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Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 139 Cheating
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Zhang Liling was unaware that Mr. Fang would rather blame himself for getting aroused when she pressed her breasts on his chest, than scold her for turning a blind eye to his instructions.

This was what she would never know.

Later in the evening, Chuanli called to check up on her.

The man was waiting till whatever punishment Mr. Fang would have given her to pass before reaching out to her, but to his surprise, she was fine.

"Are you saying that he didn't even scold you in the least?" He asked in surprise while straining his ears into the phone to not miss her response.

He needed to be sure that his ears were not playing any tricks on him.

Zhang Liling shrugged, "He didn't bother meeting my gaze when I almost bumped into him. He treated me like I was air."

"Wow! You have really charmed him!" Chuanli said with an astonished gaze while tapping his fingers on his desk.

He didn't know how she did it, but she was starting to gain his respect.

Zhang Liling would have appreciated his compliments, but she was uneasy about Mr. Fang's approach towards her.

"Dr. Li, I dare not think that way. Mr. Fang didn't even look at me and you said that I've charmed him, how is that even possible?"

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"Why can't it be possible?" Chuanli asked while sitting up. "Last night, you clung onto him so much that you refused to let go even when I tried to pull you away. He must have felt that your feelings for him were strong, so he decided not to punish you."

Zhang Liling could only think that Chuanli's conclusions were absurd. How could he think that way?

Mr. Fang was not someone whose heart could be moved so easily. If that was so, she wouldn't have to still be in the same spot for 2 months without making any progress.

"Dr. Li, I appreciate your compliments and support, but right now, I would appreciate it if Mr. Fang would scold me at least so my heart can be at ease."

'What a werido!' Chuanli thought to himself as his brows creased tightly.

"Miss Zhang, if Mr. Fang is ignoring you, then it doesn't mean that your life is in danger. If he had wanted to throw you out of his house, just know that you still wouldn't be there by now. But seriously, you should thread your next steps carefully."

Staring at her phone wallpaper, Zhang Liling sighed to herself and walked away from the corridor. She still had a little washing to do before dinner time.

Mr. Fang was absorbed in his work in the study that he didn't bother about the woman who was slowly starting to wreck his heart and body.


Shi Wenqian was sitting in the living room watching the TV when she heard her phone ring.

Immediately, she reached out for it to glance at the caller ID before swiping the screen to answer the call, while at the same time tuning down the volume of the TV with the remote on her left hand.

"Ma'am, your husband just left the meeting now." A strong masculine voice from the other end announced.

"Are you still trailing him?" Shi Wenqian asked in a strict tone.

Her face, also didn't look like she was going to receive a negative response and do well with it.


"Well, where is he going to?" She inquired.

"I am not sure now, he just got into the car." The man on the other end replied with his gaze on Zhang Renshu who was a good distance away him, and trying to step into the back seat of a black Mercedes-Benz.

He watched his bodyguard open and hold the car door for him while he got into the car.

"I want you to keep following him and report to me where he goes to. And that's if he doesn't come home straight from that that place!" Shi Wenqian instructed, this time around, her tone was stricter.

The man on the end who was a subordinate working for her, acknowledged her instructions before letting her end the conversation.

As soon as Zhang Renshu's car hit the road, the man Shi Wenqian sent to tail him, followed suit, but kept some distance away from his car.

Zhang Renshu was someone who moved with bodyguards, so it would be easy for them to find out if anyone was following his car.

The man really had to be careful to not be found out, or risk exposing himself and the person behind him.

Much to Shi Wenqian's thoughts, Zhang Renshu did not go home straight. Instead, he went into a high-end restaurant.

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When she got that report, she insisted that the man kept following him. "Keep following him! Make sure you don't lose his car or get found out either!"

There was this hunch a woman got sometimes, when her husband is cheating on her, or about to cheat on her.

One of them was what Shi Wenqian felt in the morning when her husband told her that he was not going to have dinner at home.

Her first suspicion was that he was going to see a woman but if she was wrong, she would be happy and relieved.

Zhang Renshu was unaware that his wife was monitoring him.

At the back seat of a car, he was all smiles while exchanging texts with someone.

'I got us dinner, I will be there in 10 minutes' He texted before slipping his phone inside his jacket.

In front of a 5-star hotel Zhang Renshu's driver pulled the car over.

The body guard sitting in front, stepped out to open the car door for him, before following after him a few moment later with the food he bought from the restaurant earlier and a workbag.

"He took the food he bought to a hotel?!" Shi Wenqian shrieked.

Her voice was so loud that she scared the wits out of a timid servant that brought her a bottle of wine which she ordered.

Shi Wenqian had sprang up from the seat when she heard the news.

Before when she heard that he had bought dinner, she almost let go off the fact that he was going to see another woman, because, why would he trouble himself to get dinner?

On a second thought, she decided to continue tailing him to curb the itching in her heart, but look what she discovered...

He bought food from outside and was taking it into the hotel?!