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Lord Shadow

Chapter 294: The choice 06
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‘I could help you with the other six energies you need to create the other Disks’ Hearing this Azief was shocked beyond belief.

Doesn’t this mean he could complete all his thirteen Disk in one go? After all he already got the Demonic Energy and he could form it later when he returns home.

He only needs six more energies to reach Thirteen Disk and then he could summon the Supremacy Stairway.

But then Azief felt desponded all of a sudden. Because he was reminded of something. Looking at Azul and then sighing Azief reply

‘I appreciate the kind gesture but I already decided to use other means of gaining that energy’

Azief have decided to refine the energy from his Eternal Rings the moment he found out he could refine energy from his sabers.

He already knows the other Disk he needs to form from the energy he found slumbering in his Rings.

But Azul smile did not falter. Instead his smile brightened even more.

‘You wanted to refine the energy from the rings on your fingers aren’t you?’ hearing this Azief was even more shocked

‘Fuck, can Azul read my mind?’ Azief thought to himself and Azul responded

‘No, I can’t read your mind’ Azief look at Azul with disbelief and Azul laughed. The reason Azul knows Azief will refine the energy from the ring is because this is not the first time they met.

Even though in that other timeline Azief failed, Azul knows that Azief grew to become a Sovereign and a powerful being in the Universe and he dominated the countless beings in the Universe with that ring.

It is a pity what happens to Azief in the end. It reminded him the same fate of the person who used to wear that ring.

The Eternal Rings….what an irony.

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‘I could extract the energies inside the ring for you and give it to you. After all I know the owner’

Azief heard a new revelation. Azief immediately pounced on it.

‘You know the Demon Emperor of the Seresian world?’ Azief ask

Azul scoffed.

‘That puny little insects?’ Azul shakes his head and then continue.

‘When I said I knew the owner, I mean the original owner. A sad fate what happens to him but his accomplishment could never be erased. Foolhardy and rebellious but I kind of like him’

Hearing this Azief once again was puzzled. Azief of course countless times asked the origins of this rings.

Mostly to himself. He never found anyone that could tell him the true origins of this rings.

He was about to ask more things about the origin of the rings but Azul shake his head.

There was an awkward silence for a while. Then Azul asked

‘How about it? You still want the gifts?’ Azief laughed and nodded

‘Of course I want it!’ Azief almost shouted the words.

Azul nodded. He then pointed his finger to the ring and a blue light shoot out from his finger enveloping the rings as six energies comes out and condensed into an orb of light.

The six orb of light floated in front of Azief. Azief touch each one and they are all the energy he wanted from the rings.

‘How did you know?’ Azief asked Azul

Azul only smiles without giving any answers. Azief just shake his head. And then Azul blows his mouth and the six orbs of light enter Azief body.

The energy is sleeping. When Azief returns to Earth he could wake them all up and use it to form his Disk. All seven of them including the Demonic Energy he just got.

Azief look at Azul and bowed a little

‘Thank you’ If Loki knows about this matter of Azul extracting the other energies to help Azief Perfected his Disk he would surely be shocked to his core.

Azief in the original timeline did not even walk the Perfection Path but even that took him a long time to form his Disk.

Now, Azief walk the Perfection Path and his steps should be slower than the others. But now the opposites happen.

Even compared to other people the way he is rising up could only be described as a meteoric rise.

But now who would have thought Loki actions of helping Azief speeding up the other two trials would lead up to this.

The Fall did not yet reach it seven years but Azief is already a powerhouse even with his Disk Formation cultivation level.

But now, how could have Loki thought that by changing the past it would help Azief to clear all of the trials of Azul?

This Azief and the Azief from Loki timeline is clearly different in temperament and attitude.

He does not possess the hatred and anger towards the world that Azief in Loki timeline have. In Loki timeline Azief did not have Sina, Loki, Wang Jian and Will.

He did not have such strong brotherhood or such love in his life. It is only later in life that Azief found love.

And he made all the wrong choices.

But the Azief in this timeline have a brother he could trust, two great woman that loves him and people who trust and depends on him.

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He was a better man than he was in that other timeline. His anger was not poisonous and his hatred….could be alleviated.

It is because of that Azief could make the choice of relinquishing all that he had worked for to revive Meihul.

Because Meihul reminded him of Katarina. Especially that smile. Just seeing it hurts him.

Azul replied to Azief

‘And there is another gift. One last gift from me. One of my legacy inheritances’ Azul said.

He crouched down from his throne and his titanic fingertips taps Azief forehead. It was only the edge of his fingernails but a white energy seems to be transferred into Azief.

Azief closes his eyes

Then he removes his fingertips and sits down straight at his throne and asks Azief

‘Did you get it?’

Azief slowly opens his eyes. Then he answers Azul question with a smile.

‘I get it’ Azul laughs.

‘Good. Now you can go home’

Then Azul waved his hand and like he was being flung away by a ferocious storm, Azief translucent form dissipated as he seems to be traveling through a colorful path that connected many Universes

Azief shouted

‘Is it too much to ask for a door!’ Azief bet Azul is laughing at him now. After all he did come to Azul by using a door so he didn’t understand why he couldn’t return in the same way.

It was too fast and too much sceneries that passes him by that slowly causing him to felt dizzy and nauseated.

So, Azief closes his eyes.


Azief has returned to Earth and it will be connected to the chapter where Sofia is going home. Like always, hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading. Please vote if you can