

" I will not curse… I will not curse but you calm down a little," Fu Yu Sheng raised his hands in surrender, crazy … this woman was crazy scary. " But can we talk?"

" Sure," said Song Yan as she looked at him with a complacent glance. " I wanted to talk to you too."

She turned to look at Fu Chen and smiled softly, " Chen Chen you can continue doing your homework, your father and I will go and have a chat with each other."

Fu Chen nodded but the he turned to look at his father and said, " Don't bully my mother."

" Just look who is bullying who you little son of mine—-Oww, what I did not curse this time!" Fu Yu Sheng let out a yelp.  " Why did you hit me this time?"

" You are not allowed to be rude to Chen Chen," was all Song Yan said as she turned to walk back in the room with the switch in her hands.

" She is still so terrible—-clank, Oww!" Fu Yu Sheng turned to look at the book that was thrown at him and then turned to look at Fu Chen who glared at him and said, " Don't call my mother terrible."

" Yes, yes.." sure enough their son inherited the temper of that woman.

" So what do you want to say to me?" Song Yan raised a brow as she sat down on the couch like she was queen sitting on her throne and looked at Fu Yu Sheng as if he was a peasant not even worth her time.

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" I ..I didn't marry you because I wanted to, you know that right?" He asked tentatively looking at the switch in her hands.

" I know."

" And I am still very scared of you."

" I know."

" So what are we going to do now?" He asked while rubbing the back of his neck, though he was being really nice to Song Yan because of the thing in his body, now that the thing was out, he was a bit awkward with her.

Song Yan raised a brow as she looked at him with a smile. " What? Now do you want to divorce me?"

" No of course not!" Fu Yu Sheng waved his hands as he said, " I won't go that far, I just …feel a bit terrified of you and nothing more but now that I know that you were not in the wrong, I won't make you suffer by divorcing you."

" Make me suffer?"deadpanned Song Yan with a disgusted look on her face.

" That's right," Fu Yu Sheng brushed his fringes aside and looked at her with a delicate smile as he flashed his teeth and said, " I am the biggest catch aren't I ? Divorcing me is like a sin."

Song Yan stared at him for long and hard before she covered her face and screamed, " My life has been ruined!"


Author's note: Am I saving the ml? No, the book is not about romance , its focuses on supernatural adventures so it would have been fine. Fl is strong doesn't need to depend on ml, but I have received so many complaints regarding ml, please consider that he was a teen when he was forced to take on all the responsibilities after his elder brother abandoned him. He is more like a teen child trapped in the body of a man, he ain't bad but he isn't good either, in short he is a human who has space to grow up, please give his character a chance to develop.

On another note I will like to thank readers like missShei31, neotheo82, elorinczy and many others who kept me going, honestly I was so bullied and cursed by some readers that I wanted to drop this book last month, but you guys helped me out. And please stop cursing me.