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Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 321
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Chapter 321 Growth

Accompanying her father, Lilly purchased a bouquet and fruits to bring as a visit to Grace in the


Blake, known for his aggressive driving style, adopted a more cautious approach because Lilly was



However, despite being more careful, they unexpectedly collided with someone at the intersection with

a loud crash.

Blake rolled down the car window.

A girl wearing high heels hastily got down from her car and apologized profusely, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

This particular girl had been engrossed in her mobile phone during the late hours of the night. Fearing

she would be tardy for work, her anxiety propelled her forward, leading to an unintended collision with

someone else.

It’s over!

At first glance, the car appeared to be exceptionally expensive, easily worth at least a million dollars.

I could never afford to pay for the damage!

Just then, as the girl was still reeling from the shock, a window of the car rolled down, revealing a little

girl poking her head out.

“Be careful, Miss!” Lilly said, sensing the bad aura surrounding her, she advised, “Do you stay up late

regularly? It’s not very auspicious to do so. You should be more careful on the road,”

The girl’s mind was still buzzing, and she instinctively replied, “Thank you… Thank you…

Lilly intended to say more, but in the end, she simply waved her hand and said, “Until we meet again!


After hearing what Lilly said, Blake drove away.

When the car was struck, it sustained minor damage, and thankfully, no one was hurt. So, they did not.

take the matter seriously.

However, the girl remained standing there in a daze, as if she was in a dream.

Blake carried Lilly into the hospital and headed towards the surgery department on the 20th floor.

As they approached, they noticed a group of individuals sitting outside the corridor, engrossed in their

smartphones, swiping away.

“A little girl scolded a girl wearing a kimono… She destroyed all the dolls to disrupt the ritual…”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Blake raised his eyebrows.

Oh, it’s a slanderous video.

Sure enough, the person who watched the video chatted with the family members around him: “I don’t


understand why people are so judgmental online. It’s not their business what others choose to wear or

what hobbies they have. It’s unfair to criticize and attack someone just because they don’t like their

style. or interests. I don’t like this kid either, but that doesn’t give me the right to judge and hate them.”

Another person chimed in, “Exactly! I’ve experienced being judged for my fashion choices before, and

it’s not a pleasant feeling. People who hide behind the veil of patriotism to accuse and shame others

are just spreading negativity. We should celebrate diversity and respect each other’s individuality,”

Blake frowned.

Lilly hugged his neck, and said in a brisk voice, “Daddy, hurry up!”

Upon hearing that others misunderstood her again, Lilly remained unfazed. She had expressed her

stance. before. There was nothing wrong with having personal preferences, and everyone should have

the freedom to wear whatever clothes they like.

Lilly firmly believed that if those people wanted to wear kimonos on the subway or in ordinary parks,

she wouldn’t say anything about it.

Lilly understood that wearing such clothes in front of the Olivine Temple or at the burial place of the

ancestors who sacrificed their lives for it might not be seen as respectful by some. However, she still

held firm in her belief that there was nothing wrong with expressing oneself through clothing.


Lilly understood that the dolls that were smashed were not ordinary dolls, but rather dolls made from

ashes that could consume luck and vitality. The people even brought the broken dolls home and the

dolls would only bring them bad luck and cause them misfortune.

She did not destroy normal dolls…

So, Lilly did not think she was wrong.

I’m not wrong, they are. Hmph!

Blake observed Lilly’s demeanor and emotions, realizing that his little girl had matured. He felt a sense

of sadness but also pride as he witnessed her transformation.

He remembered a time when Lilly was deeply affected by online slander, feeling overwhelmed by the

negativity directed toward her.

However, now he saw a different side of her.

Despite facing misunderstandings and criticism in person, she remained composed and unperturbed.

She no longer cared to explain the misunderstanding to unimportant people. It showed that she had

grown stronger.

“Good girl, Daddy is proud of you,” Blake gently caressed her back with a reassuring hand, affirming,

“You’re amazing.

Lilly beamed in response and planted a kiss on her father’s cheek.

Blake continued, “However, there are times when you don’t need to worry about certain people. Even if

you treat them kindly, they might not appreciate it,”

Blake understood the reasons behind Lilly’s actions, but others were unaware and simply perceived her

actions as destructive towards things that others cherished.

Lying on Blake’s shoulders, Lilly’s face puffed up slightly as she expressed in a carefree manner, “Why

should others have to appreciate it?”

She believed that she should do what she felt was right, and it was not her concern whether others

accepted it or not.

Blake was taken aback for a moment, but then he burst into soft laughter.

Indeed, why should he feel obligated to explain his little darling’s actions to others?

He realized there was much to learn from his daughter.

As they conversed, the two of them had already located Grace’s ward Room No. 18.

Lilly broke free and said impatiently, “Daddy, can you give me the flowers?”

Grace, lying on the bed with her eyes closed, suddenly heard a familiar voice resonating from outside

the door.

“Number 18… 18, 18… It’s Gracie!” Lilly’s cheerful voice exclaimed with excitement.

Grace frowned, heard Lilly coming in, and said, “Hey, Gracie… no, Grace!”

Grace felt annoyed.

Lilly extended a large bouquet before her, “Here, it’s for you,” she offered.

Grace, however, kept her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep, hoping to avoid encountering this

bothersome girl.

But Lilly persisted, “Grace, I know you’re awake. I saw your ears twitch just now! Look, they’re still


Grace’s ears twitched involuntarily.

This sudden lack of control irritated her greatly.

“Why is this ear twitching so much!” she thought to herself.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Unable to contain her annoyance any longer, Grace opened her eyes, fixed her gaze upon Lilly, and

said, “What are you doing here?”

Grace saw the stunning orchids brought closer to her, “To visit you!”

Grace was taken aback, astonished that Lilly knew she liked orchids, Even her parents did not know

about. this. How did Lilly know?

Feeling a tad awkward, Grace turned her head away and continued lying on her stomach, facing



Lilly intended to place the flowers on the bedside table, but it was already filled with several medical


She thought of placing the flowers on the ground once again, but it did not feel quite appropriate as it

resembled the act of visiting ancestors‘ graves.

Lilly glanced at the head of the bed, realizing it was not an ideal spot either. Then her gaze fell upon

Grace’s injured back. After careful consideration, she gently placed the flower on Grace’s buttocks,

seemed to be the most suitable spot given the circumstances.

Grace was puzzled

Grace swiftly turned her head to face. Lilly, her gaze piercing, “What’s wrong with you?”

Lilly blinked innocently, “Grace, your bed is already occupied, there’s no space…”

as it

Oddly enough, Lilly had a peculiar intuition that if she were to place the flowers elsewhere, it would



For some reason, a vivid scene flashed through Lilly’s mind.

In that scene, she handed the orchids to Grace, but one petal accidentally fell from the flowers. Without

uttering a word, Grace swiftly retrieved a knife and started chasing after Lilly.

How terrifying…

That’s why she put flowers on Grace’s butt.

Lilly bit her finger as she tried to explain, “Look, it’s so nice… blooming like a… fart.”

Grace was speechless.

You’re not here to visit me, you’re here to annoy me.

Grace felt so frustrated she was about to cry…