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Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 484 Mysterious Creature?
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Wang Chao maintained a calm expression and doubted everything Guan Zhilin had said.

It was widely known that tigers mostly lived in the plains or forests of the southeastern or northeastern regions. Mount Tai had become a tourist attraction, with a large area completely cleared and transformed into a modern forest for tourism. It was highly unlikely to encounter tigers, let alone witness a tiger fighting a large blue cat.

Guan Zhilin's expression turned serious as she said, "Actually, I found it strange too, so I immediately contacted the relevant local authorities for assistance."

"After contacting them, I took Bluish down the mountain to find a doctor for treatment."

"But while treating Bluish, the local authorities' members told me that there were no tiger or blue cat carcasses on Mount Tai. They even questioned if I was lying!"

"I hurried back to check, and indeed, the tiger and blue cat carcasses had disappeared. Even the traces of their fight and the bloodstains had vanished, as if they had never been there."

As she spoke about it, a hint of confusion appeared in her eyes.

At the time, she couldn't wrap her head around why all the fighting and bloodstain traces had disappeared. How could such a large area of bloodstains and battle marks vanish into thin air?

If she hadn't had Bluish with her, the members of those departments would have likely considered her a delusional lunatic.

After all, blue cats were rare in this world, and finding a pure-colored cat like Bluish was almost impossible.

Wang Chao furrowed his brows slightly. "Are you saying that you didn't hallucinate, and all the bloodstains and battle traces vanished?"

"Yes, I was puzzled and confused too. Why did those traces disappear? Who erased them?" Guan Zhilin said in a low voice.

She hadn't given up and had even returned at night to test the area where the tiger and blue cat carcasses had been with a fluorescent reagent.

The test results had stunned her!

Under the fluorescent reagent, no traces of bloodstains appeared.

There wasn't a single drop of bloodstain on the ground or the hillside.

At that time, Guan Zhilin had thought she was hallucinating. She had even gone to the hospital to have her mental state checked.

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The psychiatrist had diagnosed her, saying that she might have experienced a transient hallucination due to excessive stress and advised her to rest more.

However, Guan Zhilin didn't think so.

If she had indeed hallucinated, then what about Bluish?

She had personally held Bluish and taken it to the doctor. Both the veterinarian and the members of the local authorities had seen Bluish, and they even took a group photo together.

Bluish was definitely not a figment of her imagination; it was a real presence.

Therefore, the fight between the large blue cat and the tiger that she had witnessed couldn't be a hallucination either. It must have been something mysterious, beyond scientific explanation.

Wang Chao also felt bewildered.

The bloodstains and battle traces vanished without a trace, and even the fluorescent reagent couldn't detect them. It all seemed unbelievable!

Who had such ability in the desolate wilderness to erase such a large area of battle marks and bloodstains?

Could there really be some mysterious creatures beyond the realm of common sense?

Having traveled the world for so long and witnessed various extraordinary events, even slaying some unclean beings, he had encountered many inexplicable phenomena.

And now, there was a mysterious presence?

At this moment, Bluish had finished its fist routine and pounced into Guan Zhilin's arms, looking at her eagerly and expectantly.

Guan Zhilin smiled, carrying Bluish and walking to a cabinet in the hallway. She opened the cabinet, took out a bag of cat food, tore it open, and placed it in Bluish's arms.


Bluish's eyes sparkled upon seeing the cat food. It held the cat food with its two paws and quickly leaped to the side, enjoying its meal to the fullest.

While eating, it even licked its own fingers.

Watching Bluish, Guan Zhilin couldn't help but laugh.

Despite her inability to understand why the tiger and blue cat carcasses had disappeared, the little blue cat brought Guan Zhilin a lot of joy. After training and returning home from work, she would play with the cat, sleep with it, and shower it with affection. The cat's fur was incredibly soft to the touch, providing a comforting sensation.

Wang Chao carefully observed the little blue cat and did not notice anything unusual. He thought for a moment and said, "Alright, let's leave it at that. I'll go back now."





With that, he turned around and left.

Seeing Wang Chao's departing figure, Guan Zhilin felt a sense of disappointment but still managed to smile. "Let me see you off," she said.

She followed him and accompanied him in the elevator until they reached the outside of the village before bidding a reluctant farewell.

"Is Brother Wang really so unaware of romance? Am I that uncharismatic?" Guan Zhilin muttered to herself after returning home. She looked down at her figure.

She couldn't even see her feet when she lowered her head. Her figure was undoubtedly great!

Moreover, she was beautiful, and at work, many rich youngsters lined up to pursue her. Some aristocratic young masters flattered and fawned over her.

However, with her proud and haughty disposition, she didn't even spare a glance at those nobles. She didn't even give them a warm reception when they visited her home. Even if they came to her house, they couldn't go beyond the floor where she kept her cat.

Now, when she had invited Wang Chao up, he could not wait to leave without even having a cup of coffee. It made her feel disappointed and disheartened, causing her to question her own charm for the first time.

"Even the food I served isn't eaten. Bluish, do you think Brother Wang is impolite?" Guan Zhilin held Bluish, caressing its silky fur, and expressed her grievances while Bluish enjoyed its cat food.


Bluish grabbed a mouthful of cat food, stuffing it into its mouth, emitting a sound of contentment.

"Forget it, I can not even communicate with you. Just enjoy your cat food," Guan Zhilin sighed and put Bluish aside. Then she walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked outside.

From her perspective, she could see Wang Chao's BMW driving out of Lede Village and disappearing into the neon lights of the city.

Wang Chao drove slowly, contemplating as he watched the bustling traffic and flashing neon lights of the city.

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Guan Zhilin's blue cat was definitely extraordinary, and its mother was even more so.

A cat being able to kill a tiger was an incredibly bizarre occurrence!

Furthermore, this miraculous event took place in Mount Tai, one of the ancient imperial worship sites!

Most importantly, both creatures disappeared without a trace, including the bloodstains.

This incident reeked of strangeness and mystery!


Suddenly, earth-shattering explosions reverberated in the sky.

Massive warplanes filled the sky, obscuring the sun as they flew overhead.

"What... what is this?"

"Why are there so many fighter jets? Is the world about to change?"

"Look at the patterns formed by these fighter jets during their flight. It's Sikong Great King's emblem!"

"Could it be that these are Sikong Great King's combat forces?"

"Is Sikong Great King returning to the country?"

Many people on the street stopped to watch, and upon seeing the flight patterns of the fighter jets, they immediately exclaimed in astonishment.

There were even many people who stood on the sides of the street and saluted, their gazes filled with respect and excitement.

Sikong Yun, Dragon Kingdom's most powerful Great King, had achieved numerous remarkable feats on foreign battlefields, reclaiming lost territories and expanding the Dragon Kingdom's borders.

He was a hero of the Dragon Kingdom, an idol and a symbol of faith in the hearts of all Dragon Kingdom citizens.

Wang Chao parked his BMW on the side of the road, looking up at the fighter jets in the sky, his brows furrowing slightly. He thought to himself, "The Enthronement Platform has been under construction for so long, and Sikong Yun has finally returned."

Although he hadn't gone to the area near Haixinsha to see the situation firsthand, he had read a lot about the Enthronement Platform.

Especially the advertisements for the Enthronement Platform, they're everywhere—subways, bus stops, and various large screens.

Such a magnificent structure built solely for Sikong Yun's enthronement.

No matter which country it is, this is the supreme honor.