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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire?

Chapter 178
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Chapter 178

The ground shook violently. Flames soared through the sky, engulfing the entire parking lot in a massive inferno.

Peggy lay on the ground. Her mind was blank as the scorching heat overwhelmed


“Laura!” Cameron's gaze sharpened. After telling Peggy to stay put, he rushed towards the fiery chaos.

At the edge of the fire, he spotted a car. There was now nothing but a charred frame. Beside it lay Otis with his

face blackened by soot. He was breathing weakly on the ground. However, Laura was nowhere to be seen.

Cameron hurried over. He shielded himself from the flames with his vital energy and dragged Otis away from the

fire's edge.

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“Otis!” Cameron called out loudly. Otis’s breath was faint. Barely opening his eyes, he whispered,” Hurry.... save

Ms. Jones...” before losing consciousness.

Otis had been escorting Laura to the parking lot when he noticed a suspicious black car nearby. He sensed

danger and was about to move Laura away when the car exploded. It had been rigged with a timed bomb.

In a desperate effort, Otis shielded Laura with his vital energy, but the blast’s force left him severely injured and

immobile. He could only watch helplessly as an unseen assailant kidnapped Laura.

“Laura was kidnapped?” Cameron's eyes tensed with concern, though relief washed over him knowing she

wasn't lost to the fire.

He immediately called Lord Blackheart and instructed him to pull up all surveillance footage around the

waterfront to locate the kidnapper.

“Blackheart, Laura's been abducted. Mobilize everyone to check the cameras around the waterfront and find

where they've taken her,” Cameron ordered, his tone grave.

“Understood, sir,” Lord Blackheart responded.

He promptly accessed the surveillance to track down the culprit.

“Sir, I've located the suspect. He’s moving towards Oakwood Middle School,” Lord Blackheart reported.

“Oakwood Middle School?” Cameron frowned. He urged, “Keep the line open. I'm on my way. Also, send someone

to the waterfront for backup. Otis is seriously injured, and Peggy's shaken.”

With that, Cameron set off to Oakwood Middle School. Fortunately, it was Saturday, and the school

was empty.

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The kidnapper had taken Laura to the fifth floor of Block A. Her hands and feet were bound, and she

was unconscious. The shockwave from the explosion hadn't directly hit her, but she still suffered

Chapter 178

from the impact.

The kidnapper was Jack Hancock, a burly Ehainian man with a three-inch-long scar across his left check. His

presence exuded malevolence. He watched over the unconscious Laura with intent to kill in his blue eyes. Yet, he

hesitated and waited for someone to cfor Laura.

Suddenly, a chill swept through the classroom door. Jack's eyes narrowed with anticipation. He knew his quarry

had arrived. He pressed a dagger to Laura's throat and prepared for the confrontation.

At the stime, Cameron appeared at the doorway, his voice cutting through the tension like ice.”

Let her go?