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Cross Roads

Chapter 290
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Chapter 290

When fate turned sour, it felt like a cascade of misfortune crashing down all at once.

Carrying two bags of garbage to dispose of on the ground floor, Stephanie noticed quite a few male neighbors

stealing glances at her as she rode the elevator. She felt self-conscious and uncomfortable the entire way.

Underneath her long, dark green wool coat, she only wore a light purple silk nightgown. It was winter, and

though she thankfully hadn't completely lost her wits, she remembered to throw on a long coat. The modern

style and color of the coat made her look even more radiant, with rosy lips and bright eyes. Despite her

appearance, she felt deeply troubled.

She had no money, no phone, and no bra. Worse, she had forgotten to bring her keys.

Stephanie wondered if other renters faced such ridiculous mishaps. Glancing down at her feet in shabby flip-

flops, she couldn't help but sigh.

She walked through the complex, feeling utterly embarrassed and questioning how she had managed to get

through the past few years.

Maybe the slight fever was clouding her mind.

For the first time. Stephanie fastened every button of her coat before seeking help from the property

management. But her bad luck hadn't run its course.

“Miss, I'm new here and don’t know where the spare keys are. Could you wait a bit?” said the new property


“How long do | have to wait!” she looked at him and asked instinctively, crossing her arms and pulling her coat

tighter in embarrassment. “Could you call someone? I'm in a bit of a bind.

Though the young manager didn’t understand her predicament, since it was a request from a beautiful girl, he

agreed to resolve it as quickly as possible, even shyly offering her a seat in the property office to wait.

“No, thank you,” she replied, deciding to wait in her apartment instead.

Seeing a group of returning office workers waiting for the elevator at 10 PM, Stephanic wisely decided to take the

stairs to avoid the crowd

She glanced down at her chest and sighed again,

The stairwell was dusty, likely due to the lack of foot traffic and a lazy cleaning lady. Her footsteps echoed as she

climbed. each step triggering the sensor lights above, casting an eerie quietness.

Stephanie had four flights to climb, so she took her time, but her mind racing.

She had overheard the new manager's call. The old property staff had gone for a late-night snack and wouldn't

return for at least an hour. ‘So | have to wait at least an hour,” she thought bitterly.

If they enjoyed themselves too much, she might end up spending the night outside her door

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‘Should | ask a neighbor for a phone and call Molly to cto my rescue?” In moments of crisis, she always

thought of her dear Molly

Lost in thought and not watching her step, she suddenly bumped into someone. Startled, she looked up.

“You.” Stephanie felt her mind growing even duller. The stairway lights cast a hazy, yellow glow, and she couldn't

be sure if he was a figment of her imagination or real.

“Watch where you're going. The voice was abrupt and familiar, low and deep, filled with irritation.

Stephanie was unsure whether it was fear or shock, as she exclaimed, “Why are you here?” Her eyes reflected

his stern face.

Dominick ignored her. He turned and continued walking up the stairs.

Stephanie hesitated for a second. She looked to her left and saw her room, 402. But he was going up.

“Dominick, you're the lunatic from 502!” she recalled, her tone complex, and quickly followed him.

Standing in front of apartment 502, he turned to look at her, clearly displeased by her calling him a lunatic. His

eyes were sharp in the dim light.

Stephanie hesitated on the stairs, stopping about 16 feet from him.

His intense gaze made her uncomfortable, but she mustered the courage to ask. “Why are you living here?”

Stephanie anxiously waited for his response. She had suspected the resident above her might be someone she

knew, and she had considered it might be him, but it was only a guess until now

Her heart surged with an indescribable emotion, nervousness, confusion, and a hint of joy.

However, he remained silent, simply taking out his key to open bis door.

“Dominick, why are you living here?” she pressed, his indifference making her impatient.

She couldn't believe that someone like him would randomly choose to live in this old apartment complex. He

could have taken over the whole area by writing a project plan. A thought lingered in her mind, but she didn’t

dare to entertain

Everything had changed. Stephanie was just an ordinary person now. She didn’t have the confidence to hope he

was here because of her.

“Dominick, I'm talking to you!” There seemed to be a thin veil between her and the truth, and she desperately

wanted to know. She shouted his name, her eyes reddening with urgency.

It should have been him caught off guard, yet she was the one feeling anxious and uneasy.

Dominick showed no emotion and pushed open the door of 502 ignoring her words.

But as he stepped inside, he paused, turned, and, with his sharp, cold eyes, asked, “Do you want the Innovate

Group advertisement?”

Stephanie fell silent. His cold question now felt like mocking if she had been pushed to tears by frustration


What she cared about deeply, he dismissed easily.

Stephanie didn’t understand why he asked that out of the blue. A thought flashed through her mind. It seemed

that she never understood him. She couldn’t grasp his intentions

and likely never would

Stephanie stood quietly, watching him. This man seemed so distint from her now.

“If you want it, then cinside,” he said, his voice colder and more impatient.

“What for?” Her expression was mechanical, and suddenly, she didn’t want to approach him.

He seemed like a stranger. She didn’t want to see him, didn’t want to believe he had becso cold. Every time

she saw his face, her heart would leap with joy, only to be crushed by disappointment and hurt.

Dominick clearly disliked her

expression. His tone grew angrier as

. “

he reminded her, “Ms. Reed, what.do

you think a mant and 4 Wotan do

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alorie AN room? You've been doing

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well in the crew lately, using Vincent's

connections to get into the top four.

You should understand the rules by

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now. Haven't you learned the tricks

” .

those women use?” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

His mockery stung, Stephanie didn’t know how to respond. She stood there, frozen.

Then she heard him stride into apartment 502. llis footsteps were heavy and deliberate.

Stephanie thought he was just being cruel, using words to hurt her as usual. She was not good at retaliating, so

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she would endure it and then turn back to her own space.

Dominick said. “No matter how much Vincent supports you, it won't help. If you don’t cin tonight, you'll be

eliminated. by tomorrow morning”

“Dominick, don’t be so excessive!” Driven to the edge. Stephanie rushed in, her angry voice echoing in the eerie

darkness of apartment 502

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He hadn't turned on the lights. Only

the dim light from the hallway seeped

in, casting shadous te teodinside

we mppsiag figire elongated by the

darkness, like a demon. It was as if

he had anticipated she would be

provoked. As she rushed in, she fell

right into his arms. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Stephanie felt defeated. The moment she embraced him, all her emotions seemed to dissolve into nothing.

In truth, she missed him. She had always missed him.

Dominick atted decisively. They were still legally married, and it had been a long tsince they had sex.

Stephanie couldn’t understand her feelings. It was as if her soul bad been emptied.

She felt something heavy in her heart. Anger simmered as she tried to push him away, unwilling to let him have

his way.

But the more she resisted, the more he clung to her.

In the end, Stephanie grew tired and couldn't recall how she fell sleep. As she closed her eyes, a ridiculous

thought crossed her mind.

There was nothing but pain, and he

seemed to be desperately Rtetia to

something all pightyStabitn

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access chapters of early and

in the highest quality. The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!