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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 442 - Betray Teacher
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Chapter 442: Betray Teacher

Following the “news” of the appearance of the “magic eyes” genius Richard, as well Master Turia and Master Mavinna tying the knot, the Mechanic Association once again had a shocking explosive news- Richard, who had only recently become Turia’s disciple, suddenly announced his departure from Turia and turned to become the disciple of Nate. Mammon, the president of the Mechanic Association and the top mechanic master of the Demon Realm!

This news aroused the attention of the entire capital. All of a sudden, there were many people who despised, admired, and jealous of him.

Chen Rui clearly remembered the disappointment in Master Turia’s eyes when he said that he was going to leave Turia while Beluan’s eyes were more of a sadness. There was a hint of strangeness in this sadness. Chen Rui faintly understood, but he could only pretend to not know about it.

I should cut it off in time while it’s just budding. I already have Athena and the others; I should be content. I can’t bear too much. Besides, my current status is a spy.

Unlike Turia and his daughter, the two seniors with the same teacher were angrier. The impatient Roger even jumped up and yelled at Chen Rui, but he was stopped by his teacher’s new wife, Master Mavinna. Mavinna only said to Chen Rui, “Remember your choice today. In many cases, people can only choose once.”

If Chen Rui was really that little mechanic “Richard”, he would definitely not leave this small circle that felt warm. Unfortunately, he was not.

In this way, “Richard”, the new disciple under Master Nate had naturally become the upstart of the Bloody Empire Mechanic Association. His unique magic eyes appraisal talent in almost the entire Demon Realm made people almost ignore his ordinary mechanic skill. Many masters who were originally close to Master Turia’s immediately changed their faces and turned to Master Nate who was the president.

Neither Turia nor Mavinna was newcomer to the world. They calmly accepted the reality of the hypocrisy of the world as well as the fickleness of worldly relationship, just like “Richard” who left them to choose the more powerful Nate. To put it conscientiously, the 2 masters were still very grateful for Chen Rui’s matchmaking. Without his damn idea, perhaps the seesaw game between the 2 masters would last for many years. However, the sadness of their daughter, Beluan, after Chen Rui left made them, especially Master Mavinna, turned gratitude into anger.

Although Beluan was not her biological daughter, the relationship between the teacher and her disciple for more than 10 years might be comparable to an ordinary mother and daughter.

After Chen Rui became Nate’s disciple, he was very active. Nate was full of praise for his special talent of magic eyes, but his poor understanding and slow progress in the other aspects of mechanics also made the top master of the Demon Realm frown.

This was naturally the result of Chen Rui’s efforts to conceal because it was easy to reveal flaws in front of top masters like Nate. Therefore, the ability to understand was his best disguise, and he tried his best not to produce items.

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This disguise was currently quite successful. Facing the poor performance of “Richard”, Nate, who was used to seeing genius, quickly lost his patience. He simply didn’t force Chen Rui, but he just focused on cultivating his magic eyes ability instead.

Chen Rui got the opportunity to go to the third floor of the Book Collection Hall to read the materials. Originally, only the master level could enter. This was considered a privilege as a direct disciple of the president. As for the contribution points, in addition to the portion given by Nate, Chen Rui could now earn it himself. His main source was obtained by frequently helping those masters to identify and analyse materials.

Since he had played this role, naturally he didn’t waste this rare learning opportunity. Moreover, the Book Collection Hall of the Bloody Empire Mechanic Association could be deemed the best in the Demon Realm; it was far beyond the Dark Shadow Empire and the Fallen Angel Empire. Many of those precious materials were recorded in magic books that would change, and he had to see the original to understand them more deeply. It was completely different from the previous quick search to find Fertile Yuan Soil. With the help of the [Deep Analysis], Chen Rui, who was invested in learning, had benefited a lot. Combined with his knowledge of ancient runes, he felt that his originally stagnant mechanics had faintly improved.

In Nate’s view, after this disciple read for a period of time, his appraisal of materials had significantly “improved” with the accumulation of knowledge; it was satisfying. It seems that this disciple does have a powerful talent in this respect which is far superior to equipment production. Specialized training is the correct choice indeed.

With the gradual “improvement” of the magic eyes, Chen Rui made a request to Nate to go to the fourth floor. At this time, the Dark Demon forces of the Bloody Empire sent a piece of news.

After Tess’s death, Isabella quickly made adjustments and appointed a new person in charge, Tren. Under Chen Rui’s order, Tren tried his best to thoroughly investigate the truth of the precious Tess Hotel “fire”. He finally got some clues.

Chen Rui came to a slightly well-known pharmacy store at the outskirts of the city. This was the new base of the Dark Demon.

“Third General Adelaide sent someone to do it? The person controlling the entire special store is Adelaide? Are you sure?” Chen Rui frowned after listening to Tren’s report.

“Yes, sure.” Tren was a dark elf of few words. His apparent identity was a potioneer. He had a strange temperament, but he was extremely calm. What he said was the intel that he concluded after repeated verification.

Chen Rui thought of the scene when he met Tiffany for the first time, and he also thought of the small leader of the Bloody Empire’s secret intelligence department, Mentila, who committed suicide by taking poison. After ensuring that Chen Rui had no value in reproducing the “game crystal board”, he said that Chen Rui offended the taboo of a sir when he was planning to kill Chen Rui. Chen Rui couldn’t help but to ponder.

Judging from this situation, there is a sir who perceives Tiffany as an untouchable taboo or even forbidden, so he brutally and cruelly kills everyone who has been in close contact with her. Instead of calling it protection, it is more like fanatical jealousy.

Although Adelaide is also a royal family, Tiffany is a Demon Overlord powerhouse while Adelaide is only a Demon Emperor. I’m afraid he does not have this qualification yet, so this sir is just using Adelaide. Maybe he didn’t receive a direct instruction and just killed those innocent people to flatter and cater to the sir’s likes and dislikes.

There are only a handful of sirs that can make Adelaide do this in the Bloody Empire. One of them is Raizen, the supreme ruler of the royal family, but the most suspected one is Adelaide’s immediate boss, Second Prince Edmund.

Edmund was assassinated when Chen Rui first came to the Bloody Empire. No one knew if his biggest opponent, Aleus, did it, or the culprit played a trick by injuring himself and accused someone else in order to sneak away. The power struggle in the Bloody Empire was unpredictable; it was difficult for outsiders to tell.

For an estate like the Dark Moon, there was basically no obvious benefit in the chaos of the Bloody Empire, but the Bloody Empire’s ambitions had always been great. If it were not for Catherine’s planning of implementing the 3 Empires Alliance, the Bloody Empire had already invaded the Fallen Angel Empire when the Lord of Midnight Sun died. Over the years, there had been many conflicts at the Warlock Fortress on the border. I can take advantage of this to further intensify the chaos in the Bloody Empire. It is very beneficial in maintaining the current state of the 3 empires. At the very least, Tess will not die in vain.

As soon as Chen Rui thought of this, he immediately ordered Tren to collect Adelaide’s intel and pay full attention to the actions of the newly appointed third general. Edmund was a Demon Overlord powerhouse, so Chen Rui could not fight against him with his strength temporarily. However, the Demon Emperor Adelaide could be a breakthrough.

“By the way, investigate the secret intelligence department of the Bloody Empire as much as possible, mainly...” Chen Rui whispered a few words to Tren, and he finally emphasized, “Focus on Adelaide’s intel and movements. Don’t have to go too deep in the secret intelligence department. The Dark Demon’s power is just only getting started, and the opponent is much stronger than us; we shouldn’t attract too much of their attention.”

Tren nodded, “Sir, there is also an intel. Nate’s nephew, Aebew, bought a psychedelic potion here yesterday. I just received the news that Aebew has invited Master Turia’s daughter, Beluan, to the nearby Whispering Manor.”

This intel made Chen Rui frown. Aebew had always coveted Beluan’s beauty. He previously asked his uncle, Nate, to recommend him to be Master Turia’s disciple to get close to Beluan, but he was rejected by Master Turia. He must have lost his patience now, and he thought of using some despicable means to succeed.

After pretending to buy a few bottles of potions, Chen Rui left the pharmacy and quickly moved toward Whispering Manor.

Whispering Manor was a famous leisure eating place in the suburbs. It featured a large number of silent and sound-proof magic circles inside. It was extremely quiet that even if the sound was quite intense, the sound wouldn’t go out. Therefore, it was called “whispering”. This feature also made it become a popular place for many lovers to date.

In a certain room of Whispering Manor, Beluan looked at Aebew warily, “Why are you here? Where is Richard?”

“There is no Richard here at all. I asked you out in his name.” Aebew sneered, “What good is that villain who fawns upon the powerful people? Isn’t he kneeling at my uncle’s feet and licking his shoes for his future and power now?”

“I have nothing to discuss with you!” When Beluan was about to leave, she suddenly felt dizzy, and her body began to weaken. Her footing was almost unsteady.

“You waited so long, and the psychedelic potion in the room finally worked.” Aebew sneered a little more wretchedly, “Soon, you will be unconscious, and I can do as I wish.”

Beluan’s body exuded a red flame, and she recovered her mind slightly, but she was still dizzy. She was not a combat type, and she only awakened demonic fire of her Great Demon talents. She couldn’t even teleport. If she fought forcefully with strength, she was definitely not Aebew’s opponent. She was startled and angry in her heart, “How dare you do this?! My father and teacher will definitely not let you go!”

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“So what! My uncle is the president of the Mechanic Association! The Demon Realm’s top mechanic master! As long as you become my woman, I will propose to your father afterwards. Either for you or his own future in the Mechanic Association, your drunkard father can only agree.” Aebew looked confident. He had probably planned this for a long time.

“In your dreams! My father and teacher will never agree!” Beluan gritted her teeth, and she immediately activated a magic item. A protective shield covered her, but the time for this protection magic was limited after all. She must get away from the clutches of this impudent guy as soon as possible.

“I’m from the royal family, and my uncle is the top person in the mechanics world. Do you think I’m not worthy for you?” Aebew also knew that the protective shield could not last, and his eyes became more lusty, so he approached step by step. “If you are smart, remove this magic and treat me well. Otherwise, I will make you very ‘uncomfortable’ later...”

“Get lost, or I will shout!”

“This is Whispering Manor. No one will come even if you shout on top of your lungs! Keep your strength and shout for me later!”

The color of the magic shield gradually thinned. It seemed like it was about to lose its effect. As Beluan felt her strength depleted, the demonic fire became dimmed, and the despair in her eyes became more intense.

At this moment, the door was kicked open. Then Aebew saw a figure flashing in front of him. It seemed that it was the damn Richard. Before he took a closer look, a wind rushed toward him. Perhaps due to the suddenness of the incident, Aebew with the Higher Demon’s strength actually didn’t have the time to react or even use his bloodline talent of the royal family. He was hit by a sturdy blow. He suddenly turned over and fell unconscious.

Beluan’s nerves had been tense to the extreme due to fear and despair. Now that Aebew was knocked to the ground by Chen Rui who appeared out of the blue, she breathed a sigh of relief. Her demonic fire and magic shield disappeared at the same time. She seemed to have lost the power to support her body. She staggered and was about to fall down, but Chen Rui had already supported her with his swift movement. He placed her gently on the chair.

“Richard...” For some reason, even though Beluan had no power to resist at all now, she was extremely relieved upon seeing Chen Rui. It was as if she knew that this person would never hurt her.

Although this man turned his back on her father and chose a more promising teacher, he was able to come at the most critical time and rescued her from the despicable and shameless guy. For a while, the girl’s glasses and her eyes behind the glasses were filled with the figure of this man.

“Roger and Trus are already on their way here. Don’t be so foolish to fall into this simple trap in the future.” Chen Rui avoided her strange gaze, and let go of his supporting hand. He said in an almost cold voice. Then he grabbed Aebew who was unconscious, turned around and left.

Aebew used Richard’s name to deceive Beluan and even wanted to force himself on her. He must teach this guy an unforgettable lesson so that he would not dare to covet Beluan again in the future.

“Wait a minute!” Beluan somehow gathered her strength and courage to support her body again, “You... Do you really just want to say this?”

Although it was just a simple question, it already contained more meanings. The girl’s ambiguous feelings seemed to have undergone some changes again because of the timely rescue of the hero.

Chen Rui paused and didn’t look back, “There is no need to say too much. We... are not people of the same world.”

Just as he finished speaking, he had already strode forward. Beluan’s mouth squirmed a few times, but she did not say anything in the end. Only a drop of tear slowly slipped from her face as the distant figure rapidly became blurry in her misty glasses.

????don’t make another girl sad... and Aebew would hopefully learn a great “lesson”...