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My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 538
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Chapter 538: Hoping, Part

It turns out Harry was quite the conversationalist when he’s not too busy waging an intense tug of war with his very soul.

He had a very gentle manner of speech and the perfect weathered look to his gaze that made him seem and sound wiser beyond his years, even when he wasn’t particularly saying anything wise at all.

“So, an exorcism, huh?” He squinted at me, a little baffled, a little doubtful. “Demon possessions... I didn’t think I’d get the chance to experience one outside of cheap horror movies.”

Clearly, he expected me to say something, but all the while, I was more busy trying to hide the cluelessness in my eyes.

Possession, demon possession, really of all the...

“Honestly, I’m still holding some reserves over all the whole thing,” Harry continued on. “But with all that’s happen, it does seem like the only viable explanation for it all. So, for now, I guess I’ll take what I can get.”

“Well, there is a reason why some of them have ‘based on a true story’ written on as a tagline, y’know?” I quickly said, managing to play along quick enough, without even skipping a beat. “Next thing you know, Lord of the Rings is actually much more true to life than we think.”


That got a wheezy chuckle out of him. “Nah, nah... demons are as far as I will draw the line. Magic and Elves? Still too far of a stretch for me, I’m afraid.”

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Through bits and pieces I began to piece together the narrative that everyone else had weaved and pulled over Harry’s eyes.

A wandering stray demon, a little devil called Grieven decided it was nigh time to instigate some mischief, and Harry just so happened to be a poor soul at the wrong place and at the wrong time.

Long story short, I played the role of a talented descendant to a long line of spirit mediums living out life in the country simply and humbly, and it was only through my great, painstaking efforts that I managed to cleanse his soul, and banish this malevolent entity back into the burning pits of the eternal abyss from whence it came.

Frankly, as a horrible liar myself, I really have to give a nod at the sheer talent on display here. I don’t think even I could lie through my teeth this badly.

Well, at least I know clearly that Mom didn’t have anything to do with it. Dad’s probably been watching too much TV or something...

But, regardless it worked. As incredulous, as bemused as he seemed about it, it was plain as day that Harry completely bought it.

I guess when something as unreal as this happens to you... you’d be more inclined and willing to believe the first thing that makes even a sliver of sense to you.

And in Harry’s case, even plot holes like Ash’s ears, or Adalia in general can all just be swept under the rug with a perfectly logical explanation that he can’t even bother to ask.

Whatever... just keep nodding away like it’s just a regular Tuesday, because as far as the truth was concerned, this made a whole lot more sense.

Still, he could be the warmest, most amicable person in the whole world... that wouldn’t erase the person I saw and heard way back then.

That terrible man, at his wit’s end, crying and confiding a lifetime of sin. Behind that warm voice, that gentle fatherly complexion... that same man was surely still ever-present there, and before I go, I just had to know.

“When you get home, and when this all goes back to some sense of normal,” I looked at him, his gaze busy tending almost wistfully to the stars. “What are you going to do afterward?”

Surely he knew what I meant. There’s no way he didn’t. I know that man inside did hear me.

His head slanted slightly, as if it was the first time he ever pondered the thought.

“Well, I suppose for starters, work is going to be an issue... management doesn’t take kindly to unannounced disappearance, and I doubt I can slip by easy with demonic possession on a medical slip. But hey, I have tenure who knows... an hour of lecture with HR about professionalism is the best I can hope for.”

He then slanted his head sideways even more, pondering the thought just a little more.

“Hmm, the house is a bit of a mess though, and it smells – and I’m not in any shape for some spring cleaning. Suppose I’m gonna have to hire a helper, after all. Ahh, I suppose I can also go for a nice long drink. God knows I could really use one...”

All perfectly valid responses to my question, but...

“But that’s not what you’re asking me, are you?”

Harry straightened his stare, turning it towards me... his faint smiling expression, the wrinkles forming around his gaze. He’s pondered this enough already.

“I said it before, I’ll say it again. I’m really glad that Nick and Hayley have someone like you as a friend.”

“Employee...” I muttered.

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“Of the year, definitely,” He nodded, beaming approving eyes. “Going above and beyond for his employers. Frankly, son... you should go ask them for a raise.”

“Why bother with that when you’re right here, already. Surely you wouldn’t mind advocating for me, right? A father’s word is surely worth more than some leave-abusing part-timer.”

He looked away again, this time letting out a genuinely wistful sigh. “Well... you’d be surprised about that.”

It was a short few awkward moments of silence and empty staring into nothing before one of us decided to do something about it, and by one of us... I just went and said it outright.

“You should really go talk to them, y’know?”

“I know,” He whispered, and by how he sounded, I knew he meant it. “I will.”

“When, then?” I urged. “Tomorrow? The day after? The day after that?”

“It’s not that I’m afraid, son. I want to talk to them, I want to see them. You’ve no idea how badly I do right now,” He said, his voice never once more than just a whisper. “But that’s not what they want. Remember, it wasn’t them that had to stare at death, it wasn’t them that had to rethink their perspectives. These past few days, my life has been hanging in the balance. To them – it was just the weekends...”

This again...

“If you want to see them, just see them,” I told him. “Stop being considerate, generous – ”

“I-I... Hayley – I remembered trying to call her, to reach her...I told her I loved her,” Harry blinked a few times, shifting a strained furrowed stare back towards mine. “I... I did do that, didn’t I? You made me do it. Convince me to try... at least...”

A little stiffly, I nodded. “Yeah... you did.”

“I see...” He blinked again, the both of us already knowing what he was about to say. “Well, did she... did my Hayley call back?”

I didn’t nod, but I think he thought that I did. His eyes grew wide with a glimmer – hope.

“What... what did she say?”