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Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 362 A Confrontation Of Sorts I
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Three hundred or so years ago, the treasured princess of the space dragon lineage, married into the all powerful silver dragon lineage.

And for the first few years, she was treated with high regards, and pampered well. All her desires were catered to, and all the authority within the empire was within her grasp. Everything, was hers.

All, except the full attention of her husband, the silver prince, the most handsome dragon within a hundred thousand years.

She did not have him, nor his full attention, and that, 'ignited' the desire to sort out to him from within her, to rise. She had to have him, no matter what, no matter the cost!!

And that, ultimately led to the story the current Mirai knew off. Selling her own race's providence, and finally obtaining the 'love' and attention that she so deeply desired.

And with that, came a honey moon season specifically for them. Just the two of them. The most beautiful dragons under the heavens.

Within the mating season, that comes once every millenia for dragons their level, the silver prince chose her, out of all his concubines. He chose the future empress, and bedded her at Mount Ghidora.

The sacred mountain of the dragons.

Thus, a celebration was held, and people were in a festive mood. The empress would finally be crowned, and their Empire would climb up to unforseen heights.

Yet at that very day, the people were unaware that, it would be the last day they saw Mirai, their future empress. A day of festive seasons, was now remembered as a day of sorrow.

Because the silver prince returned alone, beat up to a near death state, where he claimed they were attacked by powerful enemies. And he did everything he could to save his future wife, but had no strength to do it.

That day, was the last day that Mirai was ever mentioned. The silver prince also refused to take in a new wife, for he was still mourning his 'beloved', and this took over three hundred years.

She was long forgotten by now, the people remembered her as a mere legend, as a myth of an unfortunate princess failing to obtain what she solely desired.

She was dead. To the people, and to the empire. Yet right before him, there stood a still breathing Mirai. Healthy, and more beautiful than ever.

'This... This can't be.. why is she still alive?!' He thought to himself, looking deeply into her eyes.

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And not just alive, but even stronger than she was three hundred years ago, where the Deity King Realm was the highest attainable rank they knew. Yet why... why was she way stronger now?!

Wasn't her talent snatched? Wasn't she crippled? What was going on?! The silver prince's thoughts drowned his rationale in a state of confusion, as he could not understand a single thing.

"What's the matter, Elaide? Why are you so surprised to see–" Mirai expressionlessly spoke out each word with conviction, and the last words being accompanied by her body displacing through space, and appearing right before his visage, before Elaide. "–your favorite wife."

She finished her statement, as her gentle words ruthlessly brushed through not only his skin, but also his heart, and his soul.


And her sudden ghostly appearance sent out waves of shock to the billions of living beings behind Elaide, who failed to instantly respond and save their king.

"Mi–Mirai... Why are you..." The silver prince paled in fright, as he froze, and frowned. He was confused. He was lost. But most importantly, he was fearful!!

Fearful of his circumstances.

"Hm? Yes, my dearest husband..?" Mirai said, moving even closer to him. So close, that their noses almost collided together, subconsciously causing him to retreat.

But Mirai pushed on further, their posture ambiguous to the eyes of those behind. Yet one's eyes were hiding fear and confusion, and the other, scorn and anger.

A confrontation... between husband and wife.

Between two dragons.


One was a man, a dragon, an emperor.

A genius man who took himself off the lower spectrum, and onto a higher spectrum of power. A dragon born within the essence of destruction. An emperor who regally stood above many gods and countless lives.

This man was Elaide, the proud dragon of the heavens, a force-born chosen, a lucky man. Yet he stood against a goddess, the proud daughter of the heavens, a natural born chosen, one favored by Knowledge.


She was a woman, a dragoness, a goddess.

A woman who experienced death, yet crawled out from the depths of hell, and was reborn anew. A dragoness born within the trap of Greed, and the tight grasp of love. A goddess who stood above the natural laws of space themselves.

This couple...

They both stood toe to toe against each other, as the battlefield was reduced to silence. No sound could be heard. Not from behind, nor above. None, except their gazes which spoke out in great volumes.

One of shock.

And the other of anger.

"Elaide..." Mirai gently called out, her tone suppressing all her turbulent emotions. She raised up her hand, an action that caused the silver prince Elaide, to slightly flinch back in fright. 'What, what is she up to?' He carefully thought to himself.

He was still shocked, and failed to comprehend the threat around him. Plus, a large portion of him still saw the girl greatly obsessed in him. A girl, who wouldn't harm a single strand of hair on his body.

Yet he was greatly mistaken.

"We need to talk." She added, clutching onto his collars, and suddenly taking off into the sky, at speeds faster than the comprehension of the legion masters below.



At speeds, greatly beyond light speed.

They left, just like that. Departing from the battlefield without warning, and leaving the flock of dragon warriors confused.

"What... just occurred, here?" Miranda speechlessly blurted out, looking up at the vanishing figures of both the woman she previously served, and the man she was supposed to now serve.

She was the most confused, and the most desperate for answers right now. But unfortunately for her, nobody could satisfy her desire right now.

"I... I don't know..." A high elven legion master responded, also facing up at the endless skies in stupor. "Should we... go after them?" He added after w moment.

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"I don't know." Another elven legion master responded. She was an nether elven woman, a different species from the high elven legion master from before, yet both being unique variations of an elf.

"All I want to know is that... who was that woman? Why was the Great Emperor so flabbergasted by her appearance?" A dwarven legion master also inquired with a frown.

He was not the only one curious, as almost every non dragon here, had no idea of Mirai's appearance and her legend.

He, and many more beings here were subjugated by the Silver Dragon Empire centuries ago. They were from different Continents, and previous rulers of their own regions, thus they were unaware of Mirai's legend.

"You... You won't understand." A draconian legion master said, his eyes hiding a bit of confusion within. "That woman... is actually very resemblant to the late chosen wife of the Great Emperor, the effluent goddess of space, Mirai." He added, still in disbelief.

"Huh? Effluent goddess? And late wife? No, wait, so you mean that... she might have revived?" The nether elven legion master inquired in shock, awed by the mere idea of coming back to life.

"That, or she is being used by an enemy." The draconian legion master said, then added after a weary sigh. "It was said that the Emperor loved goddess Mirai plenty, and greatly cherished her. Hence, don't you guys think that..."

He paused, and set his eyes towards Miranda, who was still lifelessly staring up at the endless sky. He knew of the connection she had, with the late empress, and thus kept his mouth shut in consideration of her feelings.

"I see..." The many legion masters nodded, finally coming to a sudden realization. 'So she did not revive, but is actually being used as a weapon against his majesty? But then, isn't that bad?' They thought.

"Shouldn't we..?"

"We should." Various legion masters nodded at those words, and armed themselves up, before preparing to ascend towards the skies. They had to fight for their Emperor, in case he cannot fight for himself.

Yet amongst them, a few legion masters remained standing. The armies behind them also remained standing, as they just stared up motionlessly.



The mere idea of the downfall of the Great Emperor, was supposed to have been hard to factor in. Even when planning a coup, they'd rather do it when he was unavailable, or when he was proven deceased.

He was just that powerful.

Yet right now, a way out was revealed.

Perhaps, today, the Great Emperor Elaide, will meet his downfall. And if that were to happen, wouldn't they be free from this arrest? Wouldn't their people avenge their loved ones lost through the dredges of war?

They would, so be hasty? Unfortunately, not everyone lost their loved ones throughout the conquest, and thus, not every legion master felt the same way.

"What is the meaning of this?"