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Lord Shadow

Chapter 325: Heaven wrath (1)
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Thunder converges, the wind was sharp as blade, and lightning covered the sky and blotted the sun and moon.

Rain falls down on many parts of the world as it heralded storms.

The wind turned hostile, thunderstorm and raging tornadoes swept the seas and coming to the South Atlantic Ocean, ravaging and destroying cities and village along the way

‘Che’ Azief spitted out a golden bloody lump of blood from his mouth. He felt his lung feeling a little bit more relaxed after he spit that lump out of his body.

He is breathing hard and tiredness could be seen on all parts of his body. It was like his body has been pushed to the brim.

Many of his veins have burst out and many parts of his body are bleeding internally and externally.

Azief right now is very vulnerable. This is the first time his body felt so much pain and had so much damage accumulated.

It is not even inflicted by Sithulran. Instead most of it was inflicted by the Wheel. But Azief have no other faster way to stop Sithulran.

In a way Sithulran is actually his responsibility. When he summons that finger from the Darkness, Sithulran manages to escape out.

It is time for him to fix that mistake.

He focused his energy on that palm and the buzzing on his palm grew louder and louder, that it drowned the sound of the tornadoes and thunder

His palm also emanated out an aura that called for the Destruction of the World.

The space around him distorted, before dissembling like a building block that slowly crumbles. The space around him also slowly was being ripped apart on the edges of its space.

Gully of space is created from the cracking as explosion and rifts appeared that show a vortex of darkness that keep absorbing more energy.

It was then as Azief is about to gather more energy to his palm that a golden lightning strikes down towards him.

Azief saw it but he had no other way available to him right now but to try to endure it.


The golden lightning strikes him and Azief felt a jolt in his body, like a mini sun was thrown upon him and exploded on his chest.

The impact shakes the Space around him causing it to distort and the air changed direction and become thinner.

Azief coughed a lump of blood fill with arcs of electricity.

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‘Shit’ he cursed under his breath

Usually lightning have no effect on him. And it usually acts as his nourishment. But not at this moment.

Not right now.

The reason why he could ignore lightning based attack was because he had much energy in his body and the trace of the Tribulation Lightning.

He had seven energies of different kind to be exact, each one possess the power to control such trifling thing such as the element of thunder

Not to mention when he form his Seed one of his Seed is the Seed of Elements

But right now, almost all of his Disks are broken and the energy he had in his body right now is the reserve energy and he could not maintain this bombardment of thunderbolt for long.

But he still has slight immunity against thunder even at his current state

As he did usurp the Heavens many times, he is now punished for it.

If he were at his peak…no even if he is at half strength, he would not fear the Heavens and would probably only felt an itch when being struck by the lightning from the Heavens but he is not right now.

‘Fuck this shit! Come on!’ Azief roars but golden blood spurted out from his mouth as he felt his vitality is getting weaker. If not for his Physique he would have dried up already and could only wait death.

He tries to maintain the Wheel from falling.

The Heavens is choosing at this time to try punishing him, right at the end.

This is what it felt like to be rejected by Heavens and Earth. The energy of the Earth try their hardest best not trying to get absorbed by Azief palm.

And the Heavens send him lightning and thunderbolts to kill him.

‘I will push on! You are dreaming if you think you can take me down this easily.’

He shouted as his palm buzzed with more suction force that even the Laws around him weakened and the lightning strike that is slowly coming down in drove to strike him wavered.



The lightning keep striking him and the injury on his body multiplied. Azief skin is cracking and wound appeared on his body, gold reddish blood drips down from a hole shaped marks.

Arc of electricity slither all across in and outside his body like a slithering serpents

Traces of lightning injury fill Azief entire body as his body slowly turns red and his body creates a heat visible to the naked eyes.

The thunderbolts keep attacking and striking him like he is a human lightning rod

The lightning seems to be feasting upon Azief body as the impact of Azief body and the thunderbolt clashing created a shockwave that shaken the sky and dissipated the clouds and evaporates the large sea water that rises up.

If one looked from below they would see that Azief is like a ball of lightning as the thunderbolt keep striking him like a swordsmith hammering steel to mend it the way they want.

‘ARGHH!’ Azief shouted to the Heavens. He is still on the sky, holding that Wheel afloat with his Palm.

On the sky, the thunders converge and created a large congregation of gigantic cloud cluster filled with lightning.


The sound shakes the sky as the Heaven rumbled showing it wrath.

Usually the Will of the World were suppressed by Azief but today in Azief battle, as the consequences of summoning the Wheel, all of his Disks is used up.

Azief did not forget about the Will of the World but he miscalculated.

He thought that even if he used up all of his Disks, that the Will of the World at that time would be so powerless after the Wheel descend down that the Will of the World could no longer plans anything against him.

He never would have thought the determination of the Will of the World to exterminate him….that they would launch an all-out attack on him.

Meanwhile this scene drew gasp all over the world. Many people are watching the battle with their own means and methods.

Looking at that tiny figure holding a wheel thousands of times larger than him and at the same time fighting the Will of the World, one could not help but be awed and fearful by Death Monarch

This is the pride of the strongest man in the world, the invincible Death Monarch!

Most people in the world used the Will of the World especially people who are at the Disk Formation levels.

Who else is like the Death Monarch that defies the Heavens and challenged it so much that even the Heavens could no longer tolerate him and tries to exterminate Death Monarch even at the expense of the Will of the World getting weakened?

Azief did not lament, or regret it even when the Heavens are trying to kill him. He only could face it head on.

He looks at the Heavens and he smirk his most arrogant smirk and shouted to the Heavens even as his body is getting bombarded with hundreds of lightning strikes.

‘You think I am afraid of you! Bring it on!’ He shouted as his shout halted one hundred lightning bolts and dissipated them with one shout.

Another hundred lightning bolts exploded before they attacked him, creating a firework of arcs of lightning vines that strikes the sea below him.

The sky rumbles and roars, as the wind changed direction as gigantic storms forms all over the sea and thunders burst out from the sky.

It is now raining thunderbolt.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The sky turned golden bright as something humongous seems to be sailing the dark clouds. And then Azief saw it and there is a frown on his forehead.

‘They even brought that one out’ Azief ask himself.

What Azief saw is a red lightning. The whole world also saw the scene as it is easy to see it. One just had to look up and saw a great something hiding under the guise of the dark clouds.

It was like a large snake silhouette moving in the dark clouds.

Meanwhile in Japan, someone was stirred as the red lightning appears on the sky as its energy spread out all over the world.

‘This is wrong. It is not Tribulation Lightning. It is that lightning’ a voice said this word as he stirred from his meditation. This voice belongs to Oreki.

Oreki come out from his place and look at the sky with a complicated expression.

‘This is Extermination Lightning’ He said to himself. This time Oreki got up and lightning gather on his feet.

He needs to rescue and protect the Death Monarch. If not the Heavens might really be able to killed Death Monarch.

‘Haah’ he sighed

Any other day, Oreki would have been fine letting Death Monarch dies. After all Death Monarch is not really his friend.

And he knows that if he is in the same situation, Death Monarch would not really care about his life or death.

But this is a different matter and different situations.

Today, the Death Monarch fights Sithulran.

A scourge of Earth.

Nobody in this world have any means to go against Sithulran other than kill him endlessly which is a stopgap solution that will one day lose its effectiveness.

Looking at the circumstances, it seems Death Monarch sealing is not yet complete.

And Oreki knows that no matter how shameless a person could be, one could not pay such noble deeds with ingratitude.

Today, Death Monarch took the chance, weakening himself to such degree to seal Sithulran for the world

‘It is time to pay him the respect he deserved’ Oreki said to himself as he push his feet downward as the entire fifteen kilometers radius had arcs of lightning disperse into the ground

Then in a flash of blinding golden light, Oreki turns into a bolt of lightning heading to the South Atlantic Ocean.


Que the Avengers Assemble Soundtrack because next the Avengers will assemble! And i decided to accept Fnezz suggestion and will try to minimize over-explanation. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and please vote and leave your comments. And if you want to be more up to date and see previews of chapter you can join my discord.

PS: I finished this chpater early after editing AOA so here it is. A day ahead of schedule.