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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 567: Best Job
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There were jobs related to all side occupations like alchemy, blacksmith, formations, etc. Some jobs were not related to them like guards, help with experiments, store employees, and so on. There were even some weird jobs like being hosts and hostess or whatever that meant. After looking at it for some time, Iem selected to work in the Formations Guild Branch. From the looks of it, all the other side occupations seemed to be guilds as well.

"You know formations?"

Iem nodded.

"I also know alchemy, but I'm better at formations. So will simply stay there for these thirty days. Besides, I might have a chance to study those God-Level Formations."

Krune nodded and pondered if he should go to the Blacksmith Guild. But it was then that he noticed something different that made his eyes lit up!

-Kitchen Helper in a Spiritual Food Restaurant-

-Help with the cook of dishes made with rare ingredients. Anyone who applies for this has to have some knowledge about Spiritual Food and cooking. If you do apply, you must not have any aversion to any type of meat or plant, be it from Demon Beast or Humans.-

Krune never cared about whether there were demon beasts or humans' meat or plants. If humans can kill the demon beasts for their meat, then so can demon beasts. One must not forget, humans are also animals. It's just that human meat usually isn't so nutritious or tasty, so very few demon beasts ever asked for it, simple as that. Just like humans, demon beasts never asked for the meat of their own race, either.

Krune's choice reminded Iem from the time he cooked in the Heavenly Competition. Still, he found it weird that Krune would prefer to cook instead of selecting something to help with his training as he did. However, that was not his problem, so he didn't intervene either.

The employee quickly registered their names and passed a token to the two of them.

"Put your Divine Sense inside of the token, it will bind it to you. For the next thirty days, you must not leave the Formation Guild or the Restaurant you will be working for unless you get permission from their supervisors. Once thirty days are over, these tokens will automatically crumble. After that, you are free to roam the city as long as you don't cause any problem. However, if you leave the city and decide to return, you will need to pay the fee again."

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Iem and Krune nodded and left straight away. They took a different passage into the city where they presented their token.

Their communicators are still linked to each other, as long as it is not too far away, they will be able to meet quickly. Just in case, they also agreed to meet again a month later in the City Center.

The guard then looked at Krune and Iem's tokens before saying.

"Remember, fights and killing are strictly forbidden inside the city. Anyone who breaks the rules will be executed on the spot."

Both of them nodded, not finding anything wrong with it. If anything, it made Iem and Krune feel safer.

Krune then saw a kid coming running at him. The guard said a few things to him, and the kid nodded in response. The kid then turned back to Krune before saying.

"You can come with me. I'll show you were the Heavenly Tastes Restaurant is located."

Krune found it weird since he only needed the location, and he would go there. Was there really a need for someone to guide him? But it was then that he remembered. It was more like a way to prevent him from running away to avoid the work. It's just that Krune still found it weird to have a kid doing this job. What if the person or demon beast being guided simply knock the kid out or kill him without anyone noticing?

The guard seemed to understand what Krune was thinking before snorting.

"You better not have any foolish ideas. We have the record of your Divine Sense, so we can find you anywhere inside the city. If something happens to the guide, or you don't appear to work, we will find it straight away too. Just be nice and finish your thirty days of work."

Krune finally understood why they didn't mind having kids acting as guiders. After the warning, the kid began to lead Krune to the restaurant.

This was the first kid Krune found in the Godly Path Realm. Out of curiosity, he decided to check his cultivation.

'Really impressive, he probably isn't more than 12 years old but is already in the 8th Stage of the Core Formation Realm.'

Krune talked a bit with him on the way and found out that the kids like to do this kind of job in exchange for Godly Stones. Half a month of work would be paid with one Godly Stone. For the kids, that was quite a good payment. From the looks of it, it wasn't so hard to make Godly Stones.

"Do you use your Godly Stones to cultivate?"

The kid shook his head.

"It's not worth using them for it. The concentration of Godly Energy in the air is already very high, so it would be a waste in my level. I'm saving the Godly Stones to buy a cultivation technique later."

Krune nodded. Don't look down on the kid's cultivation realm. He did reach this point without the help of any resources or cultivation technique. Feifei was older than this kid when she achieved the same cultivation level. One must not forget that Feifei had the full support of the Wang Clan at that time. It's just that it was before she reunited with Krune and got the Myriad Energies Technique from him.

If this kid, who obviously isn't rich, is already at such a level, then what about the kids with significant backgrounds? Krune wouldn't be impressed if he saw other kids at the Soul Forging or even the Void Breaking Realm.

He also could understand why Wally wouldn't tell anyone how to go down to the Lower Realms without paying any price. The disparate is way too huge between the two realms.

"We are here."

Krune looked up and saw the name Heavenly Tastes Restaurant. He could even feel the smell in the air, which made him feel excited. That's a job made for him.

Once inside, the kid quickly found one of the employees to explain the situation. A waiter who seemed to be around his twenties came forward after that. As expected, his cultivation was also very high, already in the 7th Stage fo the Soul Forging Realm.

"Oh, it had been quite some time since someone opted for the restaurant. Usually, most of the travelers without money would select a side occupation or something easy like guards."

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Krune bowed to the guy.

"Hello, my name is Krune. To be honest, I love cooking and eating, so I was delighted to see that such a job was available."

The waiter nodded and passed a small token to the kid who brought Krune over. After that, the kid bid his farewell and returned to the gate. That token represented his task's conclusion, so he had to present it to the guards there.

"Alright, come with me. I'll show you the kitchen and introduce the head chef."

Krune was shocked by what he saw in the kitchen. Several chefs were working without stop preparing all types of dishes. But what caught Krune's attention wasn't that, it was the ingredients. Every single one of them brimmed with Godly Energy! He was sure that whoever ate them would get excellent benefits from it. Some of them seemed to be even better ones that made his eyes shine!

Back in the Mortal Realm, no one paid much attention to food after a certain level of cultivation. It was more like a low-level cultivators and demon beasts thing. Because of that, no one used food to help with cultivation. Even Krune himself never made any food that could help with cultivation either.

"Zano, who is this guy?"

A middle-aged man came forward after he noticed the newcomer. From the looks of it, that man was already in the peak of the Divine View Realm! The waiter, Zano, immediately introduced Krune.

"Head chef Oclo, this is Krune. The city guards had just sent him over. He applied for the thirty days of kitchen work to pay for the entrance fee."

Oclo nodded as he looked at Krune.

"Alright, it had been some time since someone chose to work in the kitchen restaurant. Since you selected this job, you must have read the requirement. I can't have someone who doesn't know anything about cooking, so just go around, take a few ingredients, and cook something for me to see. Just don't touch the ingredients with yellow and red stripes on their packs. Those ones are very expensive, some cost more than 100 Godly Stones, so we can't risk losing them."

Krune's eyes lit up.

"Can I use anything other than that then? Great!"

Krune didn't even ask anything else and immediately put himself to work. For Krune, the kitchen might as well be called a paradise. Besides, he could see several other chefs preparing dishes with ingredients he had never seen before. How could he not feel happy? He would make sure to make the best of the time he spends here.

Seeing Krune's joyful expression made Oclo give a mental nod. He could at least see that Krune was a guy who loved cooking.