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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 500 Macabre (1)
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Although Haylee requested to take care of the matter in Noser, she did not immediately go there and instead, ordered Deception and Gael to mobilize with their group to scout the situation. After that, she asked Ruin to expedite the destruction of the Regis's defensive array while dispatching the army stationed outside the estate to join Gael in Noser.

When Haylee was sure she had placed her people where she wanted them, she and Lira went to the Royal Army's Headquarters. Her objective was the secret basement Gael, and a few leaders of the noble families in the empire had been protecting right under the Royal Family's noses.

Haylee stood in front of the big floor-to-ceiling gates. Her sapphire blue eyes still glow brilliantly in the dimly lit hallway.

Standing behind her were two figures. One was Lira, who came with her from the Courtenay Land, and the other was Fiona, the Combat Hall personnel that the Royal Family placed to keep an eye on Gael's activities. However, she had another identity. She was Ingrid's half-sister. Like Ingrid, Fiona shared the same desire to get a person with Winfrey's blood to rule the empire again. For this reason, Fiona's submitted reports to the Combat Hall, which Euan also received, were incomplete. Then she would send Haylee anonymous tips to let her know Gael's movements.

Haylee started receiving Fiona's tips two years ago. Initially, she ignored them but began paying attention when she became aware that some old noble families wanted a Winfrey to rule the empire.

It was only recently that she started to commit.

After receiving Fiona's tip to go to the Mercenary Guild to understand what Gael was doing, Haylee started to proactively understand the whole situation between the Royal Army and her family. She reread all the tips Fiona had sent her and soon arrived at her own conclusion.

By the time Haylee went to the Winfrey Ancestral Land, she had already felt wary of everyone around her.

Even Macey, the handmaid that her stepmother handpicked for her.

After succeeding in the Inheritance Rights in the Winfrey Ancestral Land, Haylee experienced a qualitative change in character. Apart from this, she became aware of the memories of the past Soul Emperor and everything she did.

Haylee discovered how much of a fraud the Royal Family was.

What Dark Sage? What Hero family that put an end to his evil rule? The Winfrey Family, or to be precise, Layla, the previous Soul Emperor, was the one who crafted an insidious plan to make the Dark Sage the enemy of all humanity.

Surprisingly, Haylee didn't resent Layla. Instead, she pitied Layla because everything she did was for a noble cause. Ultimately, Layla failed because she neglected one crucial point. She did not handle the matters with the Regis properly.

Haylee found that Layla was betrothed to Zane, the Regis ancestor who became the Dragon Lord. If Layla had first married him, she could have controlled him and prevented him from discovering her plans. Ultimately, Layla's failure led to her death.

'But things will be different this time,' Haylee thought, her eyes glowing with determination and zeal. After receiving Layla's memories, Haylee learned a secret that could ultimately help her deal with the new Void Master. That secret was hidden deep within a chamber underground in Meliora.

After researching the chamber's location, Haylee found the Royal Army's headquarters had been built above it and that Gael had already found it. Because of this, Haylee decides to make Gael her loyal servant rather than kill him. At least, her decision made her discover the identities of six influential figures conspiring with him.

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Those six had already been dealt with accordingly.

"I will go in for an hour. If I don't come out then, Lira," Haylee paused to look at her.

Lira straightened and replied, "Yes, your highness."

"You'll be in charge of the matter in Noser."

Lira's brow furrowed slightly, and she asked, "What about your father?"

"Let him do what he wants. If I openly object to his decisions, he might get suspicious."

"And the Regis?"

"Ruin can handle that alone."

However, Lira looked unconvinced. Haylee noticed this and asked, "What is it?"

After some hesitation, Lira finally said, "Your Highness, I think you are being too complacent about your father. He is the emperor, and you must not underestimate his insights. I don't think it is wise to let him be."

Haylee frowned, "Are you telling me to take care of my father?"

Others might not find her words strange. However, those who had seen the cruel truth knew her meaning was different.

Lira shook her head immediately, "No, your Highness. Please pardon my callousness. I am only afraid that the emperor will do something to harm you."

"He dotes on me. He may suspect me eventually, but never lift his hand against me. At most, he will feel betrayed and disheartened, but as long as I explain everything to him, he will understand and support me. Anyway, I already gave him a chance to change his heir, yet he insisted on having me. He will never let anything happen to the empire's successor."

"Yes, your Highness. Please forgive my shortsightedness," Lira said and lowered her head in apology.

However, Haylee's eyes flickered slightly, and she said, "You are not fully convinced."

This time, Lira did not respond nor lift her head to look at Haylee. Frankly, she did not care about the politics in the empire. All that mattered to her was Haylee's safety. She pledged to protect her with her life when she became her Royal Knight.

Seeing that Lira did not admit nor deny her comment, Haylee sighed and said, "If my father does something that deviates from my original scenario, then do as you see fit."

Lira finally straightened and answered, "Thank you for your trust, your Highness."

Haylee nodded at them and walked to the gates.

The gates were usually operated by activating a panel located on each side. However, Haylee did not require that. Her magic signature alone would allow her to enter the chamber easily.

Haylee placed her hand on the gates' surface and inserted her magic energy. In an instant, the huge gates opened inwardly.

A cold and ominous aura blasted from within the gates, and Lira and Fiona trembled. Fiona even fell to her knees.

On the other hand, Haylee did not share the same reaction. Instead, her sapphire blue eyes glinted in excitement. Carrying that sentiment, she entered the gates.


In the middle of the forest near Thunknam Peak, Gael materialized and leaned on a tree. His face was pale, and his breathing came in short gasps, proof of his unstable condition.

'Curse that woman!,' he swore, thinking of Deception.

Gael would have suffered far more than exhausting his magic energy if not for the attentiveness of his magic weapon's spirit. He managed to wake from the illusion because of their connection.

In any case, Deception's action proved her so-called allegiance to the Crown Princess was superficial. If Gael had to assess the outsiders' attitude, Ruin was the only one who appeared to be genuinely helping the Crown Princess achieve her goals.

Once Gael recovered his bearing, he immediately took out his communication device and began writing a coded message detailing Deception's treacherous act and the current situation. However, just before sending the message. He sensed several auras approaching from the nearby service road.

Gael roused his magic and immediately saw that they were from the army.

'I see. The reinforcements have finally arrived in Thunknam Peak,' he thought and approached the army while adding this information to his coded message.

Not long after he had sent the message, he received a response.

However, it was not from Haylee but from Lira. She told him the Crown Princess was occupied at the moment and would deal with Deception's matter afterward.

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Gael frowned slightly and felt he had been doused by cold water. In the end, he decided to put the issue of Deception's betrayal to the back of his mind and focus on leading the reinforcements back to Noser. They would only be marching to their deaths if they entered the city without understanding the real situation.

Unfortunately, Gael did not know his information was outdated because he had been under Deception's illusion for more than two hours.


When Kyran left the cave to Azaloth's Inheritance, he went to the Montgomeray Family's secret residence to ask for White Lily's assistance in delivering a message to his mother.

White Lily, who was already aware of the situation in the Regis Estate, readily agreed. She then updated Kyran on Emperor Euan and the Royal Army's movements.

After learning that the army was using a transmission array in Mourchton to transfer to Thunknam Peak, Kyran started to formulate his next move.

Kyran then asked White Lily and Ezra to gather their people and go to Noser. He wanted them to assist Zephyr in keeping the army busy.

The two did not ask any questions. However, Kyran sensed their apprehension. Thus, he told them what the Spirits' were infamous for; ruthless pranksters.

They took the hint, and White Lily felt amused.

When Ezra asked about the Templar Code's possible intervention, Kyran only said not to worry about them. Seeing White Lily's knowing smile, he added, she could explain the details on the way.

After giving his instructions to them, Kyran left and went to the Courtenay Land.

True Void had told Kyran that Neo had already converted its settings to 'Tyr,' thus, keeping Tyr's identity safe. Neo was also with the Courtenay members, waiting for Kyran.

Kyran asked the Courtenay to handle the army's progress to Noser. Of course, he did not ask them to wage war on them openly but to disrupt the transmission arrays in Mourchton and Thunknam Peak. With the Courtenay's talent in Array, it would not pose a problem. As for how they would do it, Kyran left Eoin and Ernst to devise a plan. The two did not have any qualms. They even felt grateful for Kyran's trust.

Frankly, Kyran said this not because he trusted them. His reason was simple. Kyran did not need mindless puppets, but real people who could think for themselves.

In any case, Kyran did not have to worry that Eoin would betray him. Millie's fate was tied up to their actions, after all.

When Kyran completed his business in the Courtenay Land, True Void thought his next stop was the Tower of Conclave since Stella and her council members were already preparing to return before he left.

To True Void's surprise, Kyran actually warped to the cottage.

However, when they arrived at the cottage- to be precise, in Cyneah's room- they found it empty.