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Lord Shadow

Chapter 334: Wind of change (3)
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‘What if I refuse?’ he asks once again.

Loki was smiling and then without warning suddenly he slam his hand on the steel table and the sound echoes inside this investigation room and then he stares at Ezzio, his face is so close at him and Ezzio could see the anger and wrath in Loki eyes.

Then Loki said, his voice is cold and severe

‘There are a lot of things I could do to you Ezzio. But I know your story. You lost your family. Life….is a burden and death is a release. I get it. But you couldn’t kill yourself could you? But you also could not let other kill you. You have too much pride to be killed by your enemies. You wanted revenge. I helped you on that matter.’

Ezzio was not intimidated as he shot back

‘And I have paid.’

‘You did’ Loki said smiling a mysterious smile.

‘But this is not about old debts. You ask me what I would do if you refuse right?’

He leaned back backwards, his eyes seems to be looking at Ezzio coldly. There is a cruel smile on his face that would make one shiver in fear.

‘I could list one hundred ways to torture a person but I know you. You have e nothing else in the world for me to leverage against you. There is nothing I could threaten you with. You do not value your life and as such I could not use it to threaten you. I could threaten to cut your tongue, to scoop out your eyes, to pour molten metal in your ears but none of that would scare you’

Ezzio scoffed

‘You wouldn’t do that Trickster’ Ezzio said confidently

‘Oh. You seem confident’ Loki said looking amused at Ezzio confidence. Ezzio then said

‘You might be many things Loki, but inelegant isn’t one of them. You always considered yourself above the fray even when dealing with criminals and the cartels. You travel in the crime underworld, being chummy with crime lord, selling weapons and buying weapons and do all manners of questionable thing which is odd considering you are one of Death Monarch people. You did so many questionable things that you got everybody convinced that you are one of them. But I know you. You never considered yourself like them. You are not a brute. If not you would not imprison so many people here.’

‘Heh’ Loki scoffed and then said

‘True…I am not inelegant’ and then he grins and said

‘But if you think I imprisoned them with the intention of reforming them, then you have just made another mistake’

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Then smiling Loki said

‘You do not fear death and you do not fear your life ending because you have nothing to live for. You have nothing to fight for. So, do you know how I will make you talk? Simple. I will let you go’

Trisha hearing this was shocked

‘My lord, I don’t think that is a good ide-‘ Loki held up his hand and then said

‘I will let you go Ezzio. And then I will wait.’


‘Yes, I will wait. I will wait until the pain in your heart has settled that the scars in your heart are nothing but a scab. I will wait until you found something to live for. Maybe a woman. And maybe it will be something else. You might even find someone else to love years later. And I will still wait. I will wait until you live happily with that woman, having many children together with all the great joy and blessing the world could possibly give you…..and then I will come’

And there is a certain madness in Loki eyes that is now unconcealed when he is looking at Ezzio.

‘I will come like the cold hard winters of Ragnarok and I will reap their lives in the most gruesome and painful way possible for you to watch. I will let you hear their screams and their pain. I will turn your joy into your worst nightmare. I will turn all the blessings into curses. When you were at your happiest, I will be there and turn that happiness into ashes and dust, and the life you built is actually built on pillars of salt and sand’

Hearing this Ezzio turned pale in his face. Even Trisha look at Loki weird.

‘And when you ask me why I did it….I will answer…Why do you refuse at that time?’

And then with a malevolent grin Loki said, staring sharply at Ezzio eyes. Ezzio eyes is wavering and shaking.

‘You were right about one thing. I am not a brute..….But I can be.’

Gulping Ezzio then said

‘Then what if I never fall in love or have nothing to live for? Will you still wait?’

Loki smiles and said

‘To vow yourself to never find love or something worth living for?’ Smiling Loki said

‘Then I did not even have to kill you. You are already dead. For someone like that what is the difference between them and dead people anyway?’

Then sighing Loki got up from his chair and look at Ezzio.

‘Final choice, old friend. Will you give the location of that Orb to me and safely went out from this prison without worrying about me coming for you? Or will you still be stubborn and wait for the day that I come to you?’

Loki clicks his finger and the room morphed again. This time the room shrinks before morphing into a different appearance.

It is like a normal room with sofas and tables and books in the bookshelf. Behind Loki is the exit room. Loki grabs the handle and opens the door.

The view outside the door is something unexpected.

The scenery of the outside of the door is not the maze path of the prison instead it is an image of vast grassy plains.

‘Choose’ Trisha said coldly. Loki releases his hand from the door handle waiting calmly at Ezzio for him to make his choice.

Ezzio look at Loki and he sighed.

‘You win’ Loki smiles like everything was under his control

‘I always do’ he replies.

Ezzio opens his palm and there is a paper in his hand. This paper doesn’t look like it is made by normal means as it emitted a fluctuation of energy.

‘Treinheim Paper. It is a tracing paper. I got it from the Order of Thinkers. This would lead you to the Orb.’

Loki took it and examines it and nodded in satisfaction

‘Ah, of course. You are one of their members right?’ Ezzio rolled his eyes.

‘I think I was pretty clear before that I do not want you to advertise that information so openly’

‘Ah, I forgot’ Loki said, though he clearly doesn’t seem regretful about it

He walks to Loki and said to him.

‘You know how to use this right? Don’t blame me if you can’t find the Orb after you arrive there’

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Loki nodded

Ezzio then patted his shirt clearly unsatisfied on how he was treated as he look at Trisha with a disgruntled expression and then he said

‘Alright then. This time, let us go our way and hopefully never meet each other again’

Ezzio really hope that he will never meet again with the Trickster. He always lost something each time he met the Trickster.

He was about to step out from the room before he stopped and then he turned back and said to Loki

‘And next time if you want something from me, you could send an invitation or something instead of bludgeoning me in the night and kidnapped me to one of your secret prisons. I know you lack social common sense Loki, but you got to do better than this. Trisha, I would have entrusted him to you to take after him and teach him where he is lacking but you are not any better’ Then leaving this word he step out from the room and the door automatically shut itself. Loki looks at Trisha and then Loki said

‘He sure has a lot to say’

Trisha nodded in agreements. Loki opens back the door and in front of him is the hallways of the prisons.

He and Trisha went out from the room, as Loki holding tightly to the Treinheim Paper.

‘So, what do we do now?’ Trisha asked

Smiling and feeling elated now that he got the location of the orb, Loki said

‘What else? We are going to take it’ and he laughed as he walk out from the prison

Loki got the location of the thing that would start the War of the Sovereigns. It is the same thing Yewa Hafar was searching when he met Loki the last time.

If this is found before the War of the Sovereign….then the future would truly be crazy and the future is anyone game now.

Loki has found his Bishop to check the enemy King.

As Loki is exiting the island, there is a smile on his face and he whispers to the wind

‘Our game has begun, Yewa Hafar. You wouldn’t mind me taking out your Castle would you?’ And he smiles as the wind of change is coming.


A momentous disocvery….but will it be that easy? Hehehehe. Anyway, like always thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the story