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Chapter 177: Flight Data Recorder
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Chapter 177: Flight Data Recorder

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 8:33

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

“Corey, did you successfully breakthrough to the Card soldier realm?” Susan tried to lighten the awkwardness in the air by forgetting the fact that Corey had called her Mama. Hearing Corey was about to break through to the card soldier realm Ronnie knew why he felt afraid of someone half his size.

“Yes, mama. Let’s have breakfast, it’s my treat. I booked a table at Prestige Cafe.” Corey called Susan mama again and there wasn’t the slightest change in her expression calling Susan that. Honest to god I used my soul pupils on her to check if she was replaced by an imposter, but her soul pathway arrangements matched the Corey I knew. The soul pathway arrangements of two people cannot be the same.

Susan was flabbergasted and did not know how to respond. Not waiting for Susan to respond Corey grabbed Susan’s wrist and dragged her out for breakfast, “Let’s go. They should be waiting for us.”

Prestige Cafe where royalty has breakfast more like A cafe where every customer is charge sky-high price to be treated like royalty. They charge you a buttload just because professional butlers and maids attend to all your breakfast needs. Every minute you are there, 2 maids and a butler will be waiting at your hand and foot. Food is the best but It’s a waste of money as I do not need 3 people waiting on me to help me with my breakfast, I can cut the crust of my bread myself. Fuqing rich people.

As Corey dragged Susan out for breakfast, Ronnie wanted to follow behind them but I stopped him as Corey did not invite him. If anything he is my cousin, his actions reflect on me. So I had to stop him from doing foolish stuff instead of watching him get burned, “You moron, Where are you going? We have work to do here. Pass me your fated ingredient.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“But I also want to have breakfast.” Ronnie mouthed, rubbing his belly. I was done complaining about his foolishness.

“Sure, there’s the kitchen. Go make some for both of us.” I said pointing towards the warehouse kitchen. Usually, all three of us Susan, Corey and I would have our breakfast together at the warehouse but today due to Corey’s abnormality I was left hanging.

“I did not brush my teeth yet so I will skip breakfast.” Ronnie tried to wiggle his way out of this one.

“Good, more for me. I am famished.” MF I am creating an origin card for you at the least you could make breakfast for me.

Passing me the scrap metal Ronnie headed to the kitchen. Taking the scrap metal I inspected it, upon inspection of the scrap metal I was shocked to the core as I rubbed my fingers across Russian words inscribed on it which read ‘Flight Data Recorder Do Not Open’. This scrap metal was a part of the shell covering a Russian black box (FDR). This black box could be of a Russian helicopter, fighter jets, commercial or personal flights but the question was what is a Russian black box doing in this world. In this world there is no Russian language, to begin with.

‘Where or What is this world? Why does it have the wreckage of my past world?’ This scrap metal raised many questions in my mind. But I knew I could not get answers to all the questions but one. Where did Ronnie find this Scrap metal?

“Ronnie, Where did you find this scrap metal?” So I went to the kitchen to get the answer from Ronnie who was making sunny side omelettes.

“In the airfield junkyard where I was working a few days ago. Why is something wrong?” Ronnie asked, seeing my pale face which looked like I had just seen a ghost.

“No, nothing wrong. Just asking.” I had seen a ghost, a ghost from my past world.

Sitting on the couch I recited the serenity prayer, though I was not a believer this prayer reminded me to stop worrying about what I cannot change and move on to things that I can affect change.

Calming myself I sent Susan a list of ingredients for Ronnie’s origin card. Though It was wrong of me to disturb Susan as she was enjoying a luxurious breakfast at Prestige, all she had to do was purchase the ingredients in grimoire network and ask some helper staff to deliver the ingredients to the warehouse through her grimoire, which would hardly take a minute of her time.

I and Ronnie had our breakfast and the helper staff had already delivered the ingredients.

[ Stainless Black Steel Alloy x 200kgs

A-rank Soul reactor x 1

A-rank Artificial beast will x 1

Origin Core x 1]

Forming a party with Ronnie and placing all the ingredients on the grimoire card creation page I began creating the food production based origin card I wanted to create for him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Back on earth, there were many big franchises and industries which made their goal to mass-produce food at the least amount of time. One would think that this would compromise the quality of the food but surprisingly their food was better than the food at some of the restaurants. It was all thanks to their years of research and huge capital investment. Now I was going to use their research and findings to build Ronnie a food processing card. There were a lot of options to choose from but I had an idea and I ran with it. This card was more for my curiosity than Ronnie so I did not hesitate to get the best ingredients.

Just as I began with the card creation I received a call from an unknown contact,

[Unknown contact calling… Ans/Reject/Ignore/Reply]

I wanted to reject the call but remembering that I had not saved Anna’s grimoire QR code I grudgingly answered the call. So I decided to make use of the multitask and parallel thought processing abilities of my mutated soul.

“Hello, Is this Dalton Wyatt of Lion Cub High” enquired a feminine voice, maybe a woman in her late twenties.

“Yes, this is him” I answered impatiently.

“I am Kathy Duskborn, your new class teacher. You have not been to school for almost a week.” The feminine voice introduced herself as my new class teacher, principal Andre did mention a replacement for class teacher Wang.

“Yes I was and what is this call regarding?” I did not give reasons or make lies for my one week of absence, instead, I flatly agreed.

Kathy where did I hear this name, hearing the female teachers name it felt familiar but I could not remember where I had heard that name.

“…” Kathy was dumbfounded. If it was any other student he would make up lies for his absence from the school but this one flatly agreed with her which she was not expecting.