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Love or Die CEO’s Daily Dose of Swoon

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16

Cordelia urged Larry to head back first, then made her way toward the other side.

After crossing the street, she slipped into an alleyway where the raucous shouts of street vendors seemed to be cut off, creating an oasis of calm amidst the clamor.

She walked on for about two hundred meters until she heard noises coming from around the corner. Turning the bend. she was met with a group of about seven or eight individuals.

In that instant, Cordelia’s vision was flooded with red.

The seven, decked out in various school uniforms, represented different institutions. The girls sported pink. hair, while the boys‘ fir

red locks were slicked up with enough gel to rival a bonfire.

At that moment, they had Merry cornered.

FlNo. 1 shoved Merry, “Who gave you permission to dye your hair back?”

FlNo. 2 chimed in, “Merry, are you trying to bail on us?”

FlNo. 3 added, “Have you forgotten what happens to those who try to leave the fold?”

Merry was trapped in the middle, shivering with fear, her heavily made–up face a canvas of terror. She pleaded with someone on the side, “Yates, please, letbe!”

That was when Cordelia spotted FlNo. 8.

Leaning against the cool grey wall, Yates also sported an exaggerated red mane. Despite his wild hair, his good looks were unmistakable. He was slouched against the wall, eyes half–lidded, engrossed in a gon his phone, an aggressive aura around him.

FlNo. 1 spoke again, “Merry, have you forgotten the oath you took when you joined? We’ll give you one chance. Dye your hair back by tomorrow, or face the consequences of betraying the Flame Union!”

Standing bewildered at the entrance of the alley, Cordelia finally began to piece together the situation.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Merry’s fiery hair was apparently the hallmark of the FlUnion, and their ringleader was none other than


Everyone at school avoided Merry, fearing Yates. Even Hanley wouldn’t dare cross him. It seemed this guy was either fearless or cfrom a powerful family, or possibly both.

Despite her fear, Merry stuttered, “What do I need to do so I don’t have to dye it back?”

FlNo. 2 scoffed, “Not dye it? Are you kidding me?”

FlNo. 4 accused, “Who helped you out when you were being bullied and crying for help? And now you’re so ungrateful and clueless!”

FlNo. 1 offered a solution, “If you don’t want your red hair, fine. We’ve got a better idea. We’ll shave it off for you. How about that?” With that, he brandished a pair of scissors.

Merry crouched down, clutching her hair, “No, please…” But her arms were grabbed, leaving her powerless to resist.

“Merry, you’ve brought this on yourself!”

FlNo. 1 lifted a strand of her hair, ready to cut without mercy!

That’s when….

“Stop.” A voice, cool and indifferent, rang out, freezing everyone in their tracks. They turned to look at the mouth of the alley.

Cordelia stood there, her misty eyes scanning the group before settling on Merry.


Merry, seng Cordata, was momentarily stored, then urgently oted our “Cordella, don’t worry about me just

Cordelia walked right toward Marry Shepped fragile and dermy as the stomached the Flame


servure, yet members instinctively cleared a path

Once she was in front of Sherry the faced Fem o 1

After few ronds of silence, during which Flis 1 began to question his life choices Cordelia finally spoke, “What does it take to leave her alor


Fl1 blurted out at once. Thears only one way Bear rates, and you becthe boss of the Flame Union. Then you make the rulesm

Cordelia processed this for a moment, her expression revealing her surprise & fights

Seeing her reaction, the others felt a return to normalcy

FlNo. 1 regained his swagger “Scared, huh? Mind your business and bear e don’t waste our time?

Merry pushed at her too, We don’t know each other, just got

Cordelia handed her backpack to Merry and then turned to face fates, saying simply Ter’s fight


Yates didn’t respond immediately Only after fughing his gdid he show signs of impatience tossing no phone aside and limbering up, his joints cracking Mare it quick”

But upon seeing Cordelia, his expression faltered

Was it this the girl who had grabbed him on the street the other day, confessing her feeings?

She looked so gentle and fail, clearly not from their word How could he fight her?

Cordelia didn’t recognize him. They stood fading each other inblence

Yates finally said, “Well, catthen

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Cordelia paused before asking. “Could you givehalf an hour?

Yates was perplexed, “Why?”

With an impassive face, but inwardly feeling somewhat embarrassed, Cordelia soled Tcont know how to fight. I need to learn first.”

There was a moment of stunned silence before Yates, almost refervely, nodded in agreement.

Ignoring the bewildered expressions of the others, Cordelia made her way to the Midnight Scent

Inside, Everard was still behind the counter reading a book, his deep eyes flickering with surprise as she entered, “What’s up? he asked.

Cordelia regarded him. His features were sharp, and he exuded a rogue charm. He might look lean and pale, but he knew a thing or two about throwing a punch

She began tentatively, “Could you teachhow to fight?

Calvert, who was fiddling with his phone on a stool, looked up blankly at Cordelia

As Cordelia searched for the right words to explain, Everard, shrouded in shadows, didn’t bother with questions. He casually stretched out his leg, nudging Calvert Teach her sbasic combat moves

“Got it.”

Calvert responded instinctively, only realizing once held stood up that she might not be able to learn everything

But following orders was second nature, and he began to instruct, “Boxercise is a mix of kicks, punches, takedowns, and grappling fundamentals. The moves break down like this…”

Chapter 16

He demonstrated in the open space of Midnight Scent, then faced her and said, “Get into your fighting stance.”

Cordelia nodded.

Her photographic memory had already captured the essentials. She raised her fists, stepped back with her right foot, and slightly bent her knees, ready to strike.

Suddenly, a warm and large hand rested on her waist. As Cordelia tensed up, Everard’s deep and resonant voice cclose to her, “Tighten your core.”

It was only then that Cordelia realized Everard had moved next to her, his touch brief and leaving her with little tto ponder.

She relaxed and focused intently on the lesson.

Everard stepped back, his gaze dropping to his own palm. He hadn’t expected that beneath the baggy school hoodie, her waist would feel so supple and slender, almost as if he could encircle it with just one hand….